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Guest tpww7

Michael Shane/Scoot Andrews

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Shit, I hope not. I didn't hear anything about any development deals. Sometimes, guys just come in to get some TV work if WWE comes around their town, like Paul London 2 weeks ago on Velocity or Tony Mamaluke on Velocity last week.



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Guest Banky

With what the TNA is doing, I'm sure the WWE is looking for any Indy stars to boost their roster. If they could turn back time, I'm sure they would have snatched up Styles, Ki, and Daniels. I think no matter what, Jerry Lynn won't ever be coming back.

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Guest Vyce

After seeing Shane / Andrews (THE BLACK NATURE BOY~!) wrestle Dreamer & Spike, I have to say, Andrews / Shane > Dudley Boys.


Andrews / Shane > 3 Minute Warning.


Hell, Andrews / Shane are maybe the 4th best tag team in the WWE, jobbers or not.


My point is....I hope they get signed.

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Guest tpww7

Well, Shane was on Velocity last night against Demott as well so maybe he lives in Florida area. But I'm not sure.

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Guest Tim Cooke

Neither are signed to anything.


Shane has worked recent WEEEEEEEE events via Rudy Boy Gonzalez, Head Trainer at the TX Wrestling Academy.


Andrews, the FL area.


The WEEEE can have them...neither are that great. Now, if they were to steal away Paul London, I would have some major issues with that.



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Guest Daddy X

Ya Paul London rules... I mean in WWE will he honestly be able to get "Please Don't Die" chants from the crowd. On the other hand Shane and Andrews aren't all that great so I could care less if they leave the indies.

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