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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

The official "RVD ISN'T ON THE PPV" thread

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Guest humongous2002

RVD, mr. PPV,the whole fuckin' show not participating on the ppv?????Unfuckingbelievable, good things i dont buy the ppv otherwise i wouldn't be watching this crappy show.Just b/c he injured Triple Gonzo on the last ppv he gets demoted to jobbing to Batista and he doesn't get to be @ Crappageddon. The most over face on RAW and he is not even mentioned on the line up for the ppv.The guy was getting pops bigger or as big as Austin or the Rock when he first joined the WWE but all of a sudden this whole year he was demoted to midcarder and to elevate other wrestlers like Brock and now HGH even though he still hasn't won a World title yet.His weakness is not his promo(check any old ECW tapes and you'll see what i'm talking about, his promos were very entertaining) thats b/s his problem is the fact that he is not a WWE homegrown talent,he is not a 7 foot tall piece of crap, a juiced up freak, banging the bosses daughter and most of all a character thats not being used properly by the RAW writers, believe me if Heyman was in charge of the RAW booking instead of the Smackdown booking he would've made stars out of RVD,Book and even Kane already, hopefully they do an angle with RVD being too pissed off for not being at the ppv and he requests to be traded to Smackdown, but i doubt that will ever happen, i guess Vince wants his company to sink faster than the Titanic.

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Guest AndrewTS

Meh--Eddy vs. Benoit will be awesome, but it won't get enough time and isn't worth the price of admission by itself.


Of course, they'll be blamed for the poor buyrate and attendance.

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Guest Smell the ratings!!!

that's what I'm pissed about. We get Benoit vs. Eddy for the first time in...urh...a while, and it will be 6 minutes long, and seen by like 600 people.

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Guest Quik

Hey, at least we know that Kurt's going over.


Anyway, RVD is being jobbed out so he can lose his heat. That way, the WWE doesn't have to face the fact that they aren't pushing a guy who's over.


What's sad is that actually made sense.

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Guest Kenju Matsuki

I see nothing wrong with giving Rob a PPV off. His limited and repetitive repetoire will (and maybe has already) caused the majority of the fanbase to find his matches dull.


I think it's better if Rob stays away from the title scene. I know all of you wish he won, but think what would have happened if he did win the belt. HHH would come down, and say "boy, you're not worthy of that belt, and everyone knows it should be mine" every show, over a belt that's pretty damn worthless as is.


I'm happy if they don'toverutilize RVD now, because like it or not, he has a short life span in WWE unless he re-invents more offense (and not just flipping around for no apparent reason). Keep Rob somewhat fresh until HHH hurts Steph's feelings, or he dies.

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Guest Brian
Hey, at least we know that Kurt's going over.

I doubt that. Having Brock in his corner seems like a dead give-away to the opposite, with probably one or two false finishes.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Oh my...


RVD is hosting from the World.


Working with HHH just does wonders for ones career.

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Guest Kenju Matsuki

It gives RVD a chance to show more of his personality outside of the ring.

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Guest CanadianChick

At the World? Ouch. Does WWE give guests from the World a chance to speak on the ppv anyways?

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Guest Kenju Matsuki

RVD is not being jobbed. He is still a legitimate title contender, that just had 3 chances at the title.

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Guest CanadianChick

Its on WWE.com chirs3:

Armageddon is live this Sunday night! If you can't be at the Office Depot Center in Ft. Lauderdale, Fla., the best place to watch the show is at The World, the WWE restaurant and entertainment complex in New York's Times Square. Rob Van Dam will be there as the host, and there will be live "cut-backs" from the arena to the fans at The World! Tickets are available at The World Box Office, located on 43rd St. just west of Broadway.

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Guest AndrewTS
Its on WWE.com chirs3:

Armageddon is live this Sunday night! If you can't be at the Office Depot Center in Ft. Lauderdale, Fla., the best place to watch the show is at The World, the WWE restaurant and entertainment complex in New York's Times Square. Rob Van Dam will be there as the host, and there will be live "cut-backs" from the arena to the fans at The World! Tickets are available at The World Box Office, located on 43rd St. just west of Broadway.

Holy crap, what a "fuck you" to RVD. He's pulling Billy Gunn duty.

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Guest Quik
Oh my...


RVD is hosting from the World.


Working with HHH just does wonders for ones career.

