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Guest Vern Gagne

What Sport has the biggest crybabies


27 members have voted

  1. 1. What Sport has the biggest crybabies

    • MLB
    • NFL
    • NHL
    • NBA
    • Tennis
    • Auto Racing
    • Golf
    • Other

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Guest Vern Gagne

The 4 major sports is hands down NBA. But tennis has alot of spoiled crybabies, but the NBA still gets my vote.

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Guest Youth N Asia

After Spreewell commited his assult/attempted murder/hate crime...then cried like a bitch cause they wouldn't let him play..


Yeah, gotta go with the NBA on that


Watching Tiger Woods go on a hissy fit is funny though...when he's doing great it's cause he's the best...but when he has a bad game it's cause of the camermen or a fan that farted 20 yards away.


Watching Jimmy Conners blow up is something to marvel at...funny stuff.

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Guest AlwaysPissedOff

As far as the atheletes themselves, it's NBA all the way.


As far as the fanbase goes, I'd have to say NHL. I'm not saying hockey fans suck, but good God, do they get bitchy about their sport. I was listening to a call-in Sporting News show one night and some guy e-mailed the host whining like little bitch about how "great" hockey was. I almost choked on an ice cube from laughing at how pathetic the guy sounded.


God, I hate elitists...

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

No other sport has a fraction of the low politics and petty monetary squabbles that boxing has. I still love watching it, but god DAMN fighters and promoters can be ridiculous.

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Guest Redhawk

How can you all say the NBA has the biggest crybabies? They play a physically demanding sport, play it 4 and sometimes 6 times per week, and although there are some crybabies, there are not THAT many.


But look at baseball. Sure, they play almost everyday. But it's freakin' BASEBALL. Even the centerfielders don't run nearly as much and as often as say, you average NBA small forward. And despite playing this non-contact sport, look at the injuries that baseball players have actually missed games with: Hangnails and sunburn and sore backs from picking up luggage. COME ON. Baseball players are pussies. And on top of all that, they're the ones always bitching about money, more so than NBA guys.


But golf deserves a shout-out too, and just for Tiger Woods. Why is it Tiger whines when someone takes his picture mid-swing, yet Barry Bonds has like 10,000 cameras going off in his face...and he's swinging at a ball that's moving 90 mph at him?

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Guest red_file

Professional Chess players bitch about the contrast of the white squares against the black, and blame it for their loss. Nothing beats that.


For actual sports, I'd go with baseball players. Anyone that whines about tradition is annoying to me.

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Guest The Electrifyer

"Professional Chess players bitch about the contrast of the white squares against the black, and blame it for their loss. Nothing beats that."


Was that a joke? They actually blame a loss on being the white pieces?

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Guest Kahran Ramsus

No athlete complains more than Jonathan Powers. Every single point or change of serve that goes against him is the judges fault. He's still awesome though.


But for an entire sport, I went with MLB. They are all a bunch of pussies.

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Guest red_file
"Professional Chess players bitch about the contrast of the white squares against the black, and blame it for their loss. Nothing beats that."


Was that a joke? They actually blame a loss on being the white pieces?

Not a joke. I recall not long ago there was a Finn claimed the reason who lost was because of the white squares being slightly cream colored and therefore diverted his attention. And unless they're playing a series, players often are very passionate about which side they wish to play, and sometimes blame that for a loss.

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Guest alkeiper

I'd say football, mainly for the fans. They whine about bad calls officials made DECADES ago.

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Guest The Man in Blak
I'd say football, mainly for the fans. They whine about bad calls officials made DECADES ago.

Ah ah ah. That's not exclusive to football.



- Jazz fans who insist that Jordan should have been called for an offensive foul for pushing off Bryon Russell for the final game-winning shot of the NBA Finals

- Cardinals fans who continually grind their axe, waiting for the moment that Don Denkinger steps into town and revenge can be taken for calling Jorge Orta safe in the '85 World Series

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Guest red_file

Aren't there some basketball fans who still bitch about a call made in the Olympics in the 70s?

