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Guest FeArHaVoC

Justin Credible, upset over jobbing

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Guest buffybeast
Memo to Aldo Credible

You don't like your job? I got two words for you: learn to fuckin' type.

Amen, NotJames. Alpo should spend a month in my boring desk job. Oh wait, I just got laid off today.



Damn recession. I'll bet HHHeMan is responsible for this. See, even hoss-lovers aren't immune to the Glass Ceiling of Doom.

Trips probably got mad that I called his girlfriend a skank-ho, federation killing slut. I got held down as a result.


Seriously, Justin should realize just how fortunate his penis-resembling self really is.

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Guest Spaceman Spiff

They should just re-name him "HHH's Penis", then show him in a picture-in-picture box in the lower left corner of the screen on every Raw. Random people can come stop & suck on the top of his head for a few seconds, that way we can cut down on the actual HHH's time on screen and/or people talking about HHH.

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