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Guest Suicide King

Ignorance or Apathy?

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Guest Suicide King

What can I and Stubby do to make people more motivated to write matches and promos? And what can we do to make people respond on the response thread? I'm debating beginning to use an extra credit system on matches I grade. People who respond constructively to the response thread or who write promos between matches would get bonus points toward their matches. This would mean that the best writer wouldn't always win, but it would mean that the harder worker would. I'm still debating it though...

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Guest WrestlingDeacon

I think that punishes the people who just simply don't have the time to do those things and are just busting their asses to finish their matches.


I always say the cream rises to the top and the people who go out of their way to make comments and do promos pretty much are the best writers.


I say the fed is just in a down period and hopefully the cycle will swing up very soon. The most that can be done is for those who do care to get on the asses of the apathetic.

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Guest Coffin Surfer

I do respond and write match analysis when I have the time. Unfortunately with school in and work, I don't have the time to carefully read an entire match and properly examine it. Sure I could write "The show kicked ass" generic comment, but that really doesnt' give a person proper feedback, while it could show that I care, it doesn't neccesarly mean that I read the show, since the comment is generic and contains no details from the actual show. Maybe I could just do the ever popular, edit in comments later, and never get to it.


I think we are truely failing to take into an account, that this fed appeals to and is mostly made up of 18-20+ year olds who are a currently in college and most likely members of the work force. As of right now, most of us are struggling with approaching finals and research papers(like myself). and when Iam not doing that Iam working so I can afford to go to college. I am very lucky to have the time to write a match, let alone make detailed comments about other's matches. However I will make a greater effort to comment on the shows. I am sure just like last spring, we'll get a large batch of newbies and returnies as college lets out Hopefully.

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Guest Insanityman

There are a lot younger than 18 though... but I can think of some reasons of just being burnt out or uninterested. I have a few comments about why someone would be this, but I'd get my ass fried for it.


Ironic how I might have to fucking no-show 'cause company and I'm posting in this.

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Guest Suicide King

I'm not saying the comments have to be terribly insightful or you have to grade each match, I'm just saying you should comment on it. Which matches were good. What promos you liked. That sort of stuff. Sometimes a little recognition from one's peers helps motivate people to write, I find.

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I agree King.


I find it a HUGE letdown when i pour generous amounts of time into a match and i get no coments from it. It makes me feel like i spent all my time writting something and then no one ends up reading it. Why bother?


Writting a match that looses is even worse. You write it, and now nobody is for sure going to read it. So to help make yourself feel somewhat better, you post it in a losing matches thread that never gets response to.


Lately its gotten a bit better in the JL. There are some that regularly coment, like Ejiro, Judge sometimes if he makes it far enough to my match, and Z every so often. Other than that nobody else seems to really coment much.


However i motivate myself in other ways. Like when i pop into chat and everyone tells me im going to loose to So and So, it makes me want to win all that much more to prove them schmoes wrong. ;)


Promos are time consuming, at least for me. For me to do a good promo i need to not write a match for one show. Then i can produce ones like my first promo as Johnny Dangerous.


Angles are another thing too. Where are they? In the WF i see little Feuds going but nothing really monumental. The IC title seems to have more going for it than the World. I think taking the tw smaller rosters and making one league would fix that. It would be a do or die. Those who put forth the effort survive while those that don't fail.


Oh well.

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Guest BA_Baracus

PROMO (Stubby P. McWeed);

"Yeah...your comments don't have to be anything special...just write something so people at least know you looked at their match.


The amount of enthusiasm seems to go up and down in the fed on a monthly basis, and can shift pretty quickly. One minute all the reply threads are getting 20 and 30 responses and everyone's writing, and then a week later everything's dead.


Wish I knew what actually causes things to shift like that...but aw well.


Mothernature says..."

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