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Guest Lord of The Curry

Victoria and Richards...

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Guest Lord of The Curry

Ok, I'm not interested. Victoria is 100% perfection in her role, we need more pseudo-lesbian masochistic chicks in wrestling these days. Richards can pull off the sexually creepy role well too.


But where is it all going?


Probably nowhere like 99% of their angles, but hey, let's theorize.


1) Victoria begins to display dominatrix tendancies over the next while, calling Richards her bitch and ordering him around.


2) Victoria becomes the chick who gets off on pain and being ordered around by men but loves ordering around women.


3) Victoria continues to pursue Stacey Kiebler in a lesbian-esque fashion. This one I can see possible, as it would be a good segway if they ever wanted to bring Raven back to Raw. Have Stacey leave Test for Richards and Victoria, then bring in Raven as the "mastermind" behind it all. Add some other young guy and you've got a new Flock/Nest.

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Guest Paranoid

That was also an entertaining segment when Vic licked Stacy's neck. Damn Vic plays a very good physco.

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Guest DJ Jeff

Victoria rules. She's the best woman wrestler I've seen in the WWE in awhile. Plus, I like her gimmick.

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Guest Kinetic

It's a pretty good gimmick. Shame about the execution, though. She just really isn't striking me as credible in that role. She can't act worth a damn, for one thing. If she'd just work on making the delivery of her lines seem more natural and maybe practice some sinister faces in the mirror, she'd be the best heel to ever have "We Want Puppies!" chanted during all of her matches.

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I only see one thing wrong with Victoria...


She's not Molly.


Other than that, she's great. She's my second favorite WWE Female.


And remember, it's Molly who BROUGHT IN Victoria!

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Guest job squad

ok here is how i see it going down as a love square thats right vince has decided to upgrade the triangle


victoria and stevie are the creapy couple

stacy and test are the "normal couple"

stacy and victoria are the potential s and m lesbo couple


if it turns out that stacy likes victoria in that way. Where does that leave test. Does he end up on heat as the gilted lover. (you know that he woude not be on the main show without stacys ass on the screen)


Also you know that richards woudent mind stacy joining him and vic. Remember he is one of the creapy ones. Also 2 weeks ago when he taged with test he ended up groping stacy.

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Guest Youth N Asia

I'd like the gimmick if she could pull it off...she's such a lousey actress. Maybe Richards will take over the most mic time out of the two.

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Guest razazteca

Jazz & Victoria in a S&M love triangle with Stevie = ratings. Add Raven and Dreamer for the perfect midcard storyline.

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Guest Paranoid
I'd like the gimmick if she could pull it off...she's such a lousey actress. Maybe Richards will take over the most mic time out of the two.

Well, it's rare we get a good in-ring talent and a good actor/ess all in one. But as long as the angle stays interesting I'll be happy.

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Guest RickyChosyu

This is the kind of thing that really makes me wonder just how "uninvolved" Heyman is with Raw. It just wreaks of him.


And I think even calling Victoria an "actress" is an insult to every actress in the history of cinema (save Melony Grifith).


"I'm worried about shrinkage." - Christian, who obviously thinks Seinfeld is still on the air.

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Guest Vyce

Let me just say how much I LOVE THIS ANGLE.


I do, it's true, it's true.


Eh, so what if Vic is a bad actress. They're ALL bad actresses. All I know is, she's hot, she's crazy, and there's nothing hotter than a crazy girl.


Plus any angle which gives Stevie a push gets a thumbs up from me.

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Guest RickyChosyu

If you mean "hot, like an over-acting porn star" then I can see your point, but there are other outlets for that sort of thing featuring hotter women over-acting in a far more sensual manner.


"...I might just be thinking of you...." - Victoria to Stacy, teasing the debut of FORCED HLA, a guaranteed ratings grabber


"Certainly one of the most TALENTED tag teams in the WWE today." - Jim Ross, talking about Storm and Regal, and no doubt pissing off Jamal and Rossie."

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Guest J*ingus

Bad doesn't even begin to describe her acting in my opinion, she's horrible. Like an amateurish high school actress trying to portray a "crazy" person. I mean, Jake Roberts was crazy. Cactus Jack was crazy. Victoria is just like some serial killer in a B-grade horror flick, telling the cop hero about how alike they are.

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Guest RickyChosyu

Agreed. She makes Luger look like Pacino out there.




*Kane sticks his head WAY outside the ring while waking the ref and-there's the chairshot*


that was....dumb.


"I don't understand this relationship at all." - Jim Ross, who might as well keep repeating that all night to earn his pay

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Guest BA_Baracus



...knowing Raw...I'll say absolutely nowhere. They'll probably have them run in during each other's matches for a few weeks then totally forget about them being together and book them in a match against each other 2 weeks later with absolutely no mention of their history.

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Guest Blayde Starrfyre

"1) Victoria begins to display dominatrix tendancies over the next while, calling Richards her bitch and ordering him around."


That would make a lot of sense, remember when Richards wanted Stacy to cane his ass? Being that your proposition would make sense in the history of past angles, that's a pretty good indicator that it won't happen :)


I have to disagree with you guys, I think Victoria has done an admirable job with her role, and assuming she gets better in the ring, I think a teaming of her and Richards is a natural and could make for good TV.

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Guest dreamer420

I'm liking the Victoria charactor right now. I think she plays the part well and she is pretty over for someone with so little WWE experience. Teaming her with Steven Richards is kind of odd, but understandable, as I believe Steven is in line for a push and what better way to get him over as well.

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Guest NoCalMike

I'd like this angle to lead into Raven coming back and reforming the nest, but not if the only purpose is to feed Raven to Test. The way Stevie is acting, trying to be suave. It would be hilarious if Raven just comes on Raw, DDTs him and ridicules him and people think Stevie will stand up to him, but all that happens is, it turns Stevie back into the clueless putz and Raven's lackey, "Big Stevie Cool" Stevie "The King of Swing" Richards.

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Guest EricMM

I'd just like to say that this doesn't seem to have anything to do with Raven at all. I never saw the flock at all, but why is it everytime a character with dark hair is a little bit crazy, people talk about the flock?


Personally I felt the layers of this fued can provide some great TV. You've got Stevie/Test, Stacy/Trish, Trish/Vicky, Stacy/Vicky, Stacy/Test. Obviously some are promos not matches. But at least it's plot that's 2 weeks old. And it's interesting.

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Guest Y2BigJ

Everything time Richards is involved in anything Raven is going to brought up. Richards will always b ee thought of as Raven's lackey by smarks.

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Guest buffybeast

I likw Victoria's psycho bitch, quasi lesbian persona. I'd like to see WWE continue using Vicky as a lesbo stalker chick.


I think the sado-masochistic relationship between Vicky and Stevie could be interesting.

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Guest netslob

i am also digging this Vicki/ Stevie relationship. i predict, at it's climax, Stevie will do something boneheaded, pissing off Victoria and causing her to slap him, at which point Raven will appear out of nowhere, DDT Victoria, and scream "NOBODY slaps Stevie around but ME!!" he and Stevie then join hands and skip off into the sunset. mark my words.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
Well considering Richards biggest gimmick without Raven has been the RTC.

RTC with just Bull and Stevie was the biggest midcard heat-getter in ten years.


Cheap heat to be sure, but heat nontheless.

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