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Guest oldschoolwrestling

Noble - Nidia

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Guest oldschoolwrestling

I was reading Scott Keith's Survivor Series rant and he briefly mentioned a rumor that Noble was cheating on his wife with Nidia in real life. He didn't give any other info.


I was just wondering if anyone else heard this in a newsletter or somewhere else.

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Guest Tim Cooke

He heard it from the voice in his brain that makes him write down all the crap in his "rants."


Relying on SKeith for valuable information or even useful wrestling knowledge is like asking Lou Thesz what he thought of Vader as UWF-I champion.....................you know he will give an opinion but you can mostly likely disregard it.



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Guest The Flying Dutchman

I have a feeling he did that just to see if he could actually start a rumor.

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Guest FeArHaVoC

I think the idiot watched "Blind Date" and saw the part where Nidia said it was Jamie Noble on the phone and he was her boy friend and Cruiserweight champion.

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Guest Tim Cooke

Wake up. I think if *you* would watch closer and pay attention, it was a planned joke.


Don't look up towards the sky now...you will see the horrible joke from that TV showing flying right over your head.



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Guest Tim Cooke

Eh, being fooled by that show shouldn't embarass SKeith. His total lack of writing skills as well as his lack of actually knowing anything relevant about wrestling is what *should* embarass him.


But should and do are two totally seperate concepts.



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Guest Vern Gagne

I wouldn't be suprised if the rumor is true. Alot of wrestlers cheat on their wifes.

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Guest Nevermortal



I for one enjoy his columns. Haven't read his book yet though.

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Guest evenflowDDT

I haven't read a Scott Keith column in months, but apparently he reviews DVDs and CDs now? Whasupwidat?

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Guest snowfan


I for one enjoy his columns. Haven't read his book yet though.

his columns are a 50/50 proposition...


his book is Eh....


I hope his next one is better.


Keith spends way too much time preening to be a great recapper, but when he is on he is in the top 4.

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Guest Tim Cooke

HIs "columns", which I find offensive because that dampers those who write real columns, are nothing more than play by play dribble (which usually has flaws) and one vague opinion.


He puts no real analysis into his writing. He doesn't explain what worked, what didn't work, and why. By just analyzing he could improve his writing 100%.


Thing is, he can't analyze. He doesn't understand the inner workings of wrestling and would fail on all levels if he tried to rationally explain himself.


It is so much easier to throw out snowflakes and say, "This was SWANK!~" (a blantant rip off) rather than actually telling why he thought that.


SKeith will go down with Hyatte and the Work Rate crew from the old days of RSPW as being the biggest "well known" idiots in the on line wrestling world.



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Guest Tim Cooke

"Keith spends way too much time preening to be a great recapper, but when he is on he is in the top 4."


Nah. Not even close. Read some real material from John Williams, Frank Jewett, Chris Coey and then see how close Keith comes to their writings.


On his best day, SKeith will have 90% of his facts correct and actually give reasonable ratings.



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Guest Smell the ratings!!!

everyone loves Hyatte!


i read scott keith's reviews when I don't watch something, because that's what's on 411. However, every time he says something about some great thing he's doing, like, I don't know, a book, I get to laugh at him.

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Guest Brian

JDW used to be Torch reporter, now he mainly posts at Other Arena. Frank Jewitt posts there too. JDW will occasionally show up at the DVDVR board.

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Guest AndrewTS

Remember what happened to BB? They fired her for having an affair with Bob Holly...and yes, when WWF/E hires and fires people for morality reasons, there is something majorly screwed up.


I guess since both of them are wrestlers--they didn't do anything to BoB (of course...aside from firing what could you do to punish Bob even then?), but whatever.

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Guest Your Olympic Hero


I for one enjoy his columns. Haven't read his book yet though.

I second that. I like Keith's rants.

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Guest Tim Cooke

JDW and Jewett write at tOA (www.otherarena.com)

Chris Coey (airraidcrash.tripod.com)

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I haven't read a Scott Keith column in months, but apparently he reviews DVDs and CDs now? Whasupwidat?

