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Guest BifEverchad

Vince Russo

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Guest BifEverchad

After the opening match on tonight's NWA-TNA PPV, they showed Mike Tenay at ringside who said he had something to get off his chest. He said he loves TNA's respect for action and history. He then mustered up anger on his face and said he doesn't like working with Vince Russo. He said he doesn't like what Vince Russo stands for. He said he stood by for four years in WCW while that company crumbled, but he won't sit by idly in TNA to let him take over with his sports entertainment. West said he didn't know Tenay had that kind of animosity, and said he didn't have an opinion. Tenay said he would have an opinion if it cost him his job.


Vince Russo then crashed the ring with the mic. He got in Tenay's face. "I will get a chimpanzee in here with more personality than you," Russo yelled. "Go pout with Sean Waltman, why don't you."


Russo then turned to the crowd and said, "For those who don't know, I am Vince Russo and I am the anti-Christ of professional wrestling. I've kept a low profile for two years, but I figured before this business gets deeper in the shitter, Vince Russo better come back." He said if the guy in back cuts off his mic, he'll go back there and "kick the shit out of him." Hey, Russo is a former WCW Champion!


Russo said he was there to talk about Jeff Jarrett. He said when he met him he had a terrible gimmick, but despite that he was genuine to him. Russo then talked about Jarrett leaving the WWF to jump on the NWO bandwagon and he didn't even tell him ahead of time. He said Jeff begged him to get him back into the WWF, and he pulled some strings. Russo said he went to WCW, then that week they had a "girl" beat Jeff Jarrett by the name of Chyna. He said Jeff called him and begged him to get him into WCW. He said he made Jeff Jarrett the WCW Champion (wrestling is fake, remember). He said thank got WCW got sold because he was out of that hell hole. He said Jeff Jarrett called him up when he was starting up a new NWA promotion. He said he gave them the idea for TNA but it didn't mean "Total Nonstop Action," it mean "Tits 'n' Ass."


"He said Jeff Jarrett was led by the nose by a conniving diabolical senile old man piece of shit back there whose name I won't mention because if I do I'll vomit on this very mess. I'll tell you what, Jeff tells me, sit home Vince, I'll call you when I need you." I'm sick of waiting for you to call me, so I took it upon myself to show up tonight." I think he meant "last week." Some fans chanted "Russo, Russo."


"This product sucks, WWE sucks, and Vince Russo is here to save the day once again," Russo said he had once chance to stop him because beginning next week, things will be different. He said he was giving him one opportunity to make the choice to do things the hard way or the easy way.


Throughout the segment they showed Tenay fuming at ringside.


Tenay said Russo is "everything that is wrong with pro wrestling today." He quoted a recent interview with Roddy Piper who said he was a cancer to the wrestling industry.


No, you didn't miss anything. Nothing has been established yet to make clear exactly what if any power or role Russo has with TNA. All we know is he interfered in the NWA Title match last week to help Jeff Jarrett win, then cut a promo this week that was meant to be portrayed as unplanned in which he ripped on Jeff Jarrett.


Tenay said the day that Russo signs his checks is the day he leaves TNA. (Technically, since Panda Energy owns the company and signs the checks, that will never happen unless Russo buys the company.)




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Guest HartFan86
For those who don't know, I am Vince Russo and I am the anti-Christ of professional wrestling.

And he finally speaks the truth.

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Guest Mulatto Heat

I didn't think Vince Russo can be any more of a talentless hack, then I go and read this.

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Guest BifEverchad
I didn't think Vince Russo can be any more of a talentless hack, then I go and read this.

Man, I love Vince Russo. Call me crazy but I just dig the guy.

He's an asshole, and a great character, no matter what anyone says.

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Guest Mulatto Heat

Wow, I didn't know being an asshole was something to be applauded.


