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Guest oldschoolwrestling

WWE pisses off Muslims

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Guest oldschoolwrestling

from 1wrestling.com


Muslims criticize portrayal of 'Jesus' in TV ad

Christ shown gambling with devil in sports bar on TV Guide Channel




A prominent national Islamic civil rights and advocacy group today criticized as "tasteless and insensitive" a television commercial promoting professional wrestling that shows "Jesus" gambling with the devil in a sports bar.


The Washington-based Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) said the ad, currently airing on the TV Guide Channel, shows a blond man dressed in white and illuminated by a shaft of light discussing the upcoming World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) "Armageddon" pay-per-view event with a devil-like figure. The "devil" says, "We've been hyping this [Armageddon] for two millennia." At the end of the commercial, he asks the "Jesus" figure, "Do you want to go double or nothing on the Saints?"


"This kind of tasteless and insensitive portrayal of Jesus, peace be upon him, is an insult to the deeply-felt beliefs of Muslim and Christian Americans. We ask that TV Guide Channel and the WWE withdraw the commercial and apologize to viewers," said CAIR Executive Director Nihad Awad. Awad added that Muslims revere Jesus as a prophet of God and called on Christian leaders to join in his defense.


Awad quoted a verse from the Quran, Islam's revealed text, which states: "Behold! The angels said 'O Mary! God giveth thee glad tidings of a Word from Him: his name will be Christ Jesus the son of Mary, held in honor in this world and the Hereafter and of (the company of) those nearest to God.'" (Chapter 3, Verse 45)


In another verse, the Quran states: "Say ye: 'We believe in God and the revelation given to us and to Abraham, Ismail, Isaac, Jacob, and the Tribes, and that given to Moses and Jesus, and that given to (all) Prophets from their Lord. We make no distinction between any of them, and it is unto Him that we surrender ourselves.'" (Chapter 2, Verse 136)


He also quoted the Prophet Muhammad who said: "Both in this world and in the Hereafter, I am the nearest of all people to Jesus, the son of Mary. The prophets are paternal brothers; their mothers are different, but their religion is one." (Sahih Al-Bukhari, Volume 4, Hadith 652)


There are an estimated seven million Muslims in America and some 1.2 billion worldwide.




CONTACT TV Guide Channel to politely request that they withdraw the ad. Contact:


Mr. Bill Rosolie

VP, National Cable Advertising Sales Director

TV Guide Channel

1211 Avenue of the Americas, 28th Fl

New York, NY 10036

FAX: 212-852-7323

E-MAIL: [email protected], [email protected]

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Guest AndrewTS

Sounds the like type of stupid ad that WWE would do. Out of stupidity, I don't think they meant it to be offensive.


It's a little late to withdraw it, though, right?


I've never seen this commercial--is this an old article?

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Guest Goodear
There are an estimated seven million Muslims in America and some 1.2 billion worldwide.


And maybe, what, thirty of them give a damn about this?

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Guest oldschoolwrestling
There are an estimated seven million Muslims in America and some 1.2 billion worldwide.


And maybe, what, thirty of them give a damn about this?

31 if you include Tiger Ali Singh

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Guest Choken One

Exactly, besides...Who even remembers these things (aside from the Things in 60 Minutes and Vince's Utopia and the

"We're going to war" packages). Most people never see them since they are getting seated or grabbing food and drinks etc.

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Guest Youth N Asia

Yeah, when most people bitch about stuff like this it's the small percent of the group that gives a damn, they just take it upon themselves to bitch for everyone...I'm sure the high majority could care less

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Guest Super Pissed Smark

Would the rest of the contestants for "pointless group nobody gives a damn about that's even more pathetically desperate for publicity than the WWE" please leave the building, we've found our winner.

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Guest jester

I've seen that ad, and I thought that character was supposed to be an angel, not Jesus. But whatever.


I thought it was cute, better than the Trish with her tits pushed up to her eyeballs in the ice cream truck commercials they did for Summerslam.


Anyway, Islam and Christianity have endured many challenges, I'm sure one commerical for a PPV won't kill them, so these guys should mellow out.


Vince, be sure to have HHH shoot on them and go on about how you can air anything you want.

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Guest chirs3

I saw it. Not a bad commercial, though it's not the kind that would sell tickets so I didn't see much reason for making it.


Would it kill these people to have a sense of humor?

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There are an estimated seven million Muslims in America and some 1.2 billion worldwide.


And maybe, what, thirty of them give a damn about this?

31 if you include Tiger Ali Singh

32 if you count Tiger Jeet Singh.

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Guest oldschoolwrestling
32 if you count Tiger Jeet Singh.

33 if you count the Sultan

35 if you count Farooq and Kama

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Guest LaParkaMarka

It's kind of interesting that Muslims are unhappy with it while Christians haven't complained at all.

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Guest creativename
31 if you include Tiger Ali Singh

Don't know if that was a joke or not, but he's not Muslim, he's Sikh...Sikh's hate Muslims, there've been countless wars between the two in India...in fact the Sikh's were largely created based on rebelling against their Muslim rulers.


I'm a Muslim, by the way...well, by ethnicity anyway. Staunch atheist really...

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Guest Nevermortal

This is just like the goddamned fucking retarded Hitman 2 nonsense that Sikhs caused an uproar over.


Yeah, you kill some EVIL Sikhs. That's not to say that all sikhs are evil. And besides, Hitman is a Hitman, he's an equal opportunity killer.


I'm getting really off track now.

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Guest LaParkaMarka

The Hitman thing was retarded. My family is Sikh, and honestly, 99.999% of Sikhs don't give a crap about Hitman. If anything, they care more about being called a Hindu or Muslim.


And the animosity between Sikhs and Muslims back in India is definately still around. Goes back to the days of Emporer Aurangzeb of the Mughal Empire. Actually, probably a bit before that...Sikhs had a nasty habit of choosing the wrong side in Mughal civil wars. Oops.

My parents flip out if I mention I'm interested in a Muslim girl. It's quite amusing really.

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Guest notJames

Seriously, people should get over themselves. They just want something to complain about...


... of course, some of us get accused of that as well, but...

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Guest dreamer420
31 if you include Tiger Ali Singh

Don't know if that was a joke or not, but he's not Muslim, he's Sikh...Sikh's hate Muslims, there've been countless wars between the two in India...in fact the Sikh's were largely created based on rebelling against their Muslim rulers.


I'm a Muslim, by the way...well, by ethnicity anyway. Staunch atheist really...

Were you or anyone you know offended?

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Guest TheArchiteck

I've seen the commercial...I thought the guy was just an Angel.

It was pretty innocent if you ask me.

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Guest Ace309

Chalk me up for another one who saw it, thought it was lame but cute, and never gave it another thought.

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I'm a Christian. I saw it. And it didn't offend me at all.


I never saw it as Jesus. I thought they were doing the whole Angel/Devil thing like when they show one on each shoulder of a person.

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