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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

2002 TNA awards

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Since TNA is off until 2003 now, and they have 50 hours of wrestling programming in the books...


Let's vote!



TNA Wrestler of the year


TNA Tag Team of the year


TNA Match of the year


TNA Show of the year


TNA Feud of the year


TNA Promo of the year


TNA Angle of the year (best angle)


Best title reign


Best Moment



Worst Wrestler


Worst Tag Team


Worst Match


Worst Show


Worst Feud


Worst Promo


Worst Angle


Worst Title Reign


Worst Moment



...and if anyone can think of anything else go nuts.

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Guest Nevermortal

TNA Wrestler of the year

- Jerry Lynn


TNA Tag Team of the year



TNA Match of the year

- Nicho El Millionairo v. Low Ki v. Jerry Lynn v. AJ Styles (X-Division Title)


TNA Show of the year

- The week with the 6 Way X-Division Main, the X-Contenders match.


TNA Feud of the year

- Styles v. Lynn


TNA Promo of the year

- Piper/Russo (CONTROVERSY~!)


TNA Angle of the year (best angle)

- The On-going Lynn/Styles Saga


Best title reign

- The first AJ Styles X-Division Title Reign


Best Moment

- Truth wins the Heavyweight Title


Worst Wrestler

- Cheex would probably win, but nothing has bored me more than the Harrises.


Worst Tag Team

- Harrises


Worst Match

- Cheex v. Frank Parker


Worst Show

- Didn't like the show with Russo/Piper except for the promo.


Worst Feud

- I couldn't have cared less about the Flying Elvis' in-team feuding.


Worst Promo

- As much as I love him...Red's interview. He stuttered too much, and generally looked stupid.


Worst Angle



Worst Title Reign

- Ken Shamrock


Worst Moment

- X-Pac winning the X-Title. Blah.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

TNA Wrestler of the year -- Jerry Lynn


TNA Tag Team of the year -- AMW


TNA Match of the year -- Low Ki vs. Styles vs. Lynn (week 8)


TNA Show of the year -- I want to say week 8 with Truth winning the title and the MOTYC above...and a good 6 man tag...but I think the Dupp Cupp was on that show too. So I'll vote for this later and edit in my answer.


TNA Feud of the year -- I vote for Styles/Lynn...AMW vs. New Church was great until the Harris boys joined it.


TNA Promo of the year -- Truth/Steamboat. Nuff said


TNA Angle of the year (best angle) -- It gets hated on...but I haven't had a jaw dropping moment like Mr. Wrestling 3 being Russo in a long long time.


Best title reign -- hmm...Styles first X reign I supose. JJ seems well on his way to topping that though.


Best Moment -- Either Truth winning the title (something about his elavation speaks to me) OR Red pinning Styles in their second match. (between those two matches, and Red playing the face in peril SOOO well...I was out of my seat when Red finally beat a top guy)



Worst Wrestler -- B.G. James


Worst Tag Team -- Harris Boys


Worst Match -- Bruce vs. (insert woman here)


Worst Show -- I'll need to think about it and edit this later


Worst Feud -- Bruce vs. Women


Worst Promo -- Red looked like a little lost child. I'm shocked his in ring work was able to make everyone forget about that.


Worst Angle -- Dupp Cupp was the worst I've ever seen. Possible worse than WWE's necro angle.


Worst Title Reign -- Syxx-Pac. Never really "won" it. Only succesful title defense was a DQ.


Worst Moment -- My personal worst moment was when Hall vs. Lawler main evented an early show with a real hot X match on the undercard. I truly felt at that moment that TNA had gone the absolute wrong direction. Thankfully, they learned and put the X matches in the spotlight again.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Honerable Mention for Feud of the year goes to Truth vs. the X division.


They need to bring that back!


2 good matches with Lynn and a good one with Low Ki...Truth busting out high risk X type moves like a 450 splash! Truly the high point of Truth's title reign.

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Guest bob_barron

Based on the little TNA I've seen-


I'd vote the double elimination match as the best. I liked it better then Lynn v. Loki v. AJ and SAT v. Daniels/Skipper/Loki from last night.

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TNA Wrestler of the year -- Jerry Lynn


TNA Tag Team of the year -- AMW


TNA Match of the year -- Low Ki/Styles/Lynn ladder match


TNA Show of the year -- Can't remember...for now I'll leave in blank


TNA Feud of the year --Lynn/Styles


TNA Promo of the year -- Truth and Steamboat


TNA Angle of the year (best angle) -- I'll go with Mr. Wrestling III...I was just curious who was going to be it. I got swerved!


Best title reign --Styles first reign


Best Moment -- Truth taking the title away from Shamrock



Worst Wrestler -- any midget, if they count


Worst Tag Team -- Harris Boys


Worst Match -- Screech vs. Tiny the Timekeeper, although it was only 5 seconds long. If that doesn't count, I'll vote for the Dupp Cup match.


