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Guest OSIcon

ROH Results

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Guest OSIcon

The TV taping started about 6:30.


- Paul E. Normous defeated Mace - Mace was over as a face. Paul E. was a pretty big guy who I have never seen before.


- American Dragon beat Marcos - Pure Sqaush that last no more then three minutes. Marcos got virtually no offense/


- Paul London beat Angel Dust - Same thing pretty much. Dust was accompanied to the ring by the other members of Special K.


- Hit Squad defeated a team whose names I couldn'y makes out - Quick squash. One of the turnbuckle pads came off after a Hit Sqaud member back hard into the corner.


- AJ Styles defeated Jimmy Rave - Rave looked decent. More competitive and a bit longer then the other TV taping matches. Styles won with the Styles Clash. Xavier and Mark Briscoe attacked post match. London and Dragon made the save.


Taping ended at 7. The ring crew took off the ring long post pad that broke along with the one on the post across from it and replaced them with normal black turnbuckle pads.


It should be mentioned that the crowd (which I would estimate to be somewhere between 300-350 people) was quite different from the usual crowd at ROH shows. The crowd seemed falt overall. Plus they seemed to react more like a normal indy crowd rather then the wrestling purist-type fans. For instance, ring work that usually draws applause from the crowd didn't get any reaction. Things that would sometimes get huge reactions were just meant with a little applause. Some reactions stayed the same, but it did seem different to me. Not sure if it was because there was less people or if a lot of the fans that had to the atmosphere weren't there because of the location change or if it was just a case of a lot of different/new fans were there. A lot more obnoxious fans then usual I noticed.


- Michael Shane defeated Jermey Lopez - Shane got less 'Go Away' heat then he did last time. There was hardly any of that. Good match. Shane still has a habit of not doing submission work then just applying a chin lock (which makes it pretty obvious that it is there simply for rest). Other then that it was a solid match with some nice spots.


- Colt Cabana defeated CM Punk - Both guys got pretty good reactions, though as the match went on the fans seems to favor Punk. Cabana worked over the back throughout a good portion of the match, eventually winning with a backbreaker. Real Good match. Punk sold the back afterwards as Garry Michael Capetta told both men that a re-match had been signed for the 12/28 show where the winner gets an ROH contract.


- Paul London defeated EZ Money in a 1st round number one contender match - Both guys looked good, especially London. Money has some good charisma and interacts with the fans well. Crowd was mainly behind London. Good match.


- American Dragon defeated Chad Collyer in a 1st round number one contender match - Another good match. This was just about as mat based on as you can get. The crowd wasn't into it which was kind of odd. A lot of heckling directed at Collyer for no apparent reason. Collyer didn't connect with the crowd all that much. Almost the whole match was fought on the mat with just a few suplexes tossed in. Collyer worked the leg the whole time. Dragon won with the dragon suplex.


- SAT defeated Da Hit Sqaud, Jay Briscoe/Red, and Speical K (Joey Matthews/Deranged) in a Tag Team Scramble - Not very good. Def. below the tag team scramble from 11/9. It went too long (25 minutes) with a lot of downtime and standing around. There were still a handfull of good spots, but it flowed poorly. Spot of the match was Red suplexing Deranged from the top turnbuckle all the way to the floor where the other participants were standing. Red seemed to still be suffering from his injury during the match. He was limping heavily and aside from a few spots, wasn't involved very much. The SAT go onto face Morgan/Daniels for the tag team titles on 12/28 (Morgan and Daniels better be ready to do a carry job).




- Divine Storm defeated Shockwave/Mark Starr - Alright match. Nothing terribly blown. Match was basically just "there".


- CW Anderson came to the ring making his ROH return after being ousted by the promotion when he had to cancel on them to work a Zero One date. He cut a "shoot" promo running down booker Gabe Sapolsky. Very Russo-ish. Gabe came out and shouted something in anger. Da Hit Sqaud and Joey Mathews hit the ring to clam CW down and take him to the back. CW also mentioned he may join the Prophecy. His joining them makes since because of his heat with ROH but the whole shoot thing I could live without.


