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Guest ShooterJay

Left-handed people

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Guest HecateRose

I don't think they have actually determined if their is a strong genetic factor. Everyone knows that there are more right handed people than left handed, which would suggest being left handed is a recessive trait, but there are many times when to left handed people have right handed children. It's just strange, and most likely caused by combination of factors. many schools still start all children out as though they are right handed, which is sad I must admit. Also, since left handed things such as scissors and such are harder to find, some people more or less become right handed due to convenience in finding the objects they need (and that again is a reason some schools teach all children as though they are right handed initially).


As for using a mouse. Both my parents are left handed, while I am right handed and my brother may be right handed (he learned right handed, but it is very possible he was not "intended" to be right handed) and we used a right handed computer mouse on the left side. It was easier for my parents that way, and I got used to it since I started using my parents computer when I was very young.

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Guest J*ingus

I'm right-handed, and use the mouse with my left. It is a single-button Apple mouse, though, not one of those four-buttoned PC deals.

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Guest El Satanico

I use a righty mouse with my right hand. I don't think i could use a mouse with my left hand unless it was a lefty mouse. It would just feel too unnatural to left click with your pinky instead of your thumb.

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Guest evenflowDDT

I'm left-handed, I play left-handed guitar (or rather, played it; I couldn't even get comfortable with a right-handed guiatar, although in useless lefty trivia, Billy Corgan is a leftie but has always played rightie guitar), and it wasn't too hard for me to find one either (heck, I even found a USED left-handed Strat).


Most other left-handed stuff for me is bullocks. For example, the left-handed mouse. Huh? I could never use one of those... it just doesn't feel right. Plus, it doesn't even really matter because unlike other left-handed items, there isn't a whole lot of strength required in clicking a friggin' button, so it shouldn't matter if it's your "dominant hand" or not.

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Guest hardyz1

I do everything right handed except for shooting pool. But I'm learning to do that, which would give me an advantage over my opponent. Except that I suck ass at pool, but oh well.

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Guest DerangedHermit

I'm a southpaw as well. I do everything lefty but using a hockey stick and mouse. I have a twin brother (but he's right handed - boo!) which is kinda weird. The Leftorium rules!

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