Worst Show -- Probably the one where they introduced the Dupp Cup


Worst Feud -- Bruce vs. Women


Worst Promo -- Red


Worst Angle -- Dupp Cup


Worst Title Reign -- Syxx-Pac


Worst Moment -- X Pac winning and taking away the heat from the 4 guys in the ladder match

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Guest Slapnuts00

Well I've seen all but 4 weeks, so let's see...


TNA Wrestler of the year: Jerry Lynn


TNA Tag Team of the year: AMW


TNA Match of the year: Low Ki vs. Styles vs. Lynn (August 7, 2002)


TNA Show of the year: August 7, 2002


TNA Feud of the year: Aj Styles vs. Jerry Lynn


TNA Promo of the year: The Truth to Steamboat (July 31, 2002)


TNA Angle of the year (best angle): MWIII is Vince Russo


Best title reign: The Truth as NWA World Champ


Best Moment: The Truth wins the world title!


Worst Wrestler: Worst Major Wrestler is BG James


Worst Tag Team: Harrises


Worst Match: worst major match is Jarret vs. The Harrises (December 4, 2002)


Worst Show: December 4, 2002


Worst Feud: Brian Lawler vs. April and friends


Worst Promo: Disco Inferno's Jive Talk nonsense


Worst Angle: Bruce is Miss TNA


Worst Title Reign: Syxxpac as X-champ


Worst Moment: Vince Russo announces the start of S.E.X.

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Guest RedJed

Weird, I was just thinking about posting a thread about this tonight while incoherantly dazed at work tonight.......


TNA Wrestler of the year: Definately Lynn, he prove that he wasn't just the guy who had a good program with RVD, etc. Shown that he's one of the best workers in the world, and can carry just about anyone to a decent match. Honorable mention to Styles and Red.


TNA Tag Team of the year: AMW, prgressively just keep getting better.


TNA Match of the year: Truth v. Jarrett, theres a handful of great X Division matches (including the six man this week which I would vote for runner up of the year) but this one was put together the best and seemed completely major league to me head and shoulders above the rest.


TNA Show of the year: This past weeks.


TNA Feud of the year: Lynn/Styles.......even when they apparently had the blowoff, their matches after that were good enough that I didn't mind the feud being continued half ass for no real purpose.


TNA Promo of the year: The Piper-Russo segment, best segment in TNA all year, including a particular match even. I just loved it.


TNA Angle of the year (best angle): I thought the Wrestling 3 was great with the payoff and all, but the whole story with Jarrett leading to the world title match I thought was the best angle, just how he kept getting fucked over, etc.


Best title reign: AMW as tag champs


Best Moment: God, theres a bunch. I think the Russo unmasking is it just because it was the first time I was legit shocked in watching all these shows from the first week on. In July, they had Jarrett get in a brawl with some of the Titans which was really good too. Road Warriors run in is in here too as one of the best.



Worst Wrestler: Buff Bagwell always bored me to no end


Worst Tag Team: Either the Harris Bros. or the Johnsons


Worst Match: Definately the Bruce Miss TNA match series, any of them


Worst Show: The show where they had Lynn-Styles against Truth-Jarrett and then held the belts up. I remember thinking that I was finished with TNA at that point since the overall show was so weak, including that finish.


Worst Feud: If you can call the Bruce shit a feud of sorts, that would be it. Otherwise, Disco v. Goldilocks was retarded.


Worst Promo: There was a thing they did with Disco and some guy that was supposed to be a Baldwin that just completly sucked.


Worst Angle: Bruce as Miss TNA


Worst Title Reign: I actually thought that the Lynn/Styles tag title reign blew ass. The story between the two at that point was predictably held together with them still being tag champs. Totally uncreative.


Worst Moment: When Bruce stripped down to a thong and bent over in the middle of the ring. UGH!

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TNA Wrestler of the year - Jerry Lynn


TNA Tag Team of the year - America's Most Wanted


TNA Match of the year - hmmm. The 4 way Double Elimination match on the 2nd show. Honorable mentions to The 3 Ladder Match.


TNA Show of the year - This past week.


TNA Feud of the year - Styles vs Lynn


TNA Promo of the year - Any Truth promo. I liked the one he did on the first show. I was like, he's actually good on the mic.


TNA Angle of the year (best angle) - Mr. Wrestling 3


Best title reign - The Truth's world title reign


Best Moment - I dunno.



Worst Wrestler - Cheex


Worst Tag Team - The Dupps


Worst Match - Cheex vs Frank Parker


Worst Show - Im not sure.


Worst Feud - Brian Lawler vs Syxx Pac


Worst Promo - A Bullet promo


Worst Angle - Tito and the gun. It was funny, but silly.


