Guest BobBacklundRules Report post Posted December 4, 2002 WWE officials have talked with Steve Austin about coming back to work. Austin reportedly does not want to come back to Raw. If an agreement can be reached, Austin will most likely return to the Smackdown brand. Eddie Guerrero is being praised by other wrestlers for his attempt to remain sober. Guerrero reads a book on sobriety as part of his daily pattern of recovery Eddie Guerrero is being praised by other wrestlers for his attempt to remain sober. Guerrero reads a book on sobriety as part of his daily pattern of recovery Jackie Gayda and Linda Miles continue to train in OVW. Gayda is considered by many to be a lost cause and some are betting that she will be the first Tough Enough winner to be cut from the developmental system. Linda has potential as a wrestler, but other developmental students say she looks down on them as if she were a big star. According to former OVW wrestlers, Jim Cornette will not allow the trainees to watch tapes of ECW matches because he feels the company and it's ring style ruined the business Rumors continue to make the rounds that Ron Simmons will be given a spot as a road agent. The rumor going around the Smackdown locker room is that Tommy Dreamer hired security for his wedding with the intent of keeping former girlfriend Francine Fournier away from the ceremony. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest LatinoHeat Report post Posted December 4, 2002 Eddie Guerrero is being praised by other wrestlers for his attempt to remain sober. Guerrero reads a book on sobriety as part of his daily pattern of recovery Eddie Guerrero is being praised by other wrestlers for his attempt to remain sober. Guerrero reads a book on sobriety as part of his daily pattern of recovery its de ja vu all over again. its de ja vu all over again. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest BobBacklundRules Report post Posted December 4, 2002 Nidia has been dating Eric Angle for several months. Eric is the younger brother of Kurt and works in OVW as a developmental wrestler. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest BobBacklundRules Report post Posted December 4, 2002 Eddie Guerrero is being praised by other wrestlers for his attempt to remain sober. Guerrero reads a book on sobriety as part of his daily pattern of recovery Eddie Guerrero is being praised by other wrestlers for his attempt to remain sober. Guerrero reads a book on sobriety as part of his daily pattern of recovery its de ja vu all over again. its de ja vu all over again. twice the effort, twice the praise Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Gary Busey Report post Posted December 4, 2002 It's great that Eddie has apparently conquered his demons concerning alcohol, but he really needs to do the same with steroids. When adding up his thinning hair, overall gigantic physical size and amazing amount of back acne, it doesn't look good. Hopefully I'm wrong. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Basswitch Report post Posted December 4, 2002 I dont think Eddie is still on steriods. But then again maybe i just dont Wanna believe it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest buffybeast Report post Posted December 4, 2002 "Jackie Gayda and Linda Miles continue to train in OVW. Gayda is considered by many to be a lost cause and some are betting that she will be the first Tough Enough winner to be cut from the developmental system." Plainly stated, she sucks and should never have been chosen a TE2 winner. They only picked her because she had a Cinderella story and has tig ol' bitties. According to former OVW wrestlers, Jim Cornette will not allow the trainees to watch tapes of ECW matches because he feels the company and it's ring style ruined the business I don't think this is a fair assesment if it is the truth. Heyman's business practices ruined ECW, not their style of wrestling. Nidia has been dating Eric Angle for several months. Eric is the younger brother of Kurt and works in OVW as a developmental wrestler. This is very hard to believe or imagine. I am trying to imagine these two fornicating and I cannot. Eeewww. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest TheArchiteck Report post Posted December 4, 2002 I'm guess Cornette means the wrestling business as a whole. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Mulatto Heat Report post Posted December 4, 2002 I dont think Eddie is still on steriods. But then again maybe i just dont Wanna believe it. I guess you turn away from the TV when there's a close-up of Eddie's back. I like Eddie and all but geez, that's just disgusting. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Anglesault Report post Posted December 4, 2002 Austin will most likely return to the Smackdown brand. YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS AUSTIN/ANGLE AT MANIA! IT'S ALL BUT CONFIRMED! