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Guest Flyboy



If the newbie "welcoming" posts here are irritating you too much just post at SmarkTalk.com forums.


/cheap plug

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Guest Texas Small Arms 09

I've had better days, but things are getting better. I just hate stupid shits that piss me off. And when I drink and get pissed off, its not a good time to mess with me.

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Guest Flyboy
And when I drink and get pissed off, its not a good time to mess with me.

Then, you shouldn't drink when you're pissed off.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

I'm sorry did someone say NOT to drink?!? That's disgusting!


Flyboy would never make it in Canada.

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Guest Flyboy

I don't drink. Even if I could I still wouldn't...


It just isn't me.


Plus, you're not really a Texan. You moved here... I was born here.

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Guest LooseCannon

Damn kids! Someone starts a nice, friendly I'm-new-to-the-board thread, and you guys begin sharpening your knives. Relax sez I. These threads aren't that annoying.

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Guest Flyboy

Yeah, I don't find them personally annoying, but I would prefer if 'newbies' just started to post regular.


Starting a topic makes them seem like they want attention or something..

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Guest treble charged

Someone should start a topic saying, 'Hello, I've been here a while, and will continue to post here. Thank you.' Just to see how people would react to it.

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Guest LooseCannon

It just seems to me like they're trying to be friendly and introducing themselves before injecting themselves in conversations. Usually, I ignore them anyway, but... I don't know how to end this post.

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Guest T®ITEC
Someone should start a topic saying, 'Hello, I've been here a while, and will continue to post here.  Thank you.'  Just to see how people would react to it.

Yeah, or just interrupt a normal thread with it... Like it was RNN or something.


EDIT: Just wanted to mention that I started in Word Association. It's a good place to start.

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Guest Ravenbomb

Yeah, bu-



I popped my neck a couple minutes ago, and when I did so, it cracked too much and it REALLY hurt. But, luckily for all you Ravenbombardiers, I'll fight through this and any other horrendous neck injury that the Ravenbomb might recieve ;)

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Guest Paranoid
Bob, I'm not paranoid...I'm pissed off at this stupid shit


Like I said I'm in a pissed off mood as it is and I have been drinking, so you put those two together

Of course not, I'm Paranoid.


I'm sorry, but I couldn't resist. I just hope I made TSA laugh.

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Guest Texas Small Arms 09

Ya did, and these threads are just so goddamn annoy and they take up board room that could be used elsewhere. If I wanted to say HI to every day person on this board you could do it in an existing thread where people would take notice. Don't fill the board up with stupid shit, such as this

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Guest Paranoid

Well said my friend. But some of these noobs don't realize that they shouldn't do this. Maybe now they will!

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Guest Texas Small Arms 09



If you were to go into the "Dating, Sex, Love" Folder and into the "Cheating" thread you would find that a "Newbie" had his first post and came onto the board the way he should have. Not by starting a menaingless shitty thread, but he came on to an existing thread, gave a good response. THAT earns my seal of approval and this guy has already got respect from me

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