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Guest RedJed

SE v. Old-school wrestling

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Guest RedJed

From Meltzer.....


"The main storyline of the promotion is going to be a feud between old-time wrestling and sports entertainment with Russo being the manager of sports entertainment."


Anyone interested in this? To me this sounds like it could work, and this was something I remember talking about wanting to happen when TNA first started doing ppvs.


Guys like Jarrett and Lynn could be on the oldschool side and I would imagine down the road we would see workers like Killings and perhaps Styles on the Russo side. If they brought back Steamboat too as a spokesperson for the old-school side, that would be something else too.


Whatever the case, just the fact that they got a major storyline that can encompass the entire promotion might gain much more interest in the product than before. This should definately get people talking.

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Guest Zack Malibu

I was thinking that Russo helping Jarrett would be to sway him to the SE side, and they could bring up their past, but Jeff ultimately goes full-fledged face (he gets a face reaction most of the time anyhow) and sides with the old school contingent.

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Guest ryankeast

I like the sound of it.


I like the thought of a face Jarret (as i've never seen one).

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Guest dreamer420

Jarrett is huge over in TNA and would work well as both a heel and face (as last nights match showed).


I love the idea of a sports entertainment vs. old school feud. Russo vs. Steamboat would make an excellant feud IMO.

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Guest kane3212321

Don't worry, next week Truth will join Russo and Jarrett will turn against him in a SWERVE. Then the week after Jarrett will lose a retirement match then SWERVE us all and becme Truths manager.

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Guest Slapnuts00
Isn't this the same thing as the new blood angle in WCW?

I was JUST about to mention that, and we all know how well THAT worked out. Russo as an onscreen character is NOT a good thing, and after the shock value of him unmasking, Im a little less enthusiastic about the prospects...

I mean, one of the things about NWA-TNA I liked so much is that they didn't succub to any "evil owner/GM" type storyline where everyone has to side with one side or the other. Everyone was allowed to have their own feuds and be put over on their own without the announcers talking through unrelated matches about the main storyline, while 20 minute interviews filled the rest of the time.

I guess I should wait and see where it goes though, but I just know that there's no use putting our faith in Russo anymore. Why this guy still gets to be in charge of wrestling companies is beyond me...

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Guest Tony149

The New Blood/Millionaire's Club angle started off great but quickly broked down due to politics.


One of the interesting things in this angle is that Jeff can go either way. It's well know he likes to side with Russo, but he's the son of an old school promoter, and family has deep roots in the business.


What I like most though is the fact TNA finally has a big angle they can work around which could also be used to elevate more guys to the top. I trust Jerry & Russo on this one.

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Guest dreamer420

I for one loved the New Blood angle in WCW and thought it would have worked very well if everyone involved would have worked together without bitching.


I would like to see a similar angle take place in TNA as Russo and Steamboat would both be great choices to lead the two groups. Even Jarrett leading the Old School group would be cool IMO.

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Guest BoboBrazil

Yeah, TNA needed a big angle like this that can involve several people. Russo should be good getting some of the unknown guys over. I don't know who can be old school really in this though. Most of the guys on their roster are under 40 except for Scott Hall, Curt Hennig, and possibly the Harris brothers. I guess they could bring in Steve Corino since he is supposedly the king of old school. I wonder how far ahead they have been planning this angle. Remember like 2 months ago when Borash said old school might be returning in his Friday report?

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Guest dreamer420

Corino would make a great addition to an Old School stable, if that is the direction that TNA is headed.


I think Zero-One has a hold on him, much like Low Ki so I doubt we'll get to see him much.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I'm all for it.


The tag division and X division have been doing well lately, but up until this past NWA title match...there has been NOTHING else going on of note.


So a storyline sounds like a good idea.


In theory...

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Guest Jobber of the Week

I just hope they don't subject viewers to intentionally bad skits or WWE parodies in order to get heat.


TNA wouldn't do that, right? Right? Aw fuck, this is the same booker that thought Oklahoma was a good idea.... :(


That kind of shit gets nobody over.

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Guest RedJed

Regarding this being similar to the New Blood angle, its hard to say at this point since nothing has happened yet, and officially Russo is not doing any of the writing and apparently has just came on as a on-screen character.


I don't think its going to be a thing were we have old guys against new stars and by the end all of the new stars are elevated and the fresh cycle of talent happens (which was the plan in WCW with this) simply because there is no need to cycle through a new phase of top stars yet, in fact alot of guys are still just being established.


What will hopefully be established at the end is that SE isn't meant to be in TNA, and they could really distance themselves from the WWE is terms of product in the aftermath of this if they push this "old school" side ahead of Russo's gang. I think the point of this storyline is going to be what they want the overall direction of this company to be long term, and not particularly what guys can benefit from being involved in it. I think it will establish the lines alot more though with character sides, and like I said, the style the company wants to promote. I think they've realized being anywhere near similar to WWE was not a smart idea, especially at this point with the constant decrease in numbers up north.

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Guest nikowwf

I'm biased, I know.


But i hate Russo and the thought of him involved in anything makes me sick...


The angle sounds ok, but with Russo leading one end...i don't know....i didn't like him in a similar role in WCW and I just can't see paying $10 for something with him in a major role...


id have preferred a X division vs. heavyweight division war...



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Guest Jobber of the Week

I thought about it, and I figure since Russo has been left playing majorily to the internet audience that hates him, they're probably going to go over the top with his corny ideas.


For instance, a guy has a typical strongman gimmick, and Russo wants to dress him up like Frankenstein and have him spew sexual-innuendo catchphrases.