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Guest bob_barron

I still bitch about Marquis Grissom being called out for stealing in Game 6 of the 1996 World Series.



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Guest CanadianChris

You want money-related whining? Nothing will ever top Patrick Ewing's quote during the 1998 lockout:


"Well, we make a lot of money, but we SPEND a lot of money too!"

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Guest starvenger
Aren't there some basketball fans who still bitch about a call made in the Olympics in the 70s?

I'm sure there are. We Leafs fans still bitch about the non-call on Gretzky for high sticking back in '93, and the lack of a Stanley Cup since '67.


But I don't think it's about the fans, it's about the players, owners and management. I voted for MLB, because of the combined whinyness of both MLB and the players.

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Guest redbaron51
Aren't there some basketball fans who still bitch about a call made in the Olympics in the 70s?

I'm sure there are. We Leafs fans still bitch about the non-call on Gretzky for high sticking back in '93, and the lack of a Stanley Cup since '67.


But I don't think it's about the fans, it's about the players, owners and management. I voted for MLB, because of the combined whinyness of both MLB and the players.

What high stick? Plus Gilmour use a blood capsult too.


Buffalo fans know these moments.


"Wide right!"


"NO GOAL!!!"

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Guest starvenger

eh, you can't bitch about the Super Bowls - they tried their best and lost. The skate in the crease, however, IS a legitimate whining point.


And, yes, I'm sure that if you get a super slo-mo, you'll see Gilmour blading on camera. You may also see Gretzky give him a chair shot...

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Guest Vern Gagne

The U.S. team was screwed in '72.


I'm really suprised that Baseball and Basketball are tied. The NBA's most dominating if not best player Shaq choose to have a toe surgery in Septemer when he could of had it done in July. Tell me what other sports biggest star would wait 2 months knowing he could get this surgery done imediatley after the season is over.

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Guest Youth N Asia

Why is golf even on the list...sure, Tiger's a whiney bitch...but golf is not and never will be a SPORT

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Guest alkeiper
Tell me what other sports biggest star would wait 2 months knowing he could get this surgery done imediatley after the season is over.


Nomar Garciaparra.


The problem with the NBA is that they're athletes are up close. We see their expressions. You don't get that in football, where you see the players at a distance, under their helmets. You don't see the expressions on their faces. Ultimately, no sport has more crybabies. It's just the vocal few in any case.

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Guest Vern Gagne

I knew someone would bring up Nomar, but I think he got bad advice and thought he could hold of on the surgery until March.

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Guest phoenixrising

Voted NBA. I don't know about overall, but the NBA's biggest stars just seem to be wussies.


You have: Vince Carter, who is too hurt to play basketball but not too hurt to get onstage with Nelly and dance. Vince has a song too by Nelly...sung to the tune of "It's Getting Hot in Here"...


The playoff race is getting hot in here/So I had better lose my game

The playoff race is getting so hot/I'm gonna get hurt again


Patrick Ewing's comment was classic. Way to describe your "plight" for the common man, Patrick.


Finally, Shaq. This guy is 7 foot 2, 330 pounds, the most intimidating force to ever play in the NBA...and he's a big wuss. Which is good for the NBA, if this guy played mean all the time no one would stand a chance. But geez, this guy whines about everything. It sucks to live near LA because the local media loves this guy and puts him on whenever he has something to say. It's a big news story here that he didn't talk to reporters following his comments about his team where he said "Don't talk to me, talk to the *bleeps* who ain't doing nothing". I'm actually glad that Brian Shaw called him on it. Hey Shaq, it's a TEAM effort. It doesn't matter if you're scoring 30 every night. If you lose, EVERYONE shares the blame. He looked like a bad ass when he came out of the locker room in preseason to face down the entire Sacramento team. Then he made a comment about Doug Christie's wife...how she massages his foot for him. Too bad this guy has become such a wuss now that he has three titles.

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