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Guest DiabloIIFreak1010

Good God, Vince...

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Guest DiabloIIFreak1010

Vince McMahon has been careful in how he handles Jeff Hardy's lack of motivation and tardiness problems in recent weeks. McMahon went the route of avoiding negative confrontations and often compliments Jeff when he does something good, to try and lift his spirits and get him back into being the passionate wrestler he once was. Recently, McMahon was said to have approached Hardy and complimented him for showing a bit of the passion and dedication he used to show years ago.


- Credit: Prowrestling.com


Just...FIRE HIM ALREADY. I'm tired of seeing Jeff Hardy put on sloppy moves and skink up Raw...


Good god, FIRE THAT MAN!

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Guest The Metal Maniac

Anyone could be over in that role. He just shows up and kills himself.


Fuck, pick up some CZW guys. They'd probably do it for cheaper.

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Guest Redhawk

What is Jeff Hardy doing that Shannon Moore can't do? I don't know what's wrong with Jeff, but he needs some time off. Putting him in tag matches where he only wrestles for one minute just to have the pop he provides isn't worth it.

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Guest Anglesault
I have to say I like Jeff and feel sorry for him more than anything else.


I have no sympathy for drug addicts.

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Guest Eagan469

He's on pain killers - but there might be more than that


They need to fire him ASAP

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Guest Jobber of the Week
What is Jeff Hardy doing that Shannon Moore can't do?

This pretty much sums it up. Only problem I could see is that depushing a guy while giving his spot to his best friend could just wreck their friendship. I'm sure Vince sees Boy Band potential in Jeff/Moore and their music group, although I can picture this hillbilly rock now and it doesn't sound very good.

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Guest HartFan86

Why is Vince treating Jeff like a kid? I mean, god....I can just picture it:


Vince: Good job tonight Jeff, that Swanton Bomb looked really good.


*Booker T shown coughing up blood*


Vince (to Booker): Why can't YOU do something like that?

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I think Vince is going the wrong way with Jeff. Punish him for showing up late. Punish him for a terrible match(of which Jeff has had many). All that tells Jeff is "Keep fucking up, but if you hit your highspot, you win a cookie(or a needle.)"

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Guest Quik

"Now Jeffie, you've been doing a good job out there! That swanton bomb was AMAZING! Here's a gold star and a cookie, sport. Now go watch TV for a few minutes, and then we're gonna go get some ICE CREAM!"

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Guest Choken One

I think he is trying to avoid a possible suicide. All signs point to it right now...He is using drugs (painkillers), losing weight, unmotivated.


The best thing Vince can do is simply check him into rehab either for painkillers or Depression. I hate to say it but maybe Jeff is dependent on his brother...and the seperation might have pushed him away.

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Guest HartFan86
I hate to say it but maybe Jeff is dependent on his brother...and the seperation might have pushed him away.

Could be true...problem with that is Matt's on a role right now and by teaming them back up together is just gunna kill the effect of Matt right now as a singles wrestler.


My advice to Jeff....get out of wrestling and try venturing in music. It won't hurt you pyschically as much.

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Guest Choken One

I am not saying team them back together but Jeff likely could benifit from being on the same tour with Matt, seems like all of Jeff's friends are Smackdown talent...

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Guest razazteca

Jeff needs Mattitude, or let Kelly win TE3 to be his valet.


WWE needs Hardy Boyz V1.5

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Guest Kahran Ramsus
I hate to say it but maybe Jeff is dependent on his brother...and the seperation might have pushed him away.


It started before Matt moved to Smackdown though. Jeff has been like this for about a year now, at least. Remember his suspension before Royal Rumble 2002?

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Guest Kahran Ramsus
He came back from that suspension worse then he was before.

True, but he had already started his slide. People like that only get worse with time.

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Guest Anglesault

Remember the Hardy Catfight at vengeance that people STILL defend? That was the most glaring example.

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Guest buffybeast

Did any of you stop to think that maybe Vince actually CARES for Jeff and doesn't want to see him hurt himself?


I know, if all these rumors are true then Vince is acting as Jeff's codependent. But I suspect Vince really cares for Jeff as a person plus he realizes how popular Jeff is and doesn't want to bench him/fire him.


I agree with what others have said, however. Jeff probably needs some professional drug and psychiatric counseling.

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Guest Anglesault
Did any of you stop to think that maybe Vince actually CARES for Jeff and doesn't want to see him hurt himself?

I don't doubt that.

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Guest SP-1

If it's true, then i think it's a case of Vince trying to keep Jeff afloat, too. Bad booking decisions on RAW aside, I think Vince does try to look out for his people behind the curtain. He's kinda like the Wizard of Oz, I think. In public he's the guy who screwed bret Hart, he's the Boss you don't Cross, he's a no nonsense businessman who can tell a joke or two. But behind the curtain, I think he genuinely cares for his business and the people that make it what it is. Everybody makes mistakes, doesn't make them eternal bastards.


If Jeff really is this bad off, I hope that Vince checks him into rehab soon. Don't fire him, but I think if Vince worked with him, as he appears to be doing, and helps Jeff get into a situation where he can clean himself up, Jeff can still be useful. Maybe not as a high flying spot machine, but I think he could adapt his style and continue.

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