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Guest Vern Gagne

Do you have an accent and not even know it!

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Guest Vern Gagne

Whenever I've been in a different parts of the country people tell me I've got an accent. I never thought I did but maybe no one thinks they do.

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Guest Slingshot Suplex

I've moved from Michigan to Missouri and I hear hints of a southern accent starting to inject itself into my voice and it pisses me off when I catch it.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

I know I've got one. The midwestern accent is a weird thing. Especially if it's not the classic southern Kentucky accent, or the Wisconsin "dontcha know" one. Mine's somewhere in between Chicago and Kentucky, with all words trimmed down to their bare bones.


F'rinstance, there's the word "F'rinstance." Chicago is pronnounced "shka-go" and Louisville is "Loo-avull." Those are extreme examples. Usually it's "to" being "ta" and "for" being pronounced "fer."

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Guest LaParkaMarka

Everyone has an accent of some sort. Even if someone spoke perfect SAE (Standard American English) it would still be an accent to others. So hooray for linguistic variation.

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Guest redbaron51

When I was in Boston, people thought I had an accent, damn people can't pronounce the "r"'s.


Some people say I have a british accent though

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Guest papacita

Even though I've lived in Philly all my life, I have a slight Southern accent from my mom (who's from South Carolina).

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Guest Angle-plex

I'm from Boston, and I can't pronounce "r". Nobody can understand anything I say.

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Guest J*ingus

Even though I'm from Tennessee, for some bizarre reason I'm fairly close to SAE. I have little-to-no accent at all.

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Guest Bosstones Fan

I've lived in or near Houston my entire life, so I was kinda surprised when I went to Chicago this summer (to see my Cubbies kick some ass at Wrigley!) and, when I was checking into my hotel, the guy behind the counter said, "Hey, where are you from?"


Just like that. I'd barely said two sentences to the guy and he was commenting on my accent. So, obviously I have one...I just wasn't that aware of it until then!

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Guest SP-1

I have an odd accent. It's a hodge podge of brittish/scottish/southern/SAE. Different ways of pronouncing things appear when I'm upset or angry. I think it's from watching ALOT of TV over the years. It's starting to go away though as I have started to work on it now.

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Guest AM The Kid

I have the Alberta accent, I've found that our accents are different from other parts of Canada(even BC and SK). Every province seems to have a different accent, esspecially those Newfies.

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Guest T®ITEC

I hate those freakin' Newfies.



Anyway, I've lived in Utah for six years, and I've discovered that we slur our words together while speaking. "What are you doing today?" becomes "Whatreyudointday?"


We don't take the time to pronounce our words. "You're in Utah" becomes "Urine Utah" when pronounced by a native, as my old science teacher once pointed out.



....I find that I slip into a New Jersey accent somtimes. I was yelling at someone a while ago and BOOM! I had this freakin' Jersey accent. I sort of miss it.

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Guest The Metal Maniac

I have a God-awful accent. You know how they say that everyone has an accent, but you just never notice until you go somewhere where people have a different accent?


I've had people who live about 20 minutes away from me tell me that I have an accent. That's bad.


While visiting my brother out in Alberta, we managed to confuse the fuck out of one of his friends. When my and my brother spoke to each other, we'd do it so quickly and with such an accent they couldn't follow us at all.


'Course, I'm half Cape Bretoner, and to anyone who knows what that is, that'll explain it right there.

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Nope- no accent here.


People are mad I don't talk like a New Yawker

You do have a lisp though. I have a Bronx accent. Listen to Fat Joe or Jennifer Lopez speak.



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Guest Kotzenjunge

I have literally zero accent, other than SAE. Only people to EVER comment on any accent were British or Australians. Apparently those girls loooooove the "American accent."


However, I can very easily do almost any accent you want me to, and if I do or hear one too much (like say, after watching The Young Ones all afternoon), I'll get stuck in it without even trying.

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Guest SP-1

I don't remember you having a southern accent, Kotz. At least not one strong enough that I picked up on it. But that may also be because I'm around people with a lighter one, too.

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Guest Kotzenjunge

(makes plans to have a SUPER-TWANGY~! accent when he sees SP tomorrow night)


Either that or I'll speak in a British one.

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Guest DrTom

Most people think they have no accent. It takes someone else to point it out. Despite being born in Maryland and living in or near Baltimore all my life, I lack the "Bawlmer" accent. I hear it pretty often, and I KNOW I don't talk that way. I guess I'm pretty close to SAE.

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Guest treble charged

I'm reasonably sure I don't say 'aboot', but I have been known to say 'eh', so I guess if that's what makes a Canadian accent, then I have a Canadian accent.

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Guest cartman

I'm very partial to my Rhode Island accent...


For those who don't know...mix a New Yorker accent with a Boston accent...yup.

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Guest Zack Malibu
I'm very partial to my Rhode Island accent...


For those who don't know...mix a New Yorker accent with a Boston accent...yup.

I've got the RI accent too. Most people think I'm from New York when I go to Florida, etc.

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Guest meanmaisch

I have a southern New Jersey accent, which means I pronounce words like water and roof differentely from others. South Jersey is strange with their accents. There are two kinds of southern Jersey accents. The first kind, like mine, have very subtle effects and characteristics. The farther one travels in the southern part of the state, the more of a chance they will encounter a definite southern twang, which is characteristic of the second type of southern New Jersey accent.

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