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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

The official "RVD ISN'T ON THE PPV" thread

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

So the ppv card that they showed on SD! doesn't have RVD on it.


Don't fear Hoss fans...Batista vs. Kane in the rematch demanded by NO ONE made the cut.


So RVD went from having the world champion beat two weeks ago to not making his first ppv since joining the company.




This is retarded on all new levels that the WWE hasn't approached before now.


What do we blame for this BULLSHIT?


Him injuring HHH in that stupid gimmick match? He was deemed "Good" enough to be HBK's only opponent other than HHH in his return...but not good enough to make the ppv?


Lost to HBK by DQ...Lost to HHH after everything was on his side, making him look like a bitch...Lost to Batista by DQ doing nothing more than providing a reason for Kane to take the spotlight.




I know RVD isn't any "Good" but he is over, and he is the top face on RAW regardless of what the Office thinks about it.


Fans want RVD to be the champion...and the WWE responds by jobbing him all month and not putting him on the ppv.


Anyone else find this...I don't know...wrong?

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Guest NYCTA Bus No. PA1767

Yeah, but you could say the same thing about Booker T and to a lesser extent Goldust. Also, Chris Jericho on the heel side of things.


At least RVD hasn't had to job to the most unover tag team in recent memory.

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Guest razazteca

you never know they might put RVD vs Hurricane at the last moment for a Heat match :)

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Guest Downhome

I just want to send out a hearty "I told you so" to everyone here, really...


...I said RVD was nothing more than a side story, simply another "aspect" to HBK/HHH, and that is all, and will remain only that, a sideshow for the big boys, for some time. Again, I can't belive some thought he had a shot at the World Title, I really can't.


I am shocked that he isn't even on the card, I didn't see that one coming.

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Guest Flyboy
Yeah, but you could say the same thing about Booker T and to a lesser extent Goldust. Also, Chris Jericho on the heel side of things.

How so?


They have a Tag Title Match at the PPV.

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Guest Mulatto Heat
Again, I can't belive some thought he had a shot at the World Title, I really can't.

Me neither.


But that was an argument used by the sad-ass apologists and the pitifully delusioned.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21
I just want to send out a hearty "I told you so" to everyone here, really...


...I said RVD was nothing more than a side story, simply another "aspect" to HBK/HHH, and that is all, and will remain only that, a sideshow for the big boys, for some time. Again, I can't belive some thought he had a shot at the World Title, I really can't.


I am shocked that he isn't even on the card, I didn't see that one coming.

Where did I say he'd be main eventing?


I said that they would run out of time in finding an opponent...even then I didn't think they were THIS FUCKING STUPID.


But Vince always proves me wrong.


I would write angry letters if I thought there was any chance that they would take it as anything other than HHH being such a great heel.

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Guest Downhome
Again, I can't belive some thought he had a shot at the World Title, I really can't.

Me neither.


But that was an argument used by the sad-ass apologists and the pitifully delusioned.

RVD has NO CHANCE IN HELL to be what most want him to become (including me, I'm a HUGE RVD fan), untill he can either learn to cut a better promo which he could use as a PPV selling promo, or untill they put him with a manager. He may get the title, but it will mean NOTHING, will be for only a month, and will NOT be memorable. He is a side show, special attraction, and nothing more right now. It's sad, but true, if you ask me.

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Guest NYCTA Bus No. PA1767

Flyboy, I believe Bps' point, besides that fact that RVD didn't have a match on the PPV is that the fans want to see him win something, whether a match or the title. Same thing for Booker (the title) and Goldust (tag titles).

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Guest Downhome
I just want to send out a hearty "I told you so" to everyone here, really...


...I said RVD was nothing more than a side story, simply another "aspect" to HBK/HHH, and that is all, and will remain only that, a sideshow for the big boys, for some time. Again, I can't belive some thought he had a shot at the World Title, I really can't.


I am shocked that he isn't even on the card, I didn't see that one coming.

Where did I say he'd be main eventing?


I said that they would run out of time in finding an opponent...even then I didn't think they were THIS FUCKING STUPID.


But Vince always proves me wrong.


I would write angry letters if I thought there was any chance that they would take it as anything other than HHH being such a great heel.

I didn't mean you said he'd be main eventing this PPV, it just seemed like many here thought they were actually going to push RVD right now, which obviously isn't going to happen. Many thought he'd win the chamber (no chance), many then said he'd beat HBK on RAW (NO chance), and then many said that he WOULD win the #1 contendership (NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO CHANCE). I'm just saying...

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Guest MarvinisaLunatic



Better to not be on PPV's then to be on PPVs and lose all the time (See Booker T).

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Guest NYCTA Bus No. PA1767

You know, RVD seems eerily similar to the Rikishi of old....




-Came in as a heel/tweener

-Fans turned him face due to good mobility and varied moveset (at the time), dancing, and his gigantic ass

-Was used as random but very over upper midcard face that could be inserted into ME tag matches

-Was used as randon, but very over face to insert into ME title picture

-Shuttled up and down card as was needed

-Heel turned that killed already waning heat




-Came in as heel/tweener

-Fans turned him face due to different style

-Was used as random, but over face to insert into ME tag matches

-Was used as random, but over face to insert into ME title scene

-Shuttled up and down card as was needed


You know, RVD's face pops ain't what they used to be. I'm just waiting for the inevitable RVD heel turn when he confesses he had something to do with crippling Shawn Michaels and HHH reveals himself as the mastermind despite the video evidence that proved it before SS.