"Dude, since I, like, injured Hunter or something, I gotta pull hosting duty here at The World, bro. Man, that's a drag and a half. But we all know that everyone's favorite superstar, R-V-D, is sure to score some primo smoke here in N-Y-C. So anyway, I'd would like totally rule if I was on the Pay Per View, but I still get the bonus for being here. So I'm gonna go out and blow that bonus on some smoke, and at least three of these lucky fans are gonna do bong hits with the whole damn show. Late!"

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Guest Zero_Cool

Heh, RVD pulls a Jerry Lynn and rips J.R. or whoever a new asshole when they interview him.


J.R.: So, RVD, how are you feeling?


RVD: High....on life, dude. I know that you're feeling pretty good, dude. Hell, you probably got a boner for all of dem' hosses on the PPV. Isn't that right....


*the crew cuts away from The World*


*90 days later, RVD wins the X Title in his debut match*


*seven days after that, NWA lands a TV deal with Fox, as they now have a draw for their promotion*

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Heh, RVD pulls a Jerry Lynn and rips J.R. or whoever a new asshole when they interview him.


J.R.:  So, RVD, how are you feeling?


RVD:  High....on life, dude.  I know that you're feeling pretty good, dude.  Hell, you probably got a boner for all of dem' hosses on the PPV.  Isn't that right....


*the crew cuts away from The World*


*90 days later, RVD wins the X Title in his debut match*


*seven days after that, NWA lands a TV deal with Fox, as they now have a draw for their promotion*

Actually if RVD were to shoot it would be more likely him shooting on HHH and bring up the fact that HHH is fucking the boss's daughter in real life and ruining the WWE by forcing himself down everyone's throat...

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Guest cabbageboy

I was almost about to make the same Lynn comparison. Haha.


You know, I'd really enjoy seeing RVD on the NWA right about now, what with Jerry, Styles, Red, and all those guys to wrestle. Thing is, I think he could bridge the gap and unify the X and World titles on there.


I'm refusing to get this PPV since RVD isn't on it. They can go to hell. This is the absolute lamest PPV I can recall. There is literally no match you could point to and expect it to draw money. It's just pathetic.

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Guest CanadianChick

Sadly, they believe that with the Micheals vs. HHH, the ppv will draw decently. They are really disillusioned. It's sad.

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Guest midnight_burn

Don't worry, i'm sure Rob Van Dam will be on the next Pay Per View... jobbing to DAVE Batista.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Next ppv is the Rumble.


He can try to beat his personal best record time of 2 minutes.

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Guest wwF1587

this is ever soo funny and ever soo sad at the same time... and this reminds me soo much of Jericho its pathetic, reading about it is just as sad... yet funny too. If this was what WCW was like in the past.. I am glad I didnt watch.. and I remember when I tried to watch WCW and getting too fustrated with it.. and now WWE is that. so RVD isnt on this ppv... lets see


GOD wins over Jericho at WMX8 and Jericho is not on the next months pay per view Backlash (except in an interview)


GOD ruins RVDs title match and wins a Number One Contenders match thus RVD has no spot on this months ppv


All that needs to happen now is for RVD to compete in a HIAC match against GOD... lose thus burying him completely and he will be jericho... except at least jericho has gotten the world title/wwe title. I feel sorry for RVD... UT wouldnt let him go over him and now GOD is using the power to squash him as well.. oh well...

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

That won't kill RVD.


There is only one way to get it done and that is to turn him heel. Jericho should have been dead long before that HIAC...but they couldn't bury him as a face. Same with RVD.


Heel turn coming...and I get the feeling that being at the World will be the storyline catalyst for it.

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Guest AndrewTS
That won't kill RVD.


There is only one way to get it done and that is to turn him heel. Jericho should have been dead long before that HIAC...but they couldn't bury him as a face. Same with RVD.


Heel turn coming...and I get the feeling that being at the World will be the storyline catalyst for it.

Heel turn = no more crowd-popping trademark RVD offense, more punching, a slower pace?

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Guest NoCalMike

I really must wonder what Vince is thinking when he books this PPV. I mean does he seriously think his most over face has no place on the card? Does he think ANYONE cares about Triple H/HBK part 3, when no one really cared about part 2.....I wouldn't be suprised if HBK went over, but like the other 2 victories, the win is COMPLETELY ignored on WWE TV so they can book ANOTHER MATCH between these 2 at the Rumble....


I am also Sooooooo looking forward to how they will knock RVD further down the ladder in this years Rumble when he probobaly lasts 30 seconds after being double clotheslined over the top rope by Triple H and UT.

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Guest saturnmark4life

whilst i am sick to the back teeth of that moron RVD, not booking him at the ppv is insane. But heeeeey, Dave 'Just call me Dave' Batista is on, so let the hosses commence~%

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