Technically, you could make a great heel out of Russo with this, just by taking what the people know about Russo, and turning the volume up on that.


I'm still very, VERY scared of the guy getting legit backstage pull though. I'd also rather he be the Renegade Booker with the nutty ideas than actually form a stable of guys or anything or else you risk the "losing team" missing out on all the elevation.


And again, resist from slagging the WWE. It's like mooning an ogre, except you don't even get any benefit from it since wrestling fans eschew loyalty and automatically watch which show has the best wrestling anyway.


A plan like THAT, and I'd say it would work.

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Guest dreamer420

I agree that dissing the WWE on air is not a very good idea. It makes the company seem like they are full of bitter wrestlers and writers.


I do like how they are not afraid to mention other titles with different promotions that their wrestlers have held.

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Guest job squad

a russo minions vs old school coude work it depends how evenly they devide the talent mabey have a 3 way for the world title between malice jerrit and killings with jerrit representing old school killings representing russo and malice being the wildcard representing the new church they coude go with 3 diffrent directions. malice coude atack both killings and jerrit evenly thus establishing that the new church is not sports entertainmen or oldschool they are just evil. or he coude side with russo and attack jerrit or side with oldschool and attack killings i woude go with the new church remaining neutral.

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

Aside from your lack of coherent sentences, job squad, that's a half-decent idea.


To sum job's idea up:

Introduce The New Church as a 3rd stable into the Sportz Entertainment~! vs. Old-School war, with Malice vs. Jarrett vs. Truth.


It could work, IMO, and would definitely help Malice improve and get some rub from Truth and JJ, two of the most over people in the company.


So...who do you see going into each stable, Old-School and SE, if they plan on making the stables?

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Guest Your Olympic Hero
Isn't this the same thing as the new blood angle in WCW?

No. New Blood was old vs. new. This is two completely different styles of the business facing off on opposite sides. It has nothing to do with age or experience.

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Guest dreamer420

Could lead to some decent matches and some crappy matches. Clashing of styles usually isn't good though.

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Guest Muzz

One good thing about the New Blood angle: The Natural Born Thrillers.


I'd love to see Mike Sanders on the SE side, leading a group of rookie's.

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Guest The Last Free Voice

Hmmmmm. Well most of the X-Div. would be on the SE side right? Mabye Lynn and Pac on th OS side but thats more or less all I can think of from the X regulars.

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Guest RedJed

Guys like Red and other would probably be on the old school side too, by the end of it I'm sure they would even it out.


Here's a tidbit I read from a Jarrett interview report, thought it would be worth postin here.


"Jeff talks about possibly working with Bret Hart in the future and he is sure that Bret would have some scathing words for Mr. Wrestling III."


If they get Bret Hart in regularly, even as just a non-wrestling role, this could get more people interested in this angle, I think. Would be one of the better things to do at this point.

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Guest goodhelmet

i'm surprised that no one has mentined that this is nwo vs. wcw all over again. basically, the heart of the nwo storyline was the new generation vs. tradition. what makes this any different?

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Guest dreamer420
One good thing about the New Blood angle: The Natural Born Thrillers.


I'd love to see Mike Sanders on the SE side, leading a group of rookie's.

A bunch of green undeserving wrestlers getting good pushes wasn't a good thing.

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Guest job squad

ok here is how i woude put the stables and how i woude go with their storylines




vince russo : the voice of sports entertainment


flying elvises yang estrada and siak:i yang and estrada in elvis gear siaki in his normal gear to do the reluctant tag partners then siaki ditches the elvises and the rest of se to do the lone warrior against the horde storyline with siaki vs the elvises three way dance


lenny & bruce: you know the gay tag team woude be with se feud with amw then the sats


killings: woude start off in old school but they keep staling on his title rematch due to the war with se that in a tagmatch him and jerrit vs yang and estrada he turns on jerrit to join se


aj styles: the arogant x devision competitor for russo feuds with lynn then red


old school:


ricky "the dragon" steamboat: playing the nwa representitive the voice of old school


sat with red: feuds with the elvises until siaki leaves the elvises then the maximos feud with lenny and bruce then red feuds with styles


americas most wanted: as the jeff jerrit hand picked team starts off feuding with lenny and bruce


jeff Jarrett: playing the son of the old school promoter who trusted killings until ron stabed him in the back in their match with the elvises


lynn: the veteren trying to fend off the se chalangers to his x title

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

Aside from Siaki and your lack of attention paid to the fact that Lenny and Bruce "broke up," I kinda like those stables. Now, with The Disciples Of The New Church thrown into the mix, we have chaos.


Evil vs. Tradition vs. ....umm...SE

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Guest dreamer420

If TNA is going to go with an old school vs. sports entertainement style fued I would like to see The Disciples Of The New Church kept away from both stables as their own group, with a few new additions made.

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Guest RedJed
i'm surprised that no one has mentined that this is nwo vs. wcw all over again. basically, the heart of the nwo storyline was the new generation vs. tradition. what makes this any different?

The NWO didn't equate "sports entertainment"....they were just a bunch of renegades trying to take over the company as their own. Saying the NWO was new generation and having guys like Hogan and Nash in the frey just doesn't make sense. Now maybe if the WWF wouldn't have stepped in initially, it would have went differently. With the initial exception of the angle being the 4 Horsemen involvement, there was really no "tradition" elements of WCW being used in the storyline either. Basically the NWO-WCW angle didn't get this specific in how the story would go as it seems this will go.


I'm going to give this a few weeks to see where it goes, thats all I know.

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