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Guest HartFan86

I'm watching The WWE opening

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Guest HartFan86

I have no life, so I put in the HHH DVD "The Game" cause I wanted to do something to fall asleep. So at the beginning, I notice they play the WWE opening and figured I'd check it out Step by Step and I noticed a few things:


1. They keep showing the same shot of the crowd at some show near the end of the opening. Nothing big, but it's just weird they randomly used that shot instead of others.


2. Here's all the numbers that flash throughout the opening in order. Remember the show "The Mole"? Well, they use foreshadowed the end of the show with clues in the beginning of the show during their opening thing. I figured that some of you guys may find these times weird, so take a look:








00:02:19 (again)




I doubt they mean anything, but maybe some of you guys might see something that catches your eye.


Edit: Just noticed these can't be miliatary times because of 27:17.


3. Why's it still say "Attitude" at the end of the thing before "Entertainment"? I thought Attitude died.



That's all for now. Whatever.

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Guest HartFan86
I think it all has something to do with Triple H.

Good call.


I bet your right, too.

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Guest Jobber of the Week
I have no life, so I put in the HHH DVD "The Game" cause I wanted to do something to fall asleep.

You bought that? :huh:

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Guest Dangerous A

Call Oliver Stone, there's a conspiracy a-brewin! HHH has something to do with post production on his own DVD?!!? How do you know? RAMPANT NET SPECULATION!


And this effects your life how again?


Lives people. Try to go and live them.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Because Attitude was successful and Mcmahon just can't let go.


Damn that HHH.

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Guest HartFan86
I have no life, so I put in the HHH DVD "The Game" cause I wanted to do something to fall asleep.

You bought that? :huh:


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Guest Nevermortal



That's the total amount of time in terms of offense RVD is allowed in a match.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
Call Oliver Stone, there's a conspiracy a-brewin! HHH has something to do with post production on his own DVD?!!? How do you know? RAMPANT NET SPECULATION!


And this effects your life how again?


Lives people. Try to go and live them.

Coming from a puro geek...





Excuse me.



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Guest bps "The Truth" 21



The entire amount of time RVD lasted in the Royal Rumble this year, despite being massivly over and just getting his Undispute Title feud dumped without explanation on HHH's return date.

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Guest The Superstar


The length of a Booker T promo this monday. The exact number is unknown because Triple H will interrupt it whenever the crowd shows signs of life.

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Guest Angle-plex

"02:19 (again)"


The amount of time Big Show can go in a match without getting winded.

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Guest The Superstar


The average length of a Justin Credible match


Also the amount of time Vince considers giving him a win, before shooting the idea down.

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Guest HartFan86

00:01:??: The Amount of time Justin Credible spends in the gym.


00:27:17: The amount of time he bitches about jobbing.

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Guest The Superstar



The number of people, in millions, that take bathroom breaks during a Justin Credible match.

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Guest Sandman9000

00:12:29: The average amount of time spent wrestling on Monday nights.

00:27:17: The average amount of time spent on HHH in-ring promos

00:07:30: The average amount of time spent on HHH backstage segments.

00:01:??: The average amount of time Vince spends thinking about World champions who aren't Kliq members.

00:02:19: The average match length on RAW.

00:01:12: Amount of time it takes me to change the channel from RAW when I see HHH (in seconds.)

00:02:19 (again): The average amount of time HHH's entrance takes up.

00:09:52: The average length of a RAW commercial break.

00:10:07: The average amount of time spent hyping HHH during other people's matches.

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Guest Mole

00:12:29- Amount of time Jericho's pushed lasted

00:27:17- Amount of time the King will talk about puppies

00:07:30- Amount of time Triple-Juice needs to use all up all his steroids

00:01:??- Amount of time it takes Triple-Juice to fuck Steph

00:02:19- Amount of time Vince thought of pushing RVD

00:01:12- Amount of time Brock can hold Big Show in the air

00:02:19 (again)- Amount of time Vince thought of pushing Booker T

00:09:52- Amount of time Triple-Juice needs to pop all his zits

00:10:07- Amount of time it took me to think of these corny things.

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Guest Dangerous A
Call Oliver Stone, there's a conspiracy a-brewin! HHH has something to do with post production on his own DVD?!!? How do you know? RAMPANT NET SPECULATION!


And this effects your life how again?


Lives people. Try to go and live them.

Coming from a puro geek...





Excuse me.



I do watch Puro. I also watch WWE. If board, I'll watch some Lucha. But because I post in the puro folder I guess I am a geek.



I am a wrestling fan. My passion right now lies in puro and I do watch it. But because I watch it, I guess that makes me a puro geek.



Tell me Mr.Z, does watching WWE make you a WWE geek? Or does trying to insult DA make you feel more like a man because you probrably aren't?



Ignorant Fucktard!

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Guest NYCTA Bus No. PA1767

Um, why didn't you just DL the damn DVD off of the net or better yet just the match you wanted? I don't see why rampant HHHaters such as yourselves continually support this man you hate so much by tuning into his segments and buying his merchandise just so you all can come up with "clever" jokes and rehashed complaints.


Here's what I challenge you to do, do not watch a HHH segment. You may miss more than half of RAW, but since every new episode of RAW is "the worst ever" you'd actually be doing yourselves a favor. Also, get your freinds to tune out HHH as well. If you all spent as much time acting upon your hate in some way instead of just bitching you all might actually get something done.


Back in the day when RAWs were doing 7's, I would've scoffed at a boycott, but now that most of the mainstream fanbase has eroded maybe you all can have at least a small albeit noticeable impact and get Vince to take notice. If every HHH segment can lose at least 50,000 viewers, maybe Vince will get the hint. Until you all do attempt to do something about it, HHH will continue to hog the spotlight as the ratings have been stagnant since before he became such a strong focal point of the show. I truly believe the ratings have bottomed out and shall remain here for some time. Because of this, I'm sure Vince will se no reason to limit the HHH effect.


Also, just admit that you liked the DVD Hartfan. Really, if you wanted to go to sleep that bad, you would have just laid your head done and that would have been that.

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Guest Zero_Cool

The only redeeming part of the DVD, IMO, is when Trips talks about how he got free porno during re-hab with the dish that Vince gave him to watch the shows.

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