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Guest Polish_Rifle

The Best Kept Secret in the NBA...

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Guest Polish_Rifle

The Clips have won 5 of their last 7 games and are on pace to win 40 of their last 57 games, all without Lamar Odom and an injured group throughout the season yet they have managed to slip under the radar.


How about some love for the Clips?

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Guest razazteca

are you Alina?


Let's wait until March to declare the Clippers a success or not.

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Guest Lethargic

I think the Clippers have been a huge bust, at least if you listened to all the pre-season hype about how much the addition of Andre Miller would help them. They still look like they won't come close to making the playoffs to me. Too many other teams are head and shoulders better than they are. Won 5 of their last 7? So has the Grizzlies.

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Guest NoCalMike

I am a big MARYLAND cbb fan.....so I am interested to know if Wilcox is getting any playing time right now with the Clipps.....I thought he was too raw for the NBA after last year. He has lots of skills and potential, but even in college last season on the road to the NCAA championship, he looked green......so what has he been doing lately?

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Guest Lethargic
I am a big MARYLAND cbb fan.....so I am interested to know if Wilcox is getting any playing time right now with the Clipps.....I thought he was too raw for the NBA after last year. He has lots of skills and potential, but even in college last season on the road to the NCAA championship, he looked green......so what has he been doing lately?

He's averaged less than 6 minutes in 13 games while getting 2 points and 1 board per.

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Guest Polish_Rifle

This is exactly what I am talking about. Everyone thinks they have been disappointing but nobody is taking into account that the entire team never played together in training camp or in the preseason...Elton had surgery on his knee, Q injured his knee and has been in and out of the injured list. Andre is playing with a bum ankle...Lamar Odom has been out all season, and Corey Magette is out 2-3 months. Oh, did I mention Pike is also out with a groin pull?


Yet, this team is only 3 games under .500 and is within 4 games behind of the #3 record in the Western Conference! Damn!, this team is good.


But you don't hear about the injuries, do you? All you hear about is how Shaq-Fu and hurt and the Lakers don't really suck without the help of the referee's favoritism...but that's another subject.

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Guest Lethargic

You might as well enjoy it because it ain't gonna be much fun next year when half the team leaves. haha

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Guest kingkamala

The Chicago Bulls are the best kept secret in the NBA. I know they're below .500 but I think they're gonna develop into a fine young team after the all star break. They've got three or four talented players on there roster and they'll be serious playoff contenders in the next 2 or 3 years I bet.

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Guest The Electrifyer

The only thing that made my interest fade in the Clippers was Darius Miles getting traded to Cleveland. I just loved to see Miles in LA doing his dunks and plays. Now that he's on the Cavs with Ricky Davis, my interest in Cleveland has gone way up.

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Guest I *heart* Stacy

Dude, the Clippers aren't playing well so far this year, at all. I expected a slow start since they had a ton of injuries at the start of the year, but they haven't improved much at all.


I still have hope they can make the playoffs, especially with Odom coming back next week. They're young, but they need Andre and Olowokandi to start showing they are top players in the league to go anywhere this year.

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Guest Lethargic
I still have hope they can make the playoffs, especially with Odom coming back next week. They're young, but they need Andre and Olowokandi to start showing they are top players in the league to go anywhere this year.

I can't see them making the playoffs. I mean, who from the playoffs last year has slipped up so much that the Clippers will jump over them? And with Phoenix and Houston improved, if anybody does miss the playoffs, those two teams will most likely be the teams that jump into their spots.

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Guest Vern Gagne
Wanna know something weird? In about two years...we'll be saying the exact same thing about the Cleveland Cavaliers...

That's if they get LeBron James. Of course David Stern will rig the Lottery and give the Knicks the first pick. :D

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Guest Lethargic
Wanna know something weird? In about two years...we'll be saying the exact same thing about the Cleveland Cavaliers...

That's if they get LeBron James. Of course David Stern will rig the Lottery and give the Knicks the first pick. :D

Actually ESPN was reporting that the entire lottery might get aired this year just to show that they're not rigging it for the Knicks to get LeBron. Which would make it funnier when the Knicks win it.

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Guest Bob Van Darn

LeBron James is 6'6. Great, they can once again have an entire roster of SG-SF types.

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