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest buffybeast Report post Posted December 4, 2002 Austin will most likely return to the Smackdown brand. YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS AUSTIN/ANGLE AT MANIA! IT'S ALL BUT CONFIRMED! Damn A-Sault, you are almost as bad as I am with Albert! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Anglesault Report post Posted December 4, 2002 It's frigging Austin/Angle at Mania, I have a right to be. You still can't justify Albert. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest El Satanico Report post Posted December 4, 2002 Can you all hear that ticking noise? It must be the ticking bomb that will be HHH and Austin. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Sandman9000 Report post Posted December 4, 2002 Cornette and Paul E. hate each other, right? That's probably the reason. Cornette's olde shewl philosophy vs. Paul E.'s hard hitting spotfests of ECW. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest NoCalMike Report post Posted December 4, 2002 What influence does ECW's in-ring style have over modern day wrestling in any national televised wrestling program?? I don't get it. It would be one thing if ECW took over the wrestling world, but it has been 2 years since the death of ECW and there are barely any reminders out there of it unless you are a smark. If he hates Heyman and ECW, then fine, but that statement is just stupid. What style does he prefer, anyway, Triple H, Kane, Batista, Bradshaw.....?? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JasonX 0 Report post Posted December 4, 2002 Austin will most likely return to the Smackdown brand. YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS AUSTIN/ANGLE AT MANIA! IT'S ALL BUT CONFIRMED! Angle ain't going to wrestle Austin at Mania unless 1. they abort the split or 2. Angle goes to Raw to be with Austin (which is where Angle should have been in first place instead of wasting away and doing jack shit on SD). Angle is most definately facing Brock at Mania. Live with it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest buffybeast Report post Posted December 4, 2002 It's frigging Austin/Angle at Mania, I have a right to be. You still can't justify Albert. Oh God, let's not go down the Albert road tonight. Should Albert main event? No. Should Albert be wrestling in armories instead of in a WWE ring? No. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LaParkaYourCar 0 Report post Posted December 4, 2002 Austin will most likely return to the Smackdown brand. YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS AUSTIN/ANGLE AT MANIA! IT'S ALL BUT CONFIRMED! Angle ain't going to wrestle Austin at Mania unless 1. they abort the split or 2. Angle goes to Raw to be with Austin (which is where Angle should have been in first place instead of wasting away and doing jack shit on SD). Angle is most definately facing Brock at Mania. Live with it. I guess you missed the part about Austin going to Smackdown. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JasonX 0 Report post Posted December 4, 2002 <I guess you missed the part about Austin going to Smackdown.> 1. It hasn't been confirmed 2. The WWE has all but confirmed that Angle/Brock is a go at WM 3. Out of all of the Smackdown 6, Angle has the most to gain to leave SD and go to Raw. 4. The WWE will have to ship out some of SD's top talent to Raw to balance out putting Austin to SD if they pull the trigger on sending Austin to SD. And Angle, who's been exiled to SD since day one of the split, makes the most sense to be the one who goes to Raw Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zetterberg is God 0 Report post Posted December 4, 2002 The rumor going around the Smackdown locker room is that Tommy Dreamer hired security for his wedding with the intent of keeping former girlfriend Francine Fournier away from the ceremony. Hmm. Didn't realize that Francine was that obsessed with Dreamer. That's pretty bad if he's gotta get security Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest El Satanico Report post Posted December 4, 2002 (which is where Angle should have been in first place instead of wasting away and doing jack shit on SD) Yeah because Angle being on Monday Night "If You Ain't HHH Tough Luck" would've been ALOT better then Angle having good matches with good wrestlers on Smackdown. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bps "The Truth" 21 Report post Posted December 4, 2002 ECW was never popular enough for the style to ruin the business. The WWE style bullshit that they teach in OVW is the problem SEE: BROCK LESNAR One man with so much potential who will never show most of it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest geniusMoment Report post Posted December 4, 2002 Am I the only one who thinks that Francine being that obsessed with Dreamer is hilarious. I'm just picturing that seem from the Graduate, You hear someone pounding on glass, you look up its Francine, she screams out to tommy "I'm the real queen of extreme" and promptly jumps through glass out of the balcony smashing through the catering table below. