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Guest Suicide King

CRIMSON card for Nov 29th!

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Guest Ash Ketchum

Nice card.


Man, I'd love to book one of these shows... :)


Yes, I keep track of what's going on in the SJL. It's not like I'd randomly throw people into matches. :P

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Guest 5_moves_of_doom


It was twice. Moron.

Ahem, lesse...


ONE - Todski vs. TNT - Our first match ever, respectably, I win.


TWO - Todski vs. TNT - Our third match each, I win.


Todski vs. TNT - Our match at Absolution, we write it together, ends in a draw.


Todski vs. TNT - Our feud blowoff 2/3 falls match, which we write together [though you practically only let me write a quarter of the match, since I ruled too much] and I job.


THREE - Todski vs. TNT vs. Zed vs. Danno - Our first WF match ever... Z and Danny no-show [first of Z's GAZILLION no-shows, and pretty much Danny's only no-show to my knowledge] leaving our matches to duke it out. You like yours, I hate mine... Thugg marks, I win.


FOUR - LDP/Todski vs. Frosty/TNT - Ground Zero, Frost and I write this match AND a fucking GOOD portion of War Games [i'm not cocky or anything, but I'd say us two contributed the most to War Games... not necessarily the best, since Wilson and Danny and OC wrote some masterpiece stuff, but we both edited it and re-edited it and wrote and wrote and wrote] and win BOTH matches.


Right... sooo.... yeah, four.

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Guest 5_moves_of_doom
Are you still on that? Man, get a life.

Anything to prove that I own you Tod... ANYTHING.

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Guest TheBostonStrangler

As far as I can tell, this is the equation


Galatea > TBS > Brick > Everyone > TNT and Tod > Ash


Any questions?

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Guest realitycheck
As far as I can tell, this is the equation


Galatea > TBS > Brick > Everyone > TNT and Tod > Ash


Any questions?


I refer to the above as "The Ghey Chain."


[/Trebel Charger]



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