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Guest I Fear Hogans Air Guitair

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Guest I Fear Hogans Air Guitair

Here's mine


1. Jericho Winning the Undisputed Title

2. Jericho wins the WCW Title (I was on the edge of my seat the whole match)

3. Tie RVD Wins the WWE Title - RVD Enters the WWE

4. Mick Foley's first WWF Title win

5. Hogan VS Rock Wrestlemania (The last time i ever marked out for hulk)


Whats yours

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Guest goodhelmet

only 3 stand out in my mind...


1. steamboat wins IC title.

2. bulldogs win tag tirtle at wm 2

3. foley saying farewell at no way out

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Guest AlwaysPissedOff

5. Ric Flair coming back on Nitro in 98.

4. Steve Austin winning the WWF Title at WM 14

3. Sting getting the ever-loving hell beat out of him by Vader at Great American Bash '92

2. Randy Savage and Elizabeth making up at WM 7

1. Ricky Steamboat winning the NWA Title from Flair

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Guest papacita

1. Tie: HBK wins Rumbles 95 and 96: 95 because prior to that match (and his stint as Raw commentator) I despised Michaels, but then started rooting for him halfway through the match. And 96 because it was Shawn's big comeback win.


2. Shawn's World Title win at Wrestlemania 12.


3. The nWo beatdown at Disney MGM Studios...that was probably the funniest beatdown in the history of wrestling.


4. ECW Reunion


5. The Dreamer/Raven loser leaves match and the carnage that followed.


Honorable Mentions:


-Raw from the night after Badd Blood...the match between HHH and Bret where Chyna set Bret up from a big Superkick from HBK. I was a Chyna mark from that moment on.


-Austin's ambulance attack on Bret.


-new ECW Champion Tazz challenging HHH to a match at a Smackdown in Philly...(DAMN YOU DREAMER! DAMN YOU!!!!)


-Jericho's debut.


-Chyna turning on HHH after Royal Rumble 99. Do I have to explain this one?

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Guest Youth N Asia

5. King Kong Bundy slams Little Beaver and drops and elbow on him, Wrestlemania 3.


4. Jeff Jarrett hits Moolah with a guitar.


3. Chris Jericho's WWF debut.


2. Radicals jump to WWF.


1. ECW reforms on Raw with RVD, Dreamer, Credible, Tazz, Raven, Buh Buh, D-von, Storm, Rhyno, and Awesome...I poped louder then ever before.


This may not be an exact list, but it's what came to my head right this minute.

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Guest Your Olympic Hero

ECW reforming on Raw

ECW invading Raw a few years before that

Paul Heyman's famous interview on what I think was Smackdown

Jim Cornette's famous 'shoot' interviews on Raw


And now that I look back on it, I kinda liked when HHH tore his quad :)

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Guest treble charged

1. Bob Backlund snapping on Bret Hart

2. Eric Bischoff on Raw

3. ECW Reunion

4. Ludwig Borga pins Tatanka with ONE FINGER

5. Jericho 'wins' WWF Title from HHH, before decision is reversed

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Guest Youth N Asia
Bob Backlund snapping on Bret Hart

Shit, forgot about that...good ol Crazy Hands.


Good times

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Bret winning the King of the Ring.

ECW Invasion/Reunion.

Jericho's Debut.

Hogan tapping out to Angle at KOR (I ran around my house yelling).

Bret winning the Title at WM 10.




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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Austin passes out at Mania 13. Although this may have been more of an emotional downer than a markout moment...but it had the strongest reaction on me.


Flair returns to WCW after Bischoff tries to get rid of him. Awesome promo.


ECW reunion


RVD wins the TV title. Basically because I got to markout in person.




RVD slaps HHH at Unforgiven 02. Why? Becuase I just saw it and I marked out like a little girl with an easy bake oven. He SOOO had that coming.

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Guest razazteca

Santo & Negro Casas vs Ultimo Guerrero title match that ends with Negro taking a Powerbomb from the top......I still think it was a Throwing Power Bomb like move, yet everybody keeps telling me it is not a Ganso Bomb.


Flair showing the WWF History Kid Rock video




Eddy vs RVD with the drunken bastard run in ladder match


ROH American Dragon vs Low Ki vs Daniels


special mention TNA X Division 4 way

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Guest RepoMan

1. ECW reunion

2. Jericho and Benoit d. HHH and Austin for tag belts.

3.Jericho wins undisputed title

4. Fake title win for Benoit over the Rock

5. Edge, Christan and Angle make fun of my hometown, Rochester NY


Honorable mention

Storm win IC belt

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Guest Sturgis

5. Hogan-Warrior RR 90'

4. Jericho/Beniot win Tag Titles

3. ECW Reunites

2. Foley wins World Title

1. Steamboat wins IC Title


Honerable Mentions:


Booker T wins WCW World Title(1st Time)

WWF History Video

WWF buys WCW

Beniot wins WCW World Title

Mark Madden gets fired

Kid Kash wins ECW TV Title

Kane's return + Kane-a-roonie

Owen Hart Tribute

Pilliam Tribute

Sting vs. Flair on the Final Nitro (last time I cried during wrestling)

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Guest Kotzenjunge

I'll note ones that I saw as they happened, so not a lot of old stuff will be on here since I saw all of those moments on tape and knew about them beforehand.


DDP reveals himself as Undertaker's stalker. (I got yelled at to stop cheering so loudly by the rest of my house)

Austin returns to destroy EVERYONE at Backlash 2000. (Glass shattering = Chills)

The ECW wrestlers turn on the WWF wrestlers. (only time I've ever chanted "ECW! ECW!")

Jericho debuts in the WWF. (the pop still gets me today.)

