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Guest Drew_K

PROMO: A little fan service.

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Guest Drew_K

Crisp November air. Paint spattered all over his shirt, from the afternoon’s work, and two packages strapped down to the seat next to him as the wind whipped through his hair, leather mask cool against his face. Looking ahead, CIA slowly eases his foot down, watching the crowd ahead of him scatter slightly, still not going fast enough that any of them need to dive out of the way. As he gets closer, he slows down a bit, and lets a few fans crowd closer, voices greeting him, hands reaching out to slap him on the back as he inches forward, finally coming to a stop in front of a display area made up of little more than a few old tables and a hanging banner announcing today’s appearance. Gazing up, The Canadian agent’s keen eyes glance over the sign above the ramshackle store.


Pancho Villa Variety.


“You know, Compadre, I admire the way you always make sure to remember all your fans. But then, that’s not why I’m here, eh? I thought I’d say hello, and ask if you needed a ride, Eh? All aboard the new and improved Love Rollercoaster.” CIA smiles, and looks down, eyes only glancing aside to the shiny gold belt on the table at ELM’s side for a quick moment.


“Paintjob de Niza, hombre del Agente Secreto!”


Smiling, CIA turns to look back at the Rollercoaster as he steps out, very much the same super powered golf cart it used to be, except for the spiffy new paint job, colourfully bedecked from front to back with a rather noticeable montage, depicting a variety of different countries and their respective flags flowing over the exterior, as well as a few familiar faces, many now gone, but not forgotten.. CIA gazes over the whole thing, finally stopping as he reaches the British flag flowing along the right side of the roof, frowning and tracing his fingers over the face painted there, first over one eye, then to the other, differently colored one.


Deciding not to bring up Edwin around Mags, CIA instead makes his way over to the appearance table, quickly producing a black marker from his jacket pocket and writing in his own name next to ELM’s on the hanging banner, before moving around next to the world champ and indicating the spot next to him. “You don’t mind if I help out a little, eh?”


With that, the World Champ smiles up at his fellow Carnie, and nods his head. “Make yourself comfortable, Mi Amigo.”


Later in the evening, dusk settling in, CIA once again stands next to the driver’s seat of the Love Rollercoaster, reaching into the back, and produces a white box, very much like the two seated on the front passenger seat. Opening the box, the Canadian removes his familiar jacket, throwing it into the back of the cart, and sliding into the new one he has produced from the box, a shining, full length white trenchcoat, both sleeves a brilliant red, a large maple leaf on the back in a matching color, making him look very much like a large Canadian flag. Smiling, he waits and watches ELM happily chatting with a young Mexican boy and his family, the final remnants of a line of fans that has gone on for hours, till everyone had their fill of the two superstars, and a happy feeling rests in CIA’s chest. Looking on, CIA watches the young boy perched on Magnifico’s shoulders, world title belt strapped around his waist.


Finally, ELM happily waves to the family, making his way over to CIA, title hanging from his hand, and watches for a moment as the family walks off, the boy beaming, his day made just that much brighter.


“So what’s his name, Mags?”


Magnifico turns towards CIA, looking him up and down and nodding at his new choice of clothing, before responding. “It’s Juan. And you know, Amigo, Esto es sobre cuil este todo. Estos momentos.”


CIA nods, finding himself in agreement. “Yeah, well, that’ll make it all the better when Frost is pounding the hell out of me at Ashes to Ashes, eh?”


“It not so bad, compadre. I mean…”


“There was a horse’s head in my hotel bed when I woke up this morning, Mags.”


The Luchadore blanches, but after a moment, he begins to stutter out a response. “W..well, you don’t know that it was…”


“It had ‘Frost Brand’ shaved into its forehead.”




“But hey, it could be a lot worse for me. I don’t have to defend a world title against god knows who, eh? Maybe the present I brought you will make that a bit easier.”


Forgetting their conversation about work, ELM reaches into the front seat, lifting the top of the two white boxes, looking quizzically at CIA. The Canadian nods, and watches as Mag opens the box, pulling out another full length leather trench, this one coloured on the left side in a vertical stripe of green, white down the middle, and red down the right side, a replica of the Mexican Flag Magnifico sometimes carries to the ring.


“I thought, you know, since we have fans the whole world over, and we’re both so full of pride for where we come from, that maybe it’d be best if the Carnies got a re-christening. We’re the International Carnival now. Los Carnivale Internationale. Still spreading the love, just doing it in, and for, all those nations that love to watch us, eh?”


Watching Magnifico don the leather jacket, CIA smiles again, rather proud of himself, and waits for Magnifico to ask the inevitable question. “And who’s the other one for?”


“Go on, Mags, open it up.”


ELM tosses the empty box from his gift in the Canadian’s direction, and CIA snatches the package out of the air, stowing it in the back of the cart as the World Champ undoes the string surrounding the final package.


“That one’s for that other bit of Carnie business we were talking about, eh. I thought I’d get your approval.”


Magnifico opens the box, sliding it across the top of the golf cart, and, unsurprisingly, unfolds another large leather trenchcoat, once more a shining, new white colour, this time with a single, red circle right in the center of the front and the back, making a rather convincing representation of the Japanese flag. “Here’s hoping that one’s in the right size. I had to guess, eh. So…. What do you think?”


“Si. Es Perfecto.”


Sliding into place in the driver’s seat of the seat of the cart, CIA retrieves one last thing from the back, an ice cold Corona, which awaits Magnifico as he slips into the passenger seat, having re-packed the final jacket. Taking the beer from the hand of the Canadian, toasting the air.


CIA nods, and steps on the accelerator, the two men zipping off onto the street, and beginning to cruise along. “Next stop, Ashes to Ashes. Let’s bring the party, eh?”



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Guest Ace309

Well, I read through this beforehand, but I still really liked it. I like the added homage to AWOL Edwin, but this advances a couple of different stories and I'm going to be excited to see how they turn out.

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Guest Ash Ketchum



The Carnival lives on, but in a new, happy, global-friendly version~!


Excellent work, CIA ^_^ A fun little read. :)


And oh yeah, I still wanna be a Carnie someday...




And that's a wrap on this post. :D

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