Watch him be the one to beat Jarrett for that NWA World title.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

1. Russo isn't the booker


2. All NWA title changes must be approved by the NWA board of directors. It is their belt.


3. The promo served the storyline fine. Sports Entertainment vs. Old School wrestling.

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Guest dreamer420
1. Russo isn't the booker


2. All NWA title changes must be approved by the NWA board of directors. It is their belt.


3. The promo served the storyline fine. Sports Entertainment vs. Old School wrestling.

All very good points dude. I missed the show tonight because of satellite troubles but it sounded like a very interesting program.

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Guest Slapnuts00

I'll admit the show was still very good, besides the gut wrenching 10 minute promo, it was their usual show with solid wrestling. I just worry that there's not too much beauracry for Russo to plow through if he wanted to be in charge. Oh and I'd bet most anything he has at least some booking influence. Syxx is gone, Teny could leave. Russo is no good...

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Guest dreamer420

The stuff with Tenay is all a work isn't it? I don't believe TNA would let Mike Tenay go one the air live and shoot his ass off at Russo.

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Guest Zack Malibu

Russo's simply a character now, not unlike Eric Bischoff on RAW. And honestly, last night, other than Russo, it seemed like there was a little less sports entertainment. Hell, Bruce is back to being Angry Alan Funk now, so that's one more thing that we don't have to see. Now if Brian Lawler will actually STAY retired...


Back to Russo though. I absolutely do not agree with everything he does, and I agree with a lot of the backlash he recieves. But for now, he's a character, an asshole that's playing the reality card because he knows smarks can't stand him. As far as booking, I for one can't stand the "random match generator" style booking that he pulls out for a cheap pop (like the tables match Waltman mentioned in his statement), and I can't stand the "Tits N Ass" booking (The April Saga), but he's typically been good for the young guys. He knows he's helped create some of the biggest stars in wrestling, and he's always willing to try again. Remember, he's the one who at one time saved Mike Sanders job, so he has done some good in this industry.

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Guest Tony149

Zack's right. All Russo is doing is playing off the hate he receives from smarks. And I don't think he's doing any booking, maybe helping with some prouction work, but for the most part it seems he's role will be an on-screen character.

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Guest dreamer420

That is what I was hoping for. The same kind of role that Eric Bischoff has on Raw. I think if he plays off the heat he has with the smart marks out there, the role could work

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Guest Banky

I give you all 2 weeks before you turn on him. Why would anyone want this show as a subsititute for the WWE when you are going to ahve the same pseudo-shoot, 'sportz enterainment' angles all the time. There was absolutely nothing wrong with what they were doing in the past, now they crud it up with this shit. They have to seperate themselves from their competition or they'll sink. Plus, the WWE already tried the old school vs. new school angle. Remember the NWA angle from '98? Exactly.

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Guest dreamer420

TNA isn't my substitute for the WWE. I'm a fan of both. I didn't exactly say that I wanted him to be Eric Bischoff. I said I wanted his role to be like Bischoff's in WWE. On camera and not part of the creative process.

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Guest Zack Malibu
Plus, the WWE already tried the old school vs. new school angle. Remember the NWA angle from '98? Exactly.

That was Vince's version of comparing dick size with his competitors. He pissed on tradition to make the statement that it was dead, and SPORTZ ENTERTAINMENT was going to reign supreme. You honestly think they expected ANYONE to take The New Midnight Express seriously? You think they didn't have a reason to turn one of the greatest babyface duos, The Rock N Roll Express, heel? It was nothing more than Vince trying to stroke his ego even more.


And I won't turn on TNA, just like I didn't turn on ECW. Both have their fair share of crap, and spotty/sloppy workers, but they've also got plenty of good in there. If they work on establishing characters/personas rather than just sticking them out there (like what they are doing with EZ Money...letting him show himself off to the crowd before sticking him in an angle) then they'll do just fine.


ECW also catered to smart fans. While it shouldn't be the basis of your storylines, even the casual fan can tell the difference between "old school" and "sports entertainment".