The whole second half of the Smackdown tag match at No Mercy. (I was SCREAMING at Edge to tap like the little bitch he was.)


Fo sheez,


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Guest eiker_ir

i'll only mention the ones that i remember the most and that still make me mark out whenever i watch them:



- Jericho's Debut on Raw.....the name on the screen, the pop.....i STILL get chills down my spine everytime i watch it...


- HBK kipping up in the SummerSlam 2002 match against HHH.... ^_^


- The entire WM 13 match between Bret and Austin, simply amazing, one of my favorite matches eeeever!



...there're some more but those are the ones i remember the most....

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Guest dreamer420

1. Bret Hart beat Ric Flair for the WWF Title

2. Tommy Dreamer beats Tazz for the ECW title

3. Rock vs. Hogan at Wrestlemania 18

4. ECW reunities in July of 2001

5. Jericho debuts on Raw

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Guest MaxPower27

1- Steamboat wins IC Title

2- Austin passes out at WM13

3- First time seeing Rhino piledrive someone off of the apron, through a table.

4- Chris Benoit wins WCW World Title

5- Anglesault off of the cage on Raw in March 2001

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Guest bob_barron

1.Bulldog wins the I-C title

2.Regal wins the I-C Title (I was jumping up and down, screaming and shouting)

3.Ron Simmons wins WCW Title

4.Flair returns to WWF

5.26 guys beat the fuck out of O'Haire and Palumbo

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Guest DJ Jeff

1. The return of the nWo on RAW.


2. Austin winning the WWE Title at Wrestlemania 14.


3. Austin returning at Unforgiven 2000.


4. The return of Bischoff on RAW.


5. The Rock vs. Hogan at Wrestlemania 18.


There are more, but I could only list five. Though, I will say I marked out when Austin dropped HHH from the forklift at the Survivor Series 2000. One of my biggest mark out moments no doubt.

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Guest NazMistry

1) Sting destroying the nWo at Uncensored 97

2) British Bulldog beating Bret for the IC belt at Wembley Stadium

3) Steamboat beating Savage for the IC belt at WM3

4) Shane busting out the Van Terminator at WM17

5) Austin day out at Titan Towers

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Guest The Electrifyer

1. ECW Reunion

2. Eric Bischoff being shown as the new Raw GM

3. Vince announcing nWo's return

4. 5. Y2J's Debut

5. Team WWF running down to destroy Pulumbo and O'Haire

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Guest oldschoolwrestling

5.Nikita Koloff teams with Dusty after Magnum TA gets injured

4.Jericho debut on Raw

3.Outsiders destroy Bishoff through a table

2.Dusty Rhodes helps Flair then the Horsemen break his leg to thank him

1.Bobby Heenan comes on WWF TV with the NWA 20 pounds of gold

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Guest BAR

Maybe I'll make a list later,but the one thing that comes to mind is...

Chris Benoit winning the WCW World Heavyweight Championship and then mentioning Dynamite afterwards. Of course, any Sid match sucks but still, it was a HUGE markout moment.

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Guest wwefan4ever_brethartrulz_18

Hart Foundation reunion (1997).


Four Horseman reunion (1998).


Austin beats Rock at WM15.


HBK joins nWo (June 3, 2002).


I marked out the day after No Way Out when the nWo attacked Rock.

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Guest dreamer420
3- First time seeing Rhino piledrive someone off of the apron, through a table.

I believe that was done to Lori Fullington (Sandman's wife) at Hardcore Heaven 2000 wasn't it?


I've seen him do it to Spike, RVD, and The Sandman as well.

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Guest godthedog

i stopped watching for a long long time, so most of my choices are limited to mid-2000 and beyond.


in no particular order:


ultimate warrior pinning hulk hogan

benoit & jericho winning tag titles from austin & trips

return of ric flair

return of shawn michaels

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Guest Lord of The Curry

- Jericho's debut. I remember waking my parents up screaming "HOLY SHIT!" when it happened.


- Hogan at WrestleMania X8. I was there and I cheered so loudly my voice was gone for 2 days afterwards.


- Seeing Chris Benoit live at the Smackdown tapings in Toronto two months ago. He's my favorite of all time and I don't think the feeling I got will ever be replaced.


- The Ultimate Warrior returns to save Hulk Hogan


- Chris Benoit and Chris Jericho win the Tag Team Titles. Oh Canada indeed.

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Guest MillenniumMan831
1.Bulldog wins the I-C title

2.Regal wins the I-C Title (I was jumping up and down, screaming and shouting)

3.Ron Simmons wins WCW Title

4.Flair returns to WWF

5.26 guys beat the fuck out of O'Haire and Palumbo

Just wanted to second you on Ron Simmons winning the WCW Championship. I saw it on WCW Worldwide (didn't have cable). What an episode to start my weekend off. First, the return of Jake the Snake destoying Sting. Then, the drawing for a new #1 contender and having Simmons pull off the upset of the year and defeat Vader. Man, what emotion! I remember seeing a 13-14 year old African American boy in tears of joy when Gary Michael Cappetta boomed out,


"The winner of this bout, and NEWWWWW WCW Heavyweight Champion, The All American Ron . . . Siiiiiiiiiimons!!!"


I always considered Simmons to be a mid to upper-midcarder before that Saturday morning. It would be like seeing The Hurricane (in superstar stature) win The World Title. You'd never seeing it coming.


Now that Faarooq has changed to Ron Simmons, I still sub-conciously think of him as "The All American Ron . . . Siiiiiiimons!!!" when he comes to the ring.

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Guest converge241

not in order


Foley wins first WWF title

WW3 (2nd one) where the NWO grouped on one side, WCW on the other, DDP in the middle with the crowd going apeshit


Jericho Is Raw

Big Gold Belt on WWF (the first tiem naturally)

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