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Guest BobBacklundRules

I'm sorry, but I have to post this...#2

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Guest BobBacklundRules

I found this on mouthshut.com:


Title : Wrestling Classics : Greatest Matches Ever!!! By : Sensiva

Date : Feb-25-02 4:35 PM


Man is after all an Animal. I believe that there exists within every ‘Real Man’ an inbuilt natural instinct or rather craving for bloodshed. How else would you explain the fact that Boxers make about 10 million every match. This fact has been proved time and time again right since pre-historic times. In this world of social behavior and civilized sense, one definitely needs an outing, so what if wrestling’s fake (or rather choreographed), its certainly better than sitting around watching dumb soap operas or mushy, senti movies. So, first of all I’m a staunch believer in violence and have no patience with ‘sensitive’ people. So, for all the ‘men’ out there, here is a list of some of the greatest wrestling matches over the ages {both WWF as well as WCW} :-


1) Hulk Hogan vs. Andre the Giant :- If I remember right, this was the main event of Wrestle Mania-2 somewhere during the early eighties. It signified the merging of two major wrestling giants, and the two people who ruled their respective worlds. It was the ‘ULTIMATE’ clash of the titans. One who stood at 7’4 and 500 pounds and the other at 6’9 and 350….it would lay the foundation for modern day wrestling. Nearly 140,000 people, a record unbroken till, watched it And when Hogan finally landed the leg-drop, it was a moment that would change his life and take him to be the greatest wrestler of all times.


2) Shawn Michaels vs. Bret the Hitman Hart :- The scene was Wrestle Mania-10. One was an accomplished hall-of-famer, the other a young kid trying to fulfill his childhood dream of holding the world heavyweight championship.. And, finally after 1hr 5 minutes, when the boyhood dream was finally realized for Shawn Michaels, I’m sure very few people would have forgotten the moment.



3) UnderTaker vs. rest of WWF :- This was the first major special effects undertaking by WWF. The UnderTaker had the quality and style that was unmatched by anybody and people were gradually beginning to acknowledge his ability. And, he set things straight as he single-handedly beat 16 of wrestling’s best. I’ll never forget the look on Bam Bam Bigelow’s face, when UnderTaker

broke out of the coffin, and Bam Bam who was sitting on it just fell to the ground.


4) Hulk Hogan vs. Ultimate Warrior :- Another Goldie which officially signified the end of Hogan’s long and illustrious domination of professional wrestling



5) Undertaker vs. Mankind :- {Steel Cage Match } :- Yep, this was the one where Mankind fell 16’feet of the cage onto a table and yet came back, only to get tomb-stoned on iron nails. Heh heh…somebody tell me this was fake….



6) Undertaker vs. Kane { Inferno Match } :- Another classic…Undertaker flying high like a gymnast over the flames and setting fire to Kane….an unforgettable moment.


7) Shawn Michaels vs. Psycho Sid :- Royal Rumble 1997in front of 60,000 Shawn’s hometown fans. Simply magical.


8) Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. Hitman {Submission Match } :- Blood Stone…that’s what people called him after this match. And, man, was there blood or what!!! Stone had his head cut out like a pumpkin, yet refused to submit until he lost consciousness.


Well, these were some of the very best Wrestling had to offer over the ages. I grew up watching this stuff and it’ll forever be an integral part of me. All I can say is that Television was never so dull since they took wrestling off-air.

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Here's my opinion's on the matches that this guy mentioned. I won't mentioned his messing up of sizes, names, and events.


1) Hulk Hogan vs. Andre the Giant


Wrestling wize, this wasn't really that much. Much bear-hugging by Andre...some big hits by Hogan. Emotionally though, it was interesting. Especially there were questions of Andre would really lay down for Hogan.


2) Shawn Michaels vs. Bret the Hitman Hart

I'll give him this one. The emotion in it was high, the grueling nature, good mat work. This was a match that laid the foundation for all other Iron Man matches after it. Well, except for the fact that the next one would have falls in it.


3) UnderTaker vs. rest of WWF

I'm gonna assume this guy meant Undertaker vs. Yokozuna Casket Match 1. This thing was just used as a set-up for Undertaker to take time off for his injury. That's all. Wasn't that great a match...considering both Undertaker, though possibly able to move better then, and Yokozuna...who had matches with mostly rest holds, were in it.


4) Hulk Hogan vs. Ultimate Warrior

Aaah, the first of many "passing of the torch" deals with Hogan. Considering who was in the match, it wasn't that bad a match. Was the best match on WrestleMania 6. Of course, that's not really saying that much. ^^;



5) Undertaker vs. Mankind :- {Steel Cage Match}

Hell in the Cell is just a cage match? If so, Foley would have won when he fell down. :D Anyway, match wise, it was mostly just concern over Foley's bumps. However, brutality wise, it wasn't all that bad. Those bumps helped put Foley into consideration for the WWF Title.