Worst Title Reign - Syxx Pac's X Title reign


Worst Moment - B.G. James' debut

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Guest The Notorious CRD

TNA Wrestler of the year: Jerry Lynn


TNA Tag Team of the year: AMW


TNA Match of the year: Low Ki vs. Styles vs. Lynn (ladder match)


TNA Show of the year: Week 8


TNA Feud of the year: Styles vs. Lynn


TNA Promo of the year: Truth/Steamboat


TNA Angle of the year: sports entertainment vs. pro wrestling


Best title reign: The Truth - World title


Best Moment: The Truth winning the NWA World title. Moments like that make me a wrestling fan.



Worst Wrestler: Cheex


Worst Tag Team: The Harris Boys


Worst Match: Cheex vs. Frank Parker


Worst Show: I'll edit this answer in later.


Worst Feud: Bruce vs. The Women of TNA


Worst Promo: Disco Inferno's talk show


Worst Angle: The Dupp Cup


Worst Title Reign: Syxx-Pac as X champion


Worst Moment: Russo/Piper - totally tasteless

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Guest KeranGrudgeholder

Wrestler of the year, The Truth

Tag Team, AMW

Match, Red Styles 1

Show, this weeks

Fued, Lynn, Styles

Promo, Hall, Syxxpac debut

Angle, Mr. Wrestling III

Title Run, AMW

Best Moment, Truth winning the title


Worst Wrestler, Jorge Estada

Team, Micheals

Show, the one the week after Russo retuned and we had to listen to his swear for 15 minutes

Fued, any with Hermie Sandler

promo, red, someone send him to public speaking class

Angle, Hermie Sandler

title run, syxx pac

Moment, see worst promo. That one moment dropped attendence at the live shows 15% easy. You should of seen all the mothers taking thier kids out of there saying they would never be back.

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Guest dreamer420

TNA Wrestler of the year

- AJ Styles


TNA Tag Team of the year

- America's Most Wanted


TNA Match of the year

- Jeff Jarrett vs. The Truth


TNA Show of the year

- This Weeks.


TNA Feud of the year

- Styles and Lynn


TNA Promo of the year

- Vince Russo vs. Roddy Piper


TNA Angle of the year (best angle)

- Jeff Jarrett's quest for the NWA title


Best title reign

- Low Ki's first X title reign


Best Moment

- Jarrett wins the world title.


Worst Wrestler

- Malice


Worst Tag Team

- The Harris Bros.


Worst Match

- Dupp Cup crap.


Worst Show

- None of the shows were too bad IMO.


Worst Feud

- Brian Lawler vs. Anyone he feuded with.


Worst Promo

- Jive Talkin with Disco Inferno


Worst Angle

- Dupp Cup


Worst Title Reign

- Sonny Siaki as X Division champion


Worst Moment

- Any of the Midget matches.

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

TNA Wrestler of the year

AJ Styles


TNA Tag Team of the year

America's Most Wanted


TNA Match of the year

AJ Styles vs. Jerry Lynn - Week 19


TNA Show of the year

Week 8


TNA Feud of the year

AJ Styles vs. Jerry Lynn


TNA Promo of the year

When Ron Killings first called himself "The Truth."


TNA Angle of the year (best angle)

Jarrett getting screwed out of title shots left and right


Best title reign

AJ Styles, first X-Division title reign


Best Moment

Jerry Lynn finally defeats AJ Styles one-on-one - Week 19



Worst Wrestler

Ron Harris


Worst Tag Team

The Harris Boyz


Worst Match

Bruce vs. Taylor Vaughan - Week 8


Worst Show

Week 15


Worst Feud

Bruce vs. women


Worst Promo

Anytime Bullet Bob talks for longer than 3 minutes


Worst Angle

Bruce = gay misogynist


Worst Title Reign

OFFICIAL TITLE: Syxx-Pac's X-Division title reign



Worst Moment

Having to see Bo Dupp's bare ass - Week 8

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TNA Wrestler of the year

AJ Styles


TNA Tag Team of the year

Chris Harris & James Storm


TNA Match of the year

Low-Ki vs. Jerry Lynn vs. AJ Styles (Week 8)


TNA Show of the year

Week 8


TNA Feud of the year

AJ Styles vs. Jerry Lynn


TNA Promo of the year

The Truth asks Steamboat for his shot.


TNA Angle of the year (best angle)

Jeff Jarrett finally earns his shot at the title.


Best title reign

AJ Styles first X Division title reign


Best Moment

The Truth wins the NWA World Title


Worst Wrestler



Worst Tag Team

The Harris Brothers


Worst Match

Cheex vs. Frank Parker


Worst Show

Week 9


Worst Feud

Syxx-Pac vs. Brian Lawler


Worst Promo

Red's sitdown interview


Worst Angle

Bruce is Miss TNA


Worst Title Reign

Syxx-Pac as X Division Champion


Worst Moment

Piper "shoots" on Russo and uses Owen's name in vain.