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Vern Gagne Report post Posted December 4, 2002 I could see the Rock going to Raw if he returns full time. Austin could than go to Smackdown and work with Chris Benoit like he was rumored to do. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest MixxMaster Report post Posted December 4, 2002 ARGGGG..I'm STILL sick of Austin...his last few months in the WWE were absolutely ATROCIOUS. 1. His promos had deteriorated towards nothing but WHATS?, and the SAME damn old cliches... 2. his ego had taken over too damn much. It was bad enough that he alone killed things with his own personal glass ceiling...he pretty much flat out refused to put others over, and was STILL doing the "Austin beats the ENTIRE locker room" stuff... 3. his "workrate" had gone down from some GREAT matches around WM time, to tired, punch-kick 'rasslin...he WAS showing some brilliance in the early part of the year, then when he realized he couldn't ALWAYS be the Main-Eventer, he seemed to quit trying... (Notice how he sounds soooo similar to HHH? Coincidence? I DON'T THINK SO) Now, just combine those 3 things, with his walking out and leaving, then him BEATING his wife, why should he be welcomed back in the WWE? After all, it seems almost everyone agrees that bringing in old wrestlers(Hogan,Hall, Nash, Michaels) will NOT help the WWE's problems, what should be done is elevating NEW talent. I can only hope that something goes wrong, and the two sides don't go through with this terrible, heinous idea, by gawd.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest humongous2002 Report post Posted December 4, 2002 ARGGGG..I'm STILL sick of Austin...his last few months in the WWE were absolutely ATROCIOUS. 1. His promos had deteriorated towards nothing but WHATS?, and the SAME damn old cliches... 2. his ego had taken over too damn much. It was bad enough that he alone killed things with his own personal glass ceiling...he pretty much flat out refused to put others over, and was STILL doing the "Austin beats the ENTIRE locker room" stuff... 3. his "workrate" had gone down from some GREAT matches around WM time, to tired, punch-kick 'rasslin...he WAS showing some brilliance in the early part of the year, then when he realized he couldn't ALWAYS be the Main-Eventer, he seemed to quit trying... (Notice how he sounds soooo similar to HHH? Coincidence? I DON'T THINK SO) Now, just combine those 3 things, with his walking out and leaving, then him BEATING his wife, why should he be welcomed back in the WWE? After all, it seems almost everyone agrees that bringing in old wrestlers(Hogan,Hall, Nash, Michaels) will NOT help the WWE's problems, what should be done is elevating NEW talent. I can only hope that something goes wrong, and the two sides don't go through with this terrible, heinous idea, by gawd.. I feel the same way, the ratings were deteriorating while Austin was main eventing RAW and then he left when WWE needed him the most, now he comes back demanding to be put on Smackdown, motherf***er should be happy that Vince doesn't have the balls to fire his ass, hopefully he is used to elevate new talent like RVD, Benoit, Y2J and others. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest AlwaysPissedOff Report post Posted December 4, 2002 Jericho is a lost cause. Why do people cut him so much slack when he hasn't been motivated for months now? Ever since the Rock feud ended at the Rumble, he's been doing nothing but slumming it in the ring and as much as it pains me to say it, I'm fucking tired of it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Goodear Report post Posted December 4, 2002 Cornette is so full of crap that his eyes are brown. I mean, "No watching ECW wrestling" is just about the dumbest thing ever. What, can they only watch Smokey Mountain Wrestling, Jim? Yeah, because Brian Lee, Chris Candido, Balls Mahoney (Boo Bradley), The Gangstas, Tracy Smothers, and Cactus Jack were never in both promotions or anything. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest FeArHaVoC Report post Posted December 4, 2002 I could be wrong, but within the last year it looks like Jericho has put on some weight, so it has made him look slower in the ring. I don't think it's because he's not motivated. I don't think it's because he lazy, but to try to look like a "Main Event" Guy. He's not as "Spotty" anymore either. He tries to brawl a little more and tell a story, (i.e WWE style) which some don't like. But, he's working as a Heel and he shouldn't be working like a Cruiserweight and making the Crowd Pop & Cheer him. Jericho knows as a Heel, he should make people Boo and hate him. Take notes Hunter. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites