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Guest oldschoolwrestling

No one can use the superkick but Sean

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Guest oldschoolwrestling

-WWE put a sign up backstage at RAW this past Monday telling all other workers not to do superkicks in their match. The move is currently reserved for Shawn Michaels only.


-Rob Van Dam will be hosting the Armageddon party at the World on Sunday, meaning he won't even be at the PPV itself.


Credit: 1wrestling.com

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Guest Youth N Asia

Dumb really. I could understand that if he's been a consistant WWE worker these past couple years. It seems very Kliqish

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Guest Goodear

Boy they better hope Bradshaw never gets to the top of the heap... imagine a WWE roster without clotheslines! GASP!

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Guest AlwaysPissedOff
Boy they better hope Bradshaw never gets to the top of the heap... imagine a WWE roster without clotheslines! GASP!


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Guest Youth N Asia

HHH: "New rules you guys, straight from Vince-uhhh...no one can do the ankle lock now but Kurt-uhhh."


Kurt: "Thanks Hunter..."


HHH: *cuts him off* "And no on can do the chokeslam but Big Show."


Big Show: *smiles*


Kane: *grumble grumble*


HHH: "And last, but not least-uhhhh, no one goes over-uhh, but me-uhhh!" *Spits water, poses*


Jericho: *Whispers to RVD* "Like we didn't see that one coming."

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Guest Spaceman Spiff

There goes Chuck Palumbo's finisher, too.


I guess they need to reserve the move for the *1* time a month Shawn actually wrestles.

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It makes perfect sense to me. Everyone else uses it as a transition move but Shawn uses it as a finish. So if you have a bunch of midcard guys using it as a regular move, it hurts its impact as Shawn's finisher.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I'll tell you what.


When HBK has to go on house show tours and wrestles every show like the rest of the roster then he can get to have the move only

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Guest Youth N Asia

That would make more sense if Shawn didn't take 4 years off though. If he was in constant rotation I could understand it.

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Guest razazteca

is it Sean or Shawn? the Sweet Chin Music has a better set up than the other Super Kicks, as some people like PALUMBO have no business at all using a kick finish.


besides to many damn people use the move anyway, only Texas Wrestlers can use the move......which leaves just HBK and Booker T.

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Guest Goodear

It's Shawn...


And this is total business as usual for the WWE who always tried to keep main eventers' finishers out of the rotation of the undercard. It's actually good business and one of the main reasons indy wrestlers have a hard time breaking into the WWE. Indy guys (specifically the spot monkeys) use about seven finishers a match before they pull out the win.

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Guest SP-1

I don't see the big deal with it, really. I mean, they should be able to make the Superkick appear different than Sweet Chin Music. Seriously. Plus, I always thought that the motive behind someone having a finisher is that while others can do it, this guy can connect with it more powerfully, and better than the others. That's the purpose of a finisher to me. not that they are the only ones who can do it.

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Guest oldschoolwrestling

Someone on their way out, say Raven, should go out there and do the Pedigree......as a transitional move. Fuck it, all it will do is speed up the release.....

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Wait a second fellas. Big Show was at the world for Wrestlemania and he got the title. Think about it.


*thinks about it*


RVD is screwed.

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Guest Human Fly
Someone on their way out, say Raven, should go out there and do the Pedigree......as a transitional move. Fuck it, all it will do is speed up the release.....


That would be hilarious.


It's too bad about the superkick because there were a few times I was waiting for Stevie Richards to take Jackie's head off with one. What makes the least sense to me is that after HBK loses the title on Sunday he probably won't wrestle for another 3 months. Why didn't they do this a little before Survivor Series?

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Guest Repo Man jr

I like Chuck Palumbo's super kick. He slaps his leg really hard with his hand then slowly raises his leg up towards his opponents chest.

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Guest SP-1
I like Chuck Palumbo's super kick. He slaps his leg really hard with his hand then slowly raises his leg up towards his opponents chest.

I don't know if you intended for it to be or not, but that was pretty funny.

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Guest EricMM

Palumbo should stick to his punches instead of his super kicks, his punches have been pretty fierce (woo street fighter!) and if he could decide on some sort of finisher, well, he'd be ok.

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Guest Cataclysm911
Palumbo should stick to his punches instead of his super kicks, his punches have been pretty fierce (woo street fighter!) and if he could decide on some sort of finisher, well, he'd be ok.

He shouldn't have cut his hair off. He lost the look when he did it. At least I think he did.

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Guest notJames

Score one more for the SuperKliq.


So, when Big Poochie returns, will they ban all powerbombs but his so he can perform his LazyDrop with impugnity? What will SuperDave Batista and the Redneck Messiah do?


I hate politics.

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Guest DJ Jeff

Oh, as for HBK just being able to use the superkick, well, fuck that. What makes HBK so special that he can only use the superkick? It's like telling everyone else on the roster that they can't use the Figure Four Leg Lock 'cause it's Flair's finisher.

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Guest Cataclysm911
Score one more for the SuperKliq.


So, when Big Poochie returns, will they ban all powerbombs but his so he can perform his LazyDrop with impugnity? What will SuperDave Batista and the Redneck Messiah do?


I hate politics.

I think they should. I hate seeing powerbombs in every match. It should be a finish only.


Now, I have nothing against multiple people using a powerbomb as a finisher. I just want it to be used at the end of a match... not within the first match sequence.


Also, Flair should be the only one who uses the Figure-Four. People should tap out to the mother fucker as well.

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