6) Undertaker vs. Kane { Inferno Match}

Eh, if I were gonna pick an Undertaker/Kane match to use, I'd rather use the WrestleMania 14 one. The Kane kicking out of the 3 tombstones did better to put over Kane at the time when Kane wrestled a bit better. This match was hurt by the fact the flames were around the ring, making them have to go a bit more carefully.


7) Shawn Michaels vs. Psycho Sid

The only good thing about this match was that the title was taken off of Sid...since he is talking about the match from the Royal Rumble.


8) Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. Hitman {Submission Match }

NOW he's got a good match. Great buildup, great match...and the slow start to how the company's ratings would overcome WCW's after a while.


Thank you for your time.

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Guest DawnBTVS

I'll play the role of Devil's Advocate and say that you can support all those matches in some way except maybe #3.


Personally using his method I'd have chosen the following...


#1=Wrestlemania 3

Hulk Hogan vs Andre the Giant(Vaulted Hogan to Superstar)


#2=Wrestlemania 12

Shawn Michaels vs Bret Hart(Helped Vault HBK into a bigger star)


#3=In Your House

Undertaker Vaults onto Opponents outside the ring(Made him bigger in Marks eyes)


#4=Wrestlemania 6

Hulk Hogan vs Ultimate Warrior(Marks Dream Match back then)


#5=King of the Ring 1998

Mankind vs Undertaker(Vaulted Foley as a Face)


#6=Wrestlemania 14

Undertaker vs Kane(Some might argue the height of the feud)


#7=Royal Rumble 1997

Shawn Michaels vs Sid(Shawn wins back the Title in his hometown)


#8=Wrestlemania 13

Bret Hart vs Stone Cold(Is there any reason really needed?)

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Guest Mulatto Heat

Would it have killed someone for him to get his Wrestlemanias right? :lol:


so what if wrestling’s fake (or rather choreographed), its certainly better than sitting around watching dumb soap operas or mushy, senti movies.


Now that IS irony.


Nearly 140,000 people, a record unbroken till


Does he mean the attendance? Wasn't the 'official' number 93,000 (or 78,000, depending on who you ask)?


UnderTaker vs. rest of WWF :- This was the first major special effects undertaking by WWF. The UnderTaker had the quality and style that was unmatched by anybody and people were gradually beginning to acknowledge his ability. And, he set things straight as he single-handedly beat 16 of wrestling’s best. I’ll never forget the look on Bam Bam Bigelow’s face, when UnderTaker broke out of the coffin, and Bam Bam who was sitting on it just fell to the ground.


When was this??


All I can say is that Television was never so dull since they took wrestling off-air.


This is news to me.

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UnderTaker vs. rest of WWF :- This was the first major special effects undertaking by WWF. The UnderTaker had the quality and style that was unmatched by anybody and people were gradually beginning to acknowledge his ability. And, he set things straight as he single-handedly beat 16 of wrestling’s best. I’ll never forget the look on Bam Bam Bigelow’s face, when UnderTaker broke out of the coffin, and Bam Bam who was sitting on it just fell to the ground.


When was this??

Royal Rumble 1994. The match itself was Undertaker vs. Yokozuna. All those heels came out and "buried" the Undertaker in a way, by all ganging up onto Undertaker and locking him into the casket.



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Guest CoreyLazarus416

Aside from what we all assume as 'Taker/Yoko and HBK/Sid, I see nothing wrong with his matches. Yeah, a few false facts (iron nails should = thumbtacks, as we all know), but what? This guy claims that these matches are what helped make wrestling great (in the eyes of the marks). And you know what? Some of these matches definitely had me watching, wide-eyed, waiting for the next moment when I was a young mark.

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Guest Breetai
8) Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. Hitman {Submission Match } :- Blood Stone…that’s what people called him after this match.

Gza? :huh:

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Guest AndrewTS

Well, a FEW I could understand.


Although I don't think Michael/Hitman was WMX--he seems to be referring to the Iron Man Match.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
8)     Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. Hitman {Submission Match } :- Blood Stone…that’s what people called him after this match.

Gza? :huh:

Well, they used the image from this match for the SWANK~! Blood Stone 3:16 shirt, so that's what this guy is saying.

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Guest Downhome
Nearly 140,000 people, a record unbroken till


Does he mean the attendance? Wasn't the 'official' number 93,000 (or 78,000, depending on who you ask)?