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Guest The Last Free Voice

TNA Wrestler of the year- Jerry Lynn


TNA Tag Team of the year- AMW


TNA Match of the year- Low-Ki vs. AJ styles vs. Jerry Lynn [non ladder]


TNA Show of the year- Can't pick just one


TNA Feud of the year- Styles v Lynn


TNA Promo of the year- Truth/ Steamboat


TNA Angle of the year- (best angle)- Wrestling vs S.E.X.


Best title reign- A.J. 1st X reign


Best Moment- LOW KI WINS TITLE~!



Worst Wrestler- Didn't see cheex so I'll say the Harris'


Worst Tag Team- Again Harris'


Worst Match- Bruce vs unidentified woman


Worst Show- dunno


Worst Feud- Bruce. period.


Worst Promo- bruce riffing sable


Worst Angle- Bruce and Dupp cup Tie


Worst Title Reign- Suxx Punk X reign.


Worst Moment- The Bruce in a thong one.

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Guest SuperTonyJaymz

TNA Wrestler of the year-Jeff Jarret


TNA Tag Team of the year- America's Most Wanted


TNA Match of the year- Jeff Jarret vs. Ron Killings, NWA Title


TNA Show of the year-can't really remember


TNA Feud of the year- Styles/Lynn


TNA Promo of the year- Steamboat/Killings


TNA Angle of the year (best angle)-S.E.X. vs Pure Wrestling


Best title reign- Styles X Title


Best Moment- The Thruth winning the title



Worst Wrestler- Jorge Estrada


Worst Tag Team- The Dupps


Worst Match- Any Bruce match


Worst Show


Worst Feud- Bruce vs. women


Worst Angle- Dupps


Worst Title Reign- Shamrock's NWA title reign


Worst Moment- Road Dogg and the 5th wheel on NWA:TNA


Rookie Of The Year(heel)- AJ Styles


Rookie Of The Year(face)- Low Ki(Not nessacerly a rookie, but the first time he has been on tv and has had this much exposure, same goes w/ Styles)


Best Finisher(s): 6 Second Ride, Style Clash, Dragon Clutch(in that order)


Worst Finisher(s): Dogg Pound, Belly-To-Belly Suplex(shamrock)


Holy Sh!T Match of The Year: X Division Title match, week 2

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Guest I Fear Hogans Air Guitair

TNA Wrestler of the year: AJ Styles


TNA Tag Team of the year: AJ Styles & Jerry Lynn


TNA Match of the year: AJ Styles Vs Jerry Lynn Vs Psicosis Vs Low Ki


TNA Show of the year: None Stands Out


TNA Feud of the year: AJ Styles VS Jerry Lynn


TNA Promo of the year: Truth / Steamboat


TNA Angle of the year (best angle): Double J Set's out for the NWA Title


Best title reign: AJ Styles X Title Rain


Best Moment: AJ Styles Win X Title First Time


Worst Wrestler: Cheex


Worst Tag Team: The Dupp's


Worst Match: Cheex vs. Frank Parker (God that sucked)


Worst Show: None Stands Out


Worst Feud: Bruce VS Women


Worst Promo: Red's Sitdown Interview (Love Red but he can't cut a promo)


Worst Angle: Dupps


Worst Title Reign: Syxx Pac X Title Rain


Worst Moment: Any time AJ Styles losses the X title

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Guest the 1inch punch

Well, I havent seen ANY tna, but here we go


TNA Wrestler of the year: Jerry Lynn, duh. Honourable mention to Ron Killings for completely re-inventing his career so easily. second honourable metion to Alex Wynters for existing


TNA Tag Team of the year: AMW , again, duh


TNA Match of the year: I saw a vidcap of the finish to Low-Ki/Skipper/Daniles vs SAT match. SWEET


TNA Show of the year: The First one, because here it was, actual competition to the WWE


TNA Feud of the year:Styles/Lynn...duh


TNA Promo of the year: Steamboat giving The Truth the World Title Shot


TNA Angle of the year (best angle) Mr Wrestling 3


Best title reign AMW


Best Moment: Mr. Wrestling Unmasking. Come on, who saw that coming?



Worst Wrestler: A Midget


Worst Tag Team: Pity the couldnt have left The Shane Twins as they were


Worst Match: Anything with Bruce defending the Miss TNA title


Worst Show: Dont have a clue, none have seemed outright bad to me


Worst Feud: Scam-Rock-New Church


Worst Promo: I dont think Piper is coming back


Worst Angle: Hey Kids, its X-Pac


Worst Title Reign: Sean Waltman, X Champion


Worst Moment: see above

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