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Guest Mole

Jennifer Lopez...

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Guest Mole

Everywhere you look these days, J'Lo's face(ass) seems to be everywhere.


My question is, why does America seem to love her so much? Her music isn't all that good and her acting isn't that. Other than the fact that she is hot, why does America love her???

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Guest Steve J. Rogers
Two Words..........HER ASS!

Two Words..........HER ASS!


Amen to that.


You could make the same case for legions of talentless females in ALL walks of entertainment and sport industries that have some sense of popularity and chalk it up to their stunning looks.


A double standard in my view, as even though there are male sex symbols, the popularity for that asset of their fame isn't as great.


Many examples include Anna Kournikova, Brittney Spears, Shania Twain, The Olsen Twins, Christina Aguliera, Pamela Anderson, Anna Nicole Smith, Sable, ect



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Guest WrestlingDeacon

Jennifer Lopez is the new Liz Taylor. She bounces from failed love affair to failed love affair and the public is captivated by it while still having sympathy and hope for her. She's also been packaged well and helped to ushure the trend of the full figured woman back into vogue. The public also loves people who can crossover between medias "successfully" and bestows overrated praise on them because of this, such as Cher.

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Sadly, although I find her attractive, some people act like they've never seen a fat assed Latina before. Most of the girls in the Bronx have asses just as nice with a better chest and a better face to go with it too. They just don't have the money to doll themselves up like J. Lo.


I know this because I live in the Bronx and have dated girls like that.



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Guest El Satanico

She's just the latest "it girl". It's nothing new and she'll be replaced by another then her replacement will be replaced and so on and so on until the end of time.

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Guest El Satanico

Just like WCW's hummer this post never actually existed and it's existance is a product of dreams that we all had.

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Guest Paranoid
Most of the girls in the Bronx have asses just as nice with a better chest and a better face to go with it too. They just don't have the money to doll themselves up like J. Lo.


I know this because I live in the Bronx and have dated girls like that.



You lucky bastard! :P

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Guest Incandenza

I thought Jennifer Lopez was a fine actress--see Out of Sight for proof--but the quality of her films have suffered since she started her awful, awful singing career. I can't stand her now, and am filled with guilt everytime I see her looking so goddamn hot and fuckable on whatever magazine cover.

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Guest Madmartigan21
Sadly, although I find her attractive, some people act like they've never seen a fat assed Latina before.  Most of the girls in the Bronx have asses just as nice with a better chest and a better face to go with it too.   They just don't have the money to doll themselves up like J. Lo.  


I know this because I live in the Bronx and have dated girls like that.  



That makes no sense. She had to get the money to do all this dolling up that you speak of. How did she get that money in the first place? In part by being hot. Plus, calling her fat assed is misleading. She's got the big ass, but the rest of her is thin, which gives her a great overall figure.


Beauty and sex appeal aren't synonymous by the way. Nor are sex appeal and beauty synonymous with charisma. Marilyn Monroe wasn't the MOST beautiful woman of her era. She didn't have the BEST body of her era. But she was the SEXIEST woman of her era, perhaps the sexiest woman since the advent of mass media. Men are still fascinated by her TODAY. Why do you think that is? It's the way she carried herself. She had so much sexuality that it resonates in fifty year-old photographs.


I just realized the irony in bringing up Marilyn Monroe as a point of comparison. During her career, not much was thought of her acting talent. But critics and film historians that look back at her movies today talk about good she really was. Her comic timing in particular was impeccable.


From Roger Ebert's Review of Angel Eyes:

Jennifer Lopez is the real thing, one of those rare actresses who can win our instinctive sympathy. ...


Lopez constructs Sharon, not out of spare parts from old cop movies, but in specific terms. ...


Lopez has a hard assignment here, remaining plausible in action scenes and touchy, slippery dialogue scenes.  ...


Jennifer Lopez IS indeed a good actress. Don't confuse the ability to choose a good movie to be apart of with the ability to act. Two more things that are NOT synonymous.


 She's just the latest "it girl". It's nothing new and she'll be replaced by another then her replacement will be replaced and so on and so on until the end of time.


This is also misleading. For someone that' s JUST the latest "it girl", she's been a really big star for going on something like three years now. A dozen or so "it girls" have come and gone in that time. Charlize Theron was supposed to be huge, but what happened? Remember Gretchen Mol? Exactly, yet she was supposed to be the next "it girl". While all these already "has-been's" and more accurately "never-was's" keep rolling through, J. LO shows no current signs of losing momentum. In fact her star status continues to RISE.