God, that dude is WAY off, the number was indeed more so around 78,000, if that. Even the 93,000 that WWE boasts is way off.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
Nearly 140,000 people, a record unbroken till


Does he mean the attendance? Wasn't the 'official' number 93,000 (or 78,000, depending on who you ask)?


God, that dude is WAY off, the number was indeed more so around 78,000, if that. Even the 93,000 that WWE boasts is way off.

I love it, the guy calls Hell in a Cell a cage match, says a negative 5 star match is one of the greatest of all time, and gets the match wrong to boot, gives all the wrong WrestleManias, and calls tacks "iron nails", says that wrestling has been taken off the air and yet we talk about his attendance figures being wrong.

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Check this out. From a WrestlingNewsWorld.com guest column by a guy called Johny Porter...



"In all honestly I have to say that I agree with Vince Russo when he said "WNA-TNA and the X-Division is the most exciting product he has seen in recent years." (This being the reason Vince left the WWE creative team to join the Jarrett's.) Laugh at me if you want but can you blame me when TNA boasts such main event superstars as Ken Shamrock, Sabu, Sean Waltman (aka X-Pac), Jeff Jarrett, Scott Hall and Steve Corino. Now there is no disputing that that is a roster to be proud of. Only having one event a week and not having 6 shows a week being rammed down our throats, as is the style of the WWE as late, means we have more time to look forward and anticipate a good fight."

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
Check this out. From a WrestlingNewsWorld.com guest column by a guy called Johny Porter...



"In all honestly I have to say that I agree with Vince Russo when he said "WNA-TNA and the X-Division is the most exciting product he has seen in recent years." (This being the reason Vince left the WWE creative team to join the Jarrett's.) Laugh at me if you want but can you blame me when TNA boasts such main event superstars as Ken Shamrock, Sabu, Sean Waltman (aka X-Pac), Jeff Jarrett, Scott Hall and Steve Corino. Now there is no disputing that that is a roster to be proud of. Only having one event a week and not having 6 shows a week being rammed down our throats, as is the style of the WWE as late, means we have more time to look forward and anticipate a good fight."

No if only you'd deliever the good fight, instead of using it to advertise for next week. Although Jarrett/Killings was good.



Corino should be champ.

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Guest El Psycho Diablo

ha ha, he he.


Watch me laugh when I realize people have their own tastes. (Wait. Can we allow that? Feed him ten Benoit matches, stat!)



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Guest godthedog
ha ha, he he.


Watch me laugh when I realize people have their own tastes. (Wait. Can we allow that? Feed him ten Benoit matches, stat!)



it's not his tastes that are funny, and that's not why this dumbass is being picked on. it's funny that he got so many things wrong. we're all very much entitled to laugh at someone who says bret/shawn took place at wrestlemania 10, there were 148,000 people at wrestlemania 3, and undertaker/mankind was a cage match, all in the same breath.

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Guest Mulatto Heat
UnderTaker vs. rest of WWF :- This was the first major special effects undertaking by WWF. The UnderTaker had the quality and style that was unmatched by anybody and people were gradually beginning to acknowledge his ability. And, he set things straight as he single-handedly beat 16 of wrestling’s best. I’ll never forget the look on Bam Bam Bigelow’s face, when UnderTaker broke out of the coffin, and Bam Bam who was sitting on it just fell to the ground.


When was this??

Royal Rumble 1994. The match itself was Undertaker vs. Yokozuna. All those heels came out and "buried" the Undertaker in a way, by all ganging up onto Undertaker and locking him into the casket.



Hm. I seem to remember that once Taker was in the casket, that was it until the "rose to the heavens" (which admittedly wasn't as stupid when I was 12 watching it for the first time as it is now at 21).


Then again, it has been more than eight years since I saw that match.

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Guest Brian
2) Shawn Michaels vs. Bret the Hitman Hart

I'll give him this one. The emotion in it was high, the grueling nature, good mat work. This was a match that laid the foundation for all other Iron Man matches after it. Well, except for the fact that the next one would have falls in it.

How many iron man matches followed this? Two?


This match was basically trying to do Bret/Flair with politics.

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Guest Brian

Rock/HHH and Benoit/Angle. Neither of them really went that direction. HHH/Rock was designed to protect both guys faults. Benoit/Angle was pretty ugly.

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Rock/HHH and Benoit/Angle. Neither of them really went that direction. HHH/Rock was designed to protect both guys faults. Benoit/Angle was pretty ugly.

Benoit/Angle wasn't a true Iron Man Match.


If it were an hour long, then it would be an Iron Man Match. That match was only 30 minutes.

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