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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

The official "RVD ISN'T ON THE PPV" thread

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Guest saturnmark4life

RVD vs Rico could be a perfectly alright ppv filler, better than hosting from the world.

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Guest Midnight Express83

RVD needs to add a spinebuster, a sleeperhold, 10 punches between spots. Then he can be a main eventer. And you don't need promo skills to be in the main event. You can be champion just be having that right gimmick.(Warrior).


But you also need to have contenders who make it worthwhile. That is the problem. Atleast with a heel champion, they have more to wrestle and build programs with.


I still say they need to kill the split because it isn't doing anything but killing the federation.

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Guest jester

At this point, I'm glad RVD doesn't have a match. He'd just have to job anyway. Let him stay at home, get high, and hopefully the buyrates will be Degeneration X level.

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Guest Goodear

I'm really starting to think RVD would benefit from having Paul Heyman becoming his manager (in a quest to get a hold of both versions of the WWE Title). Paul would bring RVD some much needed intensity in his promos, in my opinion.

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Guest jester
I'm really starting to think RVD would benefit from having Paul Heyman becoming his manager (in a quest to get a hold of both versions of the WWE Title). Paul would bring RVD some much needed intensity in his promos, in my opinion.

Flair would be a good choice too I think. Maybe even a better one.


RVD so needs to be on Smackdown. He wouldn't be buried as much.

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