- Paul London defeated American Dragon to win the Number One Contender Trophy - Match of the Night. London looked really great all the night and Dragon was his usual self. Good mat work to start. Lots of stiff strikes and good high impact moves. London climed up for the shooting star but Dragon kept climing up to stop him. London knocked him down three times before he finally stayed put. He then hit the shooting star for the win. Crowd was hot for this. London got on the mic and put other Dragon as the best wrestler in Ring of Honor. He said that even though he won tonight, that everyone knows Dragon is still the best. Dragon thanked London and put him over. London then gave a heads up to whoever the champ was at the end of the night.


- Xavier defeated AJ Styles to retain the ROH Title - The best Xavier ROH match as champion IMO. Wasn't great, but was still good. Xavier got tons of heat, mainly "we don't think you deserve the title/we don't want to see you" heat. It is kind of underserving as Xavier isn't terrible by any means. Styles hit the Styles Clash 30 seconds in but Luscious put Xavier's foot on the rope. Alexi Laree then took out Luscious with a DDT. Great heat for Styles nearfalls as the fans really wanted to see him win. If anything, this angle is good in a Hony Tonk Man way. The fans usually just cheer for wrestling and don't care a whole lot about wiiners, but Xavier is one guy they really want to lose. I guess that can never be a terribly bad thing.


- Homocide/Abdullah the Butcher defeated Carnage Crew - Not good. Abby got a nice pop but hardly did anything. Everyone bladed, but the match just wasn't as "hard hitting" as it needed to be.


Overall, a good show. There were four good matches, one okay match, and nothing terribly bad. Not as good as the 11/9 show but still solid especiaally considering guys like Daniels, Morgan, Joe, Corino, Ki, and Williams were all missing. The crowd wasn't great, but the wrestling was good. Line up so far for 12/28 Philly Show is:


- Divine Storm vs. Konnan in a Lucha Libre Gauntlet

- Low Ki vs. Homocide vs. Somoa Joe vs. ?????? (My guess would be American Dragon) in a four way match for the #1 Contender Trophy.

- Daniels/Morgan vs. SAT for Tag Titles

- Red vs. Jody Fleish

- CM Punk vs. Colt Cabana - Winner gets ROH contract

- Xavier vs. Paul London for the ROH Title

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Guest Nevermortal

Dammit that's my gimmick!










Just kidding. I look for the SAT to take the Tag Belts via some sort of a Low Ki interference, or something along those lines.

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Red/Felisch interests me.


I saw Jody at FWA: British Uprising and he really impressed me. From the little bit of CZW and ROH i have seen, i am also a big fan of red. So im eager to see that match up.



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Guest DeputyHawk

what the hell was up with c.w? was he scheduled to come out? what was the purpose of that? is he going to be in roh again or did he just act like an ass and burn his bridges? please tell me this is an angle, i miss seeing anderson in the u.s...

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Guest OSIcon

It is an angle as far as I can tell. Gabe stepping out of the back a little and screaming something in anger and frustration (or what sounded like someone acting angry and trying to scream loud enough for all to hear) kind of solidified that it is an angle.

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Guest DeputyHawk

cool. as much as a russo-lite insider angle in a promotion that is supposed to oppose everything that kind of thing stands for can be cool, i mean. but if it equates to c.w. regularly competing in the u.s. again though, i don't give a fuck how they play it.

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Guest Youth N Asia
Red/Felisch interests me.

Has anyone got a review or opinion of that match? Im fast becoming a Jody Mark.

My take, Jody's very good...Red's a spotmonkey :)


This "Winner gets a ROH Contract" thing is long past dumb...it's an indy fed for Christ sake, there are no contracts.

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Red/Felisch interests me.

Has anyone got a review or opinion of that match? Im fast becoming a Jody Mark.

My take, Jody's very good...Red's a spotmonkey :)


This "Winner gets a ROH Contract" thing is long past dumb...it's an indy fed for Christ sake, there are no contracts.

It does seem a little stupid doesnt it, but you can see what they are getting at. More of a ful time spot in ROH, than a contract.


As for Jody, I was blown away by him at Seasons beatings, and i recently saw BOTB2, in which, he was amazing.


Criticise Red all you want, I still think the pair could work an awesome match, which is why i was really interested in it.



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Guest subliminal_animal

The stip seems silly because it still lets the other guy work in ROH. The "contract" just means they pretend to fly you in for shows.

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