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Guest AndrewTS

Good RVD isn't on the PPV. While they are at it why not forget about having the SD6 having a single match on the PPV?


Nothing good to pad the crap show, and then the show is sure to bomb immensely. Maybe some one will take the hint. If not, oh well. They'll have to learn sooner or later.


If Austin comes back I hope he sees to it that a lot of current writers get shitcanned as a condition to coming back.

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Guest bob_barron

AndrewTS- I think they're doing Eddy v. Benoit at the PPV.


I think for RVD they may team him with someone (Tommy Dreamer? Hurricane? Jeff?) to take on 3MW

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Guest Jobber of the Week

What proof does anyone have here that RVD's phenomenal in-ring pop has any tangible TV draw? With the results RVD vs Michaels drew, I'm suprised the WWE isn't afraid he has the Curse of Hogan.

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Guest creativename

The comparisons between RVD and Jericho are just plain eerie at this point.


I mean, a few weeks ago, people were joking about how the next step in RVD's Jericho-esque burial was to be left off a PPV.


I never thought that would actually happen. Never.

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Guest Jobber of the Week

"Dang Jethro.. What happened to that guy who was on the poster of last month's show?"

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Guest eirejmcmahon

That he fucked up at the PPV and that he should be punished by not getting that nice big fat PPV bonus this month ?


Besides, you should be happy, now you don't have to blow $40 on this piece of shit.

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Guest eirejmcmahon
What proof does anyone have here that RVD's phenomenal in-ring pop has any tangible TV draw ?

That argument only applies to The Undertaker, HHH and other targets of Smark dislike.


Having said that, while I agree with your point, I really think that given the state of the WWE's business at the moment, they're mad not to get behind RVD for a month or two - worst case scenario, he bombs horribly (which I, personally, think he will, he's not top card material).

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Guest NoCalMike

If Vince considers RVD a "sideshow" then I wonder why the hell guys like Kane/Albert/Gunn/Rikishi/Goldust/Triple H are even in the damn circus!?!


I guess we now can understand why RVD was telling the truth when he said even though he had a few offers to leave ECW, he knew it wouldn't be the right move.(I guess at least he was getting a paycheck, hehehe)

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Guest MarvinisaLunatic

And somewhere out there, there is someone who will order this PPV just because RVD isn't on it. Might only be one person, but there is someone out there. Of course, there are more people who wont order it because RVD isn't participating, but that doesnt really matter...

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen

One quick note... RVD defeated HBK in the RAW match by DQ. Astute fans will point out that HHH attacked RVD first.

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Guest FeArHaVoC
You know, RVD's face pops ain't what they used to be.

Of Course their not. Either are Booker T's or Jericho's. And it's not just because they been buried.


It's because there is 4,000 - 7,000 people in Attendance now. Compared to 10,000 - 18,000 last year at this time.

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Guest nikowwf

Even if he is a "sideshow", which i disagree with, people like him and hie pops the crowd and they want to see him, so he should be on the show.


Shit, get Regal and Storm out of there and put RVD and Hardy. Get Kane and Batista out of there and Put RVD vs. someone. Its not hard....even with 3 weeks of superdumbass booking leading up to the PPV to overcome.



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Guest JHawk

Some quick points.


1. "There's no proof RVD's a draw." There wasn't any proof that The Rock was a draw either when Survivor Series 1998 came along...and they turned him full heel when the fans were clamoring for a full face run.


2. "RVD isn't main event material." Maybe, maybe not, but I seem to recall people saying the same thing about Mick Foley even after he'd proved otherwise.


If I had already bought tickets to Armageddon, I'd be asking for my money back right now. I paid to see RVD and Lesnar wrestle, and now Lesnar's only going to do a run-in and RVD might do a run-in. Meanwhile, I get guys like Big Show, Kane, and Albert cluttering up a card while most of the actual talent sits in the locker room going "Damn, that looks like fun."

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Guest SP-1

RVD needs to learn how to cut a promo before getting anywhere near a credible World Title reign, in my opinion. I don't think he should be buried, though. If he's buried he's not going to get the tv/interview/angle time with a mic to get the promo experience he needs (unless they really do sit around in their off time practicing the art of promo. And even at that, doing it with a crowd is much more beneficial, in my opinion.) He may also do well to adopt a more all-around ring style.


Honestly . . . I don't see anyone on RAW being a credible contender for the Heavyweight Championship right now, aside from Triple H and HBK, and that's by default really. That speaks volumes.

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Guest FeArHaVoC

Heyman pretty much came out and said Management doesn't like RVD's ring work either, right?

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Guest SP-1

I'm not sure. I don't remember all of what was reported if you're talking about the OTR intreview.


Personally, I think RVD's offense seems a bit contrived sometimes. I mean, it's sort of repetitive now. rolly-rolly-, jump-flip-SPLASH!. Sometimes he comes off like a drunk ass ninja rather than someone with a martial arts background or a wrestling background. If he'd calm down a little and wrestle between his spots more, I think he'd look alot better. In my opinion, anyway.

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