Scott's DVD fetish has been common knowledge for a while (he even had a DVD section on the old Rantsylvania site before it was rebooted as the Smarks). And given that 411 has expanded to covering DVDs and Movies, Scott has started reviewing his first real love, DVDs, for the site every weekend now that he's apparently finished reviewing all known commercial tapes/PPVs put out by the major feds in the US...

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

I used to go to tOA as Anarkee back in my more mark-ish days, then occasionally went there as Drezzy. I just stopped going, because if you think the puro fucks here are bad...jeeeeeez...


Only thing I still like about tOA are the fWo and the fantasy booking site.

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Guest Mr. Slim Citrus

You fuckin' people astound me; your ability to hijack threads knows no bounds... ;)


Anyway, has this "rumor" been corroborated by anyone other than Keith?

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To get back on topic, after reading his SS 2002 report, it seems as if you guys are reading into that comment incorrectly.


He was simply stating that it was a rumor going around, not something that he believes and it's very possible that the guy doesn't watch Blind Date and got emailed from a lot of fans who were fooled by it. I know some who were fooled by it as well. If he doesn't know about the Blind Date situation, he probably does now. He'll probably mention it on Thursday.



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Remember what happened to BB?  They fired her for having an affair with Bob Holly...and yes, when WWF/E hires and fires people for morality reasons, there is something majorly screwed up.


I guess since both of them are wrestlers--they didn't do anything to BoB (of course...aside from firing what could you do to punish Bob even then?), but whatever.

IIRC the reason why BB and Bob's affair was used to fire her was because the WWF wanted to hurt Bob after it was rumored that Bob had been in contact with Vince Russo in WCW about possibly going there when his contract expired. The fact that BB was a bitch backstage made her getting axed less of a controversial decision in that BB was pissing off the rest of the Divas and firing her killed two birds with one stone

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Guest AndrewTS
Remember what happened to BB?  They fired her for having an affair with Bob Holly...and yes, when WWF/E hires and fires people for morality reasons, there is something majorly screwed up.


I guess since both of them are wrestlers--they didn't do anything to BoB (of course...aside from firing what could you do to punish Bob even then?), but whatever.

IIRC the reason why BB and Bob's affair was used to fire her was because the WWF wanted to hurt Bob after it was rumored that Bob had been in contact with Vince Russo in WCW about possibly going there when his contract expired. The fact that BB was a bitch backstage made her getting axed less of a controversial decision in that BB was pissing off the rest of the Divas and firing her killed two birds with one stone

Yeah, Bob Holly going to WCW would have been such a tremendous loss--I don't think the WWF would ever have recovered.


Being a bitch backstage isn't reason enough to fire her? Isn't that why they fired so many women anyway?

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Guest Kamui
I used to go to tOA as Anarkee back in my more mark-ish days, then occasionally went there as Drezzy. I just stopped going, because if you think the puro fucks here are bad...jeeeeeez...


Only thing I still like about tOA are the fWo and the fantasy booking site.

Bah, fWo is overrated. The recent comeback has been alright, but there are a lot of better feds like them. My personal favorite right now is the Innovation of Wrestling- www.iowonline.com- the first two Novas have ruled (tommorow night is the third), anything involving the North American Champion, Jason 'Shocker' Elliott, tends to be funny as hell, and 'The Forgotten Angel' Seth Anson is the best World Heavyweight Champion ever.



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Guest snowfan
Remember what happened to BB?  They fired her for having an affair with Bob Holly...and yes, when WWF/E hires and fires people for morality reasons, there is something majorly screwed up.


I guess since both of them are wrestlers--they didn't do anything to BoB (of course...aside from firing what could you do to punish Bob even then?), but whatever.

IIRC the reason why BB and Bob's affair was used to fire her was because the WWF wanted to hurt Bob after it was rumored that Bob had been in contact with Vince Russo in WCW about possibly going there when his contract expired. The fact that BB was a bitch backstage made her getting axed less of a controversial decision in that BB was pissing off the rest of the Divas and firing her killed two birds with one stone

Yeah, Bob Holly going to WCW would have been such a tremendous loss--I don't think the WWF would ever have recovered.


Being a bitch backstage isn't reason enough to fire her? Isn't that why they fired so many women anyway?

imagine if they had ever lost the services of Ray traylor!!!!

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