Still think she

has to be the most talentless piece of shit in entertainment.


Wasn't Madonna thought to be a talentless sexpot flash in the pan when she first arrived on the scene? Hell there people on this board that still think so, despite all the evidence to the contrary she has provided for almost the last TWENTY years. But most people will acknowledge that it has been talent and hard work as well as sex appeal. Just like Madonna, Jennifer Lopez AIN'T going to be leaving the public eye anytime soon.


Jennifer Lopez isn't simply the latest "it girl". She simply is the latest girl that HAS it.

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Guest Incandenza
Jennifer Lopez IS indeed a good actress. Don't confuse the ability to choose a good movie to be apart of with the ability to act. Two more things that are NOT synonymous.

You're right. I realize my earlier post implies otherwise, but, no matter how good an actor she is, crappy film after crappy film causes me to lose interest.

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Sadly, although I find her attractive, some people act like they've never seen a fat assed Latina before.  Most of the girls in the Bronx have asses just as nice with a better chest and a better face to go with it too.   They just don't have the money to doll themselves up like J. Lo.  


I know this because I live in the Bronx and have dated girls like that.  



That makes no sense. She had to get the money to do all this dolling up that you speak of. How did she get that money in the first place? In part by being hot. Plus, calling her fat assed is misleading. She's got the big ass, but the rest of her is thin, which gives her a great overall figure.

Actually, I have to disagree with you. She got her first start in the industry as a dancer, in one of Janet Jackson's videos (That's The Way Love Goes) as well as one of the "Fly Girls" from In Living Color. If you look at her on In Living Color, she looks far different from the way she did here..and NOT hot. From there, she did low budget films where she was able to get some money and "doll" herself up a bit. Then, she was perfect for the part of Selena and the rest is history. Trust me, there are billions of hispanic girls that could blow her out of the park with their looks if they got the same exposure.


Also, when I say "fat" ass, I don't mean full of cellulite, but big. It's just part of my lingo.



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Guest Incandenza

The only differences I've noticed between the Lopez of then and now is 1) she's lost some weight ,and 2) she plucks her eyebrows. I'm sure there's more, though I am discounting hairstyle, considering the context of the early 90s and all.

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Guest Texas Small Arms 09

Dames is right, in That's The Way Love Goes and In Living Color she was not attractive whatsoever. She had a very short hair style that was not becoming at all and it didn't do anything for her. Selena was the best thing she ever did, bascially because she played the part well and at that point no one really knew of her. Now she is really looking for attention and she will go to many lengths to get it. Her marriage with Ben will last as long as she needs to publicity, as soon as she isn't riding high anymore, she'll dump him, get back in the public eye and attach herself to some other high profiled celeb because she is Jenny from the Block and she can do whatever she wants. Her video is nothing more than her ability to get away with whatever she wants because she knows no one will stop her. She is okay, but from a girl's perspective, I've see alot better.

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Guest Vyce
You could make the same case for legions of talentless females in ALL walks of entertainment and sport industries that have some sense of popularity and chalk it up to their stunning looks.


A double standard in my view, as even though there are male sex symbols, the popularity for that asset of their fame isn't as great.


Many examples include Anna Kournikova, Brittney Spears, Shania Twain, The Olsen Twins, Christina Aguliera, Pamela Anderson, Anna Nicole Smith, Sable, ect

All those women are hotter than J-Lo.


Well....except for Anna Nicole Smith, who dwarves a few NFL linebackers these days.


And Pamela Anderson-Lee. I think I'm the only white guy on the planet who NEVER thought she was as great as she was made out to be.


Really, though, I can't STAND J-Lo.


It's not just because I don't think she's THAT talented an actress, or that I hate her music, or that, like Dames, while I admire her beauty I don't think she's THAT gorgeous, at least not gorgeous enough to justify the public obsession with her....


It's not even the fact that while I love Latin women, I hate the big asses....


It's that she's EVERYWHERE. You can't go to a newsstand without seeing her mug on a half-dozen magazines. Her movies are everywhere, her CD is everywhere, she's on TV ALL THE FUCKING TIME. Watch Access Hollywood, or Entertainment Tonight, one of those shows that give verbal blowjobs to all of Hollywood every night - she's ALL OVER those programs.


