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Guest Goodear

An Open Letter to Tom Flesher

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Guest Goodear

Dear Tom,


Hello from lovely... wait, that's not right... BUTT ASS COLD AND HORRIBLE Alaska! How are you? I am fine. I just wanted to pass along some congratulations from The Smarks Junior League contingent of The Magnificent Seven regarding your impending victory over El Luchadore Suckicho. Well, actually, the congratulations are just from me. I asked Fugue about it and he said, "I think El Luchadore Magnifico is going to beat Tom Flesher." And then he added, "like a drum." I think that's part of his whole music thing although I cannot be sure. Fugue is not being a team player, in my opinion anyway. Of course, my opinion isn't as important as yours, you're the best and all. I would tell you that I am dedicating my world title match to you, but I do that everyweek, so that's not so news worthy. I also beat WildChild again, but that's also not to newsworthy either. I am afraid I had to be tough on the lad, but he was saying bad things about Frost before the match, it was all in creole and all but I think he called Frost Brand Merchandise shoddy. He's obviously never worn Forst Brand Tennis Shoes... Ha Ha!... see WildChild doesn't wear shoes... that was Fugue's joke. He's not a team player or a comedian. Sometimes I catch him taping his ear down and yelling, "Look at me, I'm Mercury." And that's just so not funny. Then he holds out a potato and is all, "And this is my buddy, Danny Williams ... oh no wait, its just a potato... HAHA!" Then he says something about music again. He's weird that way... and totally not a team player. Anyway, I have to go... Fugly is is now trying to do an Annie Electic impersonation by 'hiding' something. I keep telling him that Annie isn't a member of the Seven anymore, but I don't think he cares.


Best Wishes,

Your Loyal Servant,

Who knows his role,

And doesn't do impersonations,

Or know anything about music,


Ejiro Fasaki


P.S. It's nice to see Judge Mental taking his medication again, it's been months since his last falshback. You must be a good influence on him.

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This letter is just to funny. Fugue doing M7 impersonations...


Anyway's this was pretty cool, and it adds a bit of a rift between the two players for the world title match. I can't wait to see it. :)

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Guest kelloggs

Bah I say, Ejiro PLEASE don't stroke Tom's ego... It's already much larger than mine so you KNOW it's big :rolleyes:

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Guest CED Ordonez

Ladies and gentlemen, Tom Flesher has something bigger that Mattitude. Therefore, I'm running out the door before whatever it is consumes you all...

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Guest Powerplay

Ejiro is becoming the next Zed in the JL in terms of hilarity, but he doesn't no-show (Like the old Zed)! That was great, especially the Mercury and Danny Williams jokes. Keep it up, my man.

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