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Guest ManKinnd

Eddy/Edge = Misawa/Kawada???

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Guest Jubuki

"I didn't think the Edge/Eddy match was **** let alone in the same league as MM/Kawada 6/94." - RollingChop, third post of the thread


Jesus fucking Christ on crutches, am I the ONLY ONE who's READING everything? Don't you kids pay attention to David Robinson?!? Reading is fundamental, goddamnit~!

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Guest RickyChosyu

Well in that case, RollingChop was just responding to a request from someone to compare the two, it doesn't fall under the same context as "bringing up a puroresu match just to be spitefull" which is basically what Corey was accusing me/Rolling Chop of. Like I said, I can't remember a time when something like that happened, so if it did, it wasn't here.

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Guest The Mighty Damaramu

I still don't see how he could even come up with the comparison.

Sure Edge/Eddy was a good match.

But it was just a match between 2 guys because one was jealous and one called the other a dork.

I don't remember Misawa being jealous of all of Kawada's pretty boy get all the women look(hahaha!) and Kawada calling him a dork.

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

It wasn't here. In the WWE folder, I've seen you bring up some random puro worker when people are talking strictly WWE.

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Guest bob_barron
I still don't see how he could even come up with the comparison.

Sure Edge/Eddy was a good match.

But it was just a match between 2 guys because one was jealous and one called the other a dork.

I don't remember Misawa being jealous of all of Kawada's pretty boy get all the women look(hahaha!) and Kawada calling him a dork.

When did Edge call Eddy a dork??

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Guest bob_barron

I thought so- I'm sick of everyone going Edge calls everyone dorks and kills their heat!!!


He hasn't called a dork since Angle and even then I don't even remember it.

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Guest RickyChosyu
It wasn't here. In the WWE folder, I've seen you bring up some random puro worker when people are talking strictly WWE.

Ok, you're getting warmer....now actually point out a time when I did this (if it is me that you're talking to)....


Oh, and PM this time. This thread has long overstayed its welcome, and since your problem seems to be with me specifically, there's no point in replying to this already dead topic.

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Guest Tim Cooke

Ricky- you are so wrong! This thread is prospering. Now if you really want to have some fun, let's have a thread about how the WWF/E has never had a match above ****1/4 and invite all to join. That would be some realy fun.


Tim, BTW - your comp tape is being done this weekend over break. Now I just need to remember what you want on it.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

I'm down with the WWE has never had a ****1/4 match argument, as long as you're counting all the old WWF stuff, and not just the past year of "WWE SP0RTZ 3NT3RTA1NM3NT." There've been a number of incredible matches in the WWF.


Bret/Owen WM10

Bret/Austin 96 Survivor Series

Austin/Benoit, Smackdown 5/01.


That's just three right off the top of my head that I would rate extremely highly. Definitely above ****1/4 in each case.

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Guest wolverine

Yeah, they've had a few matches over ****1/4, such as Bret-Owen 3/94, Michaels-Hall 8/95, Michaels-Foley 9/96, Bret-Austin 11/96 & 3/97. All of these I rated ****1/2. Wouldn't go higher on any of them though.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

I'd go all out on Bret/Owen WM10 and Bret/Austin SS96 in a heartbeat though. Both of those matches are easy ***** in my book.


With Bret/Owen, the story about a little brother saying that he was the better of the two for a decent piece of time, then actually PROVING it in a fabulous match where everything clicked at a great smooth pace, with great touches like Owen using Bret's tactics against him. For instance, playing possum, which Bret was notorious for, as well as instantly capitalizing on his opportunities, not to mention baiting Bret every chance he got, trying to make him lose focus.


Bret/Austin was just an awesome blood feud that sent Austin into the stratosphere, and provided awesome work all the way. I like the 96 match better than the Submission match, but not because of the lack of the Cobra Clutch in 3/97. I just think they clicked just that much more in the previous match, plus it was Bret's return, so that added even more impact to it.

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Guest Goodear

I have a question regarding the whole Misawa-Kawada feud. I was just wondering how much of it was created by All Japan in that they brought up the whole "Kawada cannot beat Misawa" issue and how much of that has been interpretted by the fan base simply by watching the encounter.

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Guest DragonflyKid

I think Kawada's futility was a classic storyline, I think it was definitely deliberate on AJ's part and think the fans were aware that Kawada wanted a win badly and after he failed to due so earlier in the fued that that frustration grew to a deep hatred.

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Guest RickyChosyu

I liked Austin/Benoit quite a bit, but I wouldn't go above ****1/4 for that one. I'm sorry, but I've grown to HATE the stupid "count the suplexes that mean nothing" spot like nothing else. It doesn't help that the WWE style dictates that Austin had to make a comeback soon after taking the ten or so germans, making them appear useless and a waste of time. Add that to Austin sitting in the crossface for endless amounts of time, and it felt almost like a glorified squash. Austin did a lot of the right things in putting over Benoit as a threat, but he failed in giving the impression that Benoit had a way of winning. Excluding a flash pin, there was just no logical end to the match resulting in Benoit winning, and that hurt the drama.


As for the other ones, I would feel comfortable giving them ****1/2, although I think Michaels/Foley would be better placed at ****1/4, or ****.

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Guest wolverine

Austin vs. Benoit from Smackdown was the best men's match I saw from last year, but it's not in the same league as some of the WWF's top matches I mentioned above. My overall ballot for 2001 would go like this:


2001 MOTY


1-Ito vs. Momoe 9/16 ****1/2

2-Ito vs. Toyota 8/17 ****1/4

3-Ito vs. Momoe 7/8 ****1/4

4-Hokuto vs. Satomura 4/29 ****

5-Benoit vs. Austin 5/29 ****

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Guest ManKinnd
Yeah, they've had a few matches over ****1/4, such as Bret-Owen 3/94, Michaels-Hall 8/95, Michaels-Foley 9/96, Bret-Austin 11/96 & 3/97. All of these I rated ****1/2. Wouldn't go higher on any of them though.

I guess putting the dates there instead of the events is a puro thing. Just thought it was an interesting difference...

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Guest RickyChosyu

How so? He's not talking about Japanese matches, so how can it be a puro thing?

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Guest J*ingus

He means the puro fans' tendency to refer to individual matches by date instead of by the event they happened on. That's mostly because the WW(F)E and WCW had different names for each of their monthly PPVs and TV shows, so that if you say "Benoit vs. Austin on Smackdown" people generally know what you mean. You can't do that in Japan, since most of their shows don't have individual names, except for Dome shows and the like.

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Guest RickyChosyu

Yeah, but "Smackdown!" isn't a singular event, either. The only reason Benoit/Austin is well known is because it's commonly talked about. If you wanted to classify it further, you'd probably have to use dates as well. The recent tags on Smackdown! are no different. If anyone ever wants to go back and compare them, or decide which one was best, they've have to specify a date, since it's so dificult to differentiate them from one another. Catch my drift?

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Guest wolverine
I guess putting the dates there instead of the events is a puro thing. Just thought it was an interesting difference...


Nah, I've been doing that since at least 1994 - 5 years before I saw my first Japanese tape....


"wolverine", who now realizes that the Dream Rush main event is not the best pro style match he's seen, after rewatching it on its 10 year anniversary yesterday.

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