It's just ridiculous overkill now. I can't take her anymore. I want her and goddamn Ben Affleck to get married, and live happily ever after in Siberia, or some other place that's far away from me so that I will never have to hear a single word about them ever again.


By the way, Madmartigan?



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Just to get one last J. Lo bit of hate out of my system, the video for Jenny for the Block is just disheartening. For a woman who's singing about how "real" she is and all of her Bronx heritage, the video is nothing more than her parading around her new lifestyle when that's anything BUT what the video should have been about. Mink coats, diamonds, cruises, trips with her million dollar boyfriend doesn't exactly show that she's "from the block", you know?



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Guest NoCalMike

J-Lo had potential when I saw her in Out of Sight and U-turn. The problem is some idiot told her she should make a singing career, and ever since her first cd hit, she has become a mega diva/star type. She will probobaly be perfectly content to make shitty movies like the wedding planner and made in manhatten the rest of her life, simply because they pay the best and she comes off as being america's sweetheart.


I don't really mind her acting skills, I just hate the roles she has taken of late. With The Cell being an exception. As far as her music career goes, she is a phony, a fake, a huge lie etc.....she barely has any vocal talent and her songs rely heavily on rappers and bass drum beats to get over with the hip hop crowd. Oh and calling her black friends the N word in that song with Ja Rule, didn't do her any favors. I still remember the report that a bunch of black people bought tickets to her concert just to throw beans and rice at her during that song in the performance....bwahahaha....

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Guest Lethargic

Lopez looks like the new Meg Ryan to me. A good actress, not great but maybe could be if she wanted to be, that has gotten into a rut of doing one romantic comedy after another and since girls like her and like those movies they keep going and going and going. But she won't be this hot for long. She'll have ups and downs but she'll be go down and then she'll have some big comeback movie in a year or two. The sad thing is that everybody will get sick of her RIGHT when Jersey Girl comes out and Kevin Smith will get screwed again. haha

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Guest Vern Gagne

I heard Matt Damon is trying to talk Ben Affleck out of marrying Jennifer Lopez. He called her a serial bride, which is true.


Personally her face his cute, but her ass is too big for my taste, and every story I read she's a stuckup bitch.

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Guest notJames

J-Blow is popular because Hollywood wants her to be popular. So, in true HHH fashion, they cram her down everyone's collective throat to make sure her ubiquitous ass gets talked about ad nauseum.


And for the record, her "engagement" to Affleck, like many other Hollywood couplilngs, is simply a ploy to get people talking about their upcoming film Jersey Girl, not to mention shifting her image away from the rough-and-tumble hip hop world into a more white-friendly wholesome environment. Count on this marriage lasting as long as an RVD push.

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Guest Lethargic
J-Blow is popular because Hollywood wants her to be popular. So, in true HHH fashion, they cram her down everyone's collective throat to make sure her ubiquitous ass gets talked about ad nauseum.

I don't think so. Hollywood isn't the WWF. If something is broke they fix it. If the public didn't like her and didn't want her, they wouldn't try to sell her. The public DOES like her and want her. Hollywood wants to make money, if somebody helps their movies make money they'll put her in. They don't care who it is, they use them up and then throw them away. They do it time and time again. As long as she's a star she'll be out there. As soon as her record sales slip and she has a couple of bombs, she'll be gone. But that comes from the public. As long as the public wants her, she'll be there. Hollywood always has 20 other girls waiting to take her place as the latest it girl so they don't give a shit.


Honestly I don't get why people hate her so much. I don't care for her music much either but guess what, I don't have to listen to it. I can change the channel. I'd take Lopez over Julia Roberts anyday. Now THAT is over-exposed. It's only been a few years of Lopez, it's been FOREVER of Julia Roberts. And I think Lopez has made a higher number of cool movies in her career than Roberts has made in her twice as long career.

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Guest red_file

I think Lopez might actually be a better actress than Roberts. For the most part the appeal of Julia Roberts is hair, lips and teeth; she's got nice hair and a beautiful smile. Beyond that, she's not really all that appealing. When her looks are taken out of the equation, as in Mary Riley, there's really nothing to her.


I don't find Lopez attractive, but I don't mind her acting. I've never thought, "Wow, that J-lo's amazing," but I've rarely cringed when she's been on screen.

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Guest The Hamburglar

The loss of Jennifer Lopez the actress was a real pity. In Out of Sight she showed one of those great acting star intangiables - genuine charisma. Pity she fucked it up with a shitty singing career and dreadful rom-com movie choices.

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