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With Austin returning, the next step is:

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The WWE has watched Raw bomb under HHH. Austin is coming back and Raw is the only place to send him unless they plan to do something MASSIVE to make up for sending Austin to SD.


The solution?


Austin is assigned to SD.

HHH is switched to the SD roster.


Raw gets five of the Smackdown 6 (Benoit, Angle, Edge, and the Guerreros) plus Jamie Noble and Nidia.


The WWE needs to give people a reason to watch Raw and HHH will definately want to hook up with Austin storylinewise so he can leach off Austin's heat and to try and backstab Austin for standing up to him early this year.


The Smackdown 6 gets transfered to Raw where the Guerreros become Raw's tag team champs and feud with the Dudleyz, Lance Storm and William Regal, 3 Minute Warning, Christian and the returned Edge (cause his singles push has been a huge bomb), Jeff Hardy and his multiple tag partners. Benoit and Angle gets main event pushes and feud with Booker T, Chris Jericho, RVD, Batista, and Shawn Michaels for the Raw belt, while Noble and Nidia revive the undercard with the creation of new intergender tag team titles (which replaces the old WWE Womens title). Ratings for Raw stablize and go up for the company


Meanwhile HHH, Austin, Brock Lesner, Scott Steiner, Big Show, and when they return Undertaker and Rock give SD the star power needed by WWE to get UPN to renew the show this fall. Ratings stay in the mid 3s and low 2s and stay the same.

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Guest bob_barron

Why wouldn't UPN renew one of their highest rated shows??


Considering Edge is pretty over and gets some of the loudest pops at house shows- how has his push bombed?


Intergender tag team titles??? Ugh


What about the cruiser title?

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Guest permagrinning

his singles push has been a bomb......wow, even stupider people getting on this board now. I'm not a huge edge fan, but look at his body of work over the last year. He's been involved in some of the best singles contests all year. Yes, he's had worldclass help carrying him there but damn you gotta be able to do something to get carried there.

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Guest Kahran Ramsus

Why do you want to kill Smackdown so badly? We would have the exact same situation as now, with one show horrible and one good.

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Guest RedJed

I'm certainly not trying to be overly critical, but all this would do is make things WORSE. With or without HHH on Raw, the problem still lies with the writing of that show. It was a struggle to make stars even when HHH was out of action last year. Sure, it's not helping that he's pulling strings now, but even if he moved to the other show, all we would see is guys like Angle and Benoit become even blander than they are on Smackdown.


You don't get it, JasonX, there is NO SUCH THING as legitimate star power anymore. All that returns, etc will amount to is a one week rating surge and thats it. Period. Moving all the so called "stars" to Smackdown wouldnt do jack shit to the ratings, or have UPN "renew" Smackdown. The WWE is under a contract with them long term, there isn't even a question on the status of Smackdown anyway, where did that come from?


Change the womens title to an intergender tag title? How is that better?


If I had to pick a scenario for Austin, all I would do is put him on Raw again in hopes that he could possibly control the HHH politics backstage......he was the only one who seemed to do so before since he disallowed any wrestlers in booking meetings before he left. The only way Vince may wake up to the BS is by letting someone that was a bigger draw than HHH get control of certain situations himself.

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Guest teke184

The WWE contract with UPN is up in about a year or two, but UPN DOES reserve the right to bump Smackdown from the lineup at the beginning of each TV season from what I've heard.


The Viacom contract as a whole comes up in about 4-5 years from what I've heard.

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Guest RedJed
The WWE contract with UPN is up in about a year or two, but UPN DOES reserve the right to bump Smackdown from the lineup at the beginning of each TV season from what I've heard.


The Viacom contract as a whole comes up in about 4-5 years from what I've heard.

Like someone mentioned, its still the top rated show on UPN regardless. They won't be cancelling it anytime soon.


I'll even go a step further and say they will move Smackdown to a different timeslot in despiration if the ratings get real low at some point, in the 1s. They will say the competitive Thursday programming schedule on other stations is affecting the rating and probably would move it to Tuesday or Weds night then instead. Shades of WCW Thunder.

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Guest Nevermortal

Austin needs to go to SD!


I need to see Angle/Austin & Benoit/Austin again!

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Guest El Satanico

"Scorch earthing SD to unwatchability"


So does anyone have the slightest clue as to what that means?

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"Scorch earthing SD to unwatchability"


So does anyone have the slightest clue as to what that means?

in regards to the WWE, wiping out Smackdown by sticking all of the prima donnas and backstage cancers on the show and letting them tank it's ratings while they feud over who's the bigger star while sending the top talent of SD to Raw to thrive and where they can increase the ratings (given how TNN is more available than UPN in the US) because Raw is supposed to be the main showcase of the WWE and that Raw is in such a bad condition that the WWE must be willing to destroy SD in order to save Raw...

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Guest Kahran Ramsus
"Scorch earthing SD to unwatchability"


So does anyone have the slightest clue as to what that means?

in regards to the WWE, wiping out Smackdown by sticking all of the prima donnas and backstage cancers on the show and letting them tank it's ratings while they feud over who's the bigger star while sending the top talent of SD to Raw to thrive and where they can increase the ratings (given how TNN is more available than UPN in the US) because Raw is supposed to be the main showcase of the WWE and that Raw is in such a bad condition that the WWE must be willing to destroy SD in order to save Raw...

Then this thread is pointless. Quick wasting our time. You have been warned.

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