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Guest Lord of The Curry

~The one and only SIMPSONS trivia game~

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Guest WrestlingDeacon

I'll give it to you, drunk and surly to be accurate.


When Grandpa and Bart spot the rest of the Simpson clan from the backstage of the theater in Branson what does Bart refer to them as?

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Guest What?

I don't get the question, Deacon.



while we're waiting, here's my question!



-The plaque at the entrance of Springfield U says what?

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Guest WrestlingDeacon

If You Can Read this You're Accepted.


Dreamer was partly right he referred to Homer and the rest of the family as Captain Bring Down and the Buzzkillers.


When Lisa winds up in the middle of nowhere going to the musuem on the wrong bus, what stop did she say she was probably better getting off at?

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Guest IDrinkRatsMilk



Lisa checked Homer and Bart's leprosy symptoms with Virtual Doctor, from the makers of what?

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Guest Karnage

"Dragon Quest," and "SimSandwich."


Who moved into Mr. Burns' house in that episode where he does recycling with Lisa?

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Guest Dr. Wrestlingphysics

Well, Bret Hart looks around, but doesn't necessarily move in!


what is the name of the father of the Australian kid that Bart phones?

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Guest Lord of The Curry



In the episode where Lisa and Homer gamble on pro football, Homer buys the family a ton of gifts. What three phrases does the electronic device Homer buys Bart spout?

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Guest ElectricRaccoon

"Shut up", "kiss my BUTT" and "go to hell".


What's Homer's first guess as to the "good cause" behind the comedy festival in "The Last Temptation of Krust"?

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Guest IDrinkRatsMilk

a rest home for pirates


How many deep fryers does the Ultimate Behemoth have?

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Guest Lord of The Curry

4, one for each part of the chicken as I recall.


What phrase does Ranier Wolfcastle really struggle with as Radioactive Man?

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Guest DerangedHermit

Up and atom!


In the episode "Missionary Impossible", 7 people from Fox are doing a telethon at the end of the episode. Name all of them and the show they're a part of (except for one person).

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Guest What?

"Up and Atom"



In "Kill the Alligator and Run", when is the only time the southern sheriff is nice?

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Guest DerangedHermit

What?, since your message came at the same time I'll just answer your question: Spring Break.


My question: same as above.

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Guest IDrinkRatsMilk

Bender (Futurama), Thurgood (PJs), Luke Perry (90210), Hank Hill (King of the Hill), Mulder and Scully (X Files), and Rupert Murdoch


Before the Hibberts ended up going to Moe's (mistaking it for a family restaurant), which restaurant did Dr. Hibbert's teenage son want to go to?

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Guest WrestlingDeacon

I know the one kid wanted to go to the Spaghetti Labratory, but I can't remember the name of the other place, it was something long and "emporium"-ish.

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Guest treble charged

Wasn't it the 'Texas Cheesecake' something or other?


Depository, perhaps?

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Guest DerangedHermit

There are three:

-Professor P. J. Cornucopia's Fantastic Foodmagorium and Great American Steakery!

-Spaghetti Laboratory

-Face Stuffers

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Guest IDrinkRatsMilk

his son suggested Professor P.J.Cornucopia's Fantastic Foodmagorium and Great American Steakery

the other ones were suggested by his other kids, and they ended up going to the Texas Cheesecake Depository after they left Moe's

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Guest WrestlingDeacon

Yeah, that was on the tip of my tongue.


I'll post a question since no one else did. In the tree house of horror episode where Homer dies and goes to hell to recieve noogies from Satan, the devil tells Homer to keep the noise down for what reason?

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Guest ElectricRaccoon

Because he'll wake up John Wayne (who was already up, anyway).



Even though he's referred to almost exclusively as "the sea captain", his name has been revealed on more than one occasion, although his last more often than his first. What is it (first and last)?

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Guest WrestlingDeacon

His last name is actually mentioned in a question on the first page of this thread, but it's Horatio McAllister.


As a follow up, what does the Captain always record on his TiVo?

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Guest WrestlingDeacon

Luke Perry


What is the name of Mr. Burns' knife fighting monkey?

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Guest IDrinkRatsMilk

Furious George


What name did Smithers tell Lisa and Bart to check out after Sideshow Bob was elected mayor?

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Guest WrestlingDeacon

Edgar Neubuar


What baseball hall of famer gets pelted with Marge's pretzels?

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Guest Lord of The Curry

Whitey Ford.


In that same episode, what car did Mr.Burns win that caused the shower of pretzels?

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