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Guest MrRant

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Guest Vern Gagne
I am soooo lonely......I'm Mr. Lonely......

I enjoy your post, kingkamala if that means anything.

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Guest AlwaysPissedOff

I don't follow anybody, oddly enough. If a topic looks interesting, I'll click on it, but I can't say that I read any certain person's post because of who they are. Well... maybe Flyboy because I *do* enjoy bashing him and the Aints... hehehehe

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Guest evenflowDDT
plus every OaOasT poster..cause we're the shiz!

Yes! I'm in on a technicality!


::removes needle from veins, pills from mouth, and knife from throat::

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Kinetic and Incandenza regarding music, AoO and Corey if I want to read about metal, which is admittedly not all that often.


Jubuki, Wolverine, Tim Cooke, RickyChosyu, and BionicRedneck for wrestling.


In other forums, I'll read something depending on the topic. Oh yeah, MrRant is pretty funny too, he almost always offers good discussion in CE as well...

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Guest Flyboy
Well... maybe Flyboy because I *do* enjoy bashing him and the Aints... hehehehe

Fuck you, APO. :P

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Guest cobainwasmurdered
Everyone follows me.

...To insult you.


I follow the OAOASTer's past and present, Dames and the other mods, Goodhelmet, etc.

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Guest Sassquatch

I honestly don't follow anyone here on the board by clicking on a thread each time I see their name with it.


However, if I venture into the CE folder I'm usually inclined to read any posts by Tom, EricMM, or Kotz since they offer up some interesting views on things.


Any other folder I'm in, I'll usually just click on the thread if I like the topic.

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Guest EricMM

Lemme add that I'll usually read any post by F K Teale because they're rare,


and I'll probably read stuff by Texas Small Arms in LSD because I still think I give better advice than her, so I search for the mistakes to correct her on. FEMALE BIAS~! means bad advice for males... Except when it doesn't.


But she's still to romatical. No one whos in a relationship can give pure advice. She's still hung up on the idea that her relationship has a chance of working. (Most don't.) This is No Holds Barred right?

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Guest SP-1

Kotz, CWM, DrTom, Rant


Those stick out the most. And the OAOAST'ers, I generally check out what they have to say if I catch it, too. There are alot of people that I associate with good posts.

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Guest Downhome
they will if you bribe them with PURO tapes :firedevil:

Woohoo, I never thought of that...



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Guest HartFan86

Probably Dr. Tom, Anglesault, and BPS. I find them to be the most intresting posters.


Edit: Tim Cooke, too. I find his posts intresting as well.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

Will you EVER stop complaining about people complaining about your complaining? If you don't like what they post, just don't read it, man. Why can't you just accept what the other posters produce, and just enjoy it? I mean, sure, we all bitch about some stuff, like how other people's posts are booked, and the workrate of some of their posts, but if all you're going to do is whine about it, JUST QUIT READING their responses. When it comes down to it, all Vince cares about is money, and when he goes broke from all of these people bitching about your complaints, we'll see some new faces in the roster get good meaningful pushes, but until then, we're stuck with Kotzenjunge and Big Show stinking up the main event threads, and talented posters getting paired off with shitty opponents like Scott Keith's Best Friend, or maybe even Jingus, so why can't you just accept it and enjoy the people bitching about you?


This post was paid for by half of the WWE folder, and by the WWE.

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Guest Kotzenjunge

Damn. I think AoO's associating me with Big Show just