And as I've stated before, Russo is a character. TNA knows that their audience is mostly smart fans, and they're building on that.


And it's come to the point where I'd pay $9.95 a week to see Russo act like a dick on-screen then watch RAW and see the proof that certain people are still dicks off-screen (you know who that means).

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I already hate Russo.


But the angle is so far so good with me.


My main point was no matter how much power he gets in TNA he still would have no bearing on crowning a new NWA champion just by saying so.


That title is governed strongly by the NWA board. That's why that title (even though its the oldest) has never been held by a David Arquette type or a Vince McMahon type.

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Guest Banky

Fair enough, but always remember that Russo has ALWAYS been in the business for himself. He doesn't care about this fledging company. This angle will tank when Russo puts himself ahead of it. Wait until he starts wrestling, than tell me he isn't an arrogant conceited shit.

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Guest The Notorious CRD

I think you have to take the good with the bad and Vince Russo isn't so bad if he's kept under control. At least we know he can't throw the NWA title on some undeserving hack (i.e. himself) this time around. The actual sports entertainment versus old school wrestling angle actually has renewed my faith in TNA again.

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Anyone want to place a bet on the winner of this feud this time around?


I bet they'll do what WWE didn't during the InVasion....make it look competitive.



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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I had 2 main questions going in.


#1: Why did Russo (who represents SE) put the title on the most old school wrestler in the company...JJ.


He answered that one in his promo.


#2: What role does the X division play?


That's my big question right now. If the cards start showing up with JJ vs. Styles and Lynn vs. Truth or something like that....colr me VERY interested.


Until I know what the plan is...whether it's just for the struggling heavyweight division...or alll TNA encompassing...I just don't know.

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Guest Heel In Peril

I like how Jarrett refused Russo's help at the end of that match. But what bothers me is how Jarrett had been cheating prior to that anyway. Maybe he was making a statement that he didn't need help to cheat to win, that he could cheat to win on his own. But... you see how that can bother someone? Either cheat or don't cheat. Nice clean win though. Fun ass match to watch too.

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I have a feeling that Russo and Jarrett are arguing right now as to whether or not they should include the X Division in this angle because it has its positives and its negatives. Jarrett, knowing that the X Division is what's making him his money, probably doesn't want to touch it, while Russo is most likely insisting on having it be included in the angle to make it work. Where do you stand?



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Guest EN090

I don't think they're arguing because I don't think Russo has any booking power in the company.


And I've been reading things like "Russo will put himself over talent" and all of that. Russo is an on-air character and he got his character off to a good start with that killer promo. That one promo had me more excited than any other part of the show So why no just give him a chance as an on-air character and see where it goes before ripping it apart and saying how much this sucks.

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Guest dreamer420

I agree. Russo would want the X division included, most likely on the sports entertainment side, just so more fans get interested.

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Just because Jarrett has the booking power and the final say doesn't mean that the outspoken Russo isn't trying to make suggestions for the angle.



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Guest Tony149

Dames, do I detect you have a little inside info? :)


I guess they could also have Russo tell the X-division guys they'll be nothing under the old school banner as TNA only uses them for "rasslin'" while he would push them as mainstream superstars. Of course that would only be done if the X-division is brought into this angle.

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Guest Heel In Peril

If Russo succeeds in pursuading Jarrett to include the X-Division as mentioned, I would think the best way is to rub on some feuds or such that might be failing or need a little help. For instance, with the Hot Shots getting them involved in something, or something along those lines where you have room for mistakes. However, the top tier of the X-Division should be generally left alone. Unless maybe one time Russo seems to want to interfere in a title match in order to piss off the net fans and Jarrett stops him ensuring his face turn and forming a shadowed bridge between the two divisions.

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Guest EN090


I agree that Russo is probably making suggestions but I don't think he has enough power to argue w/Jerry about the direction of the storyline. I think Jerry has a vision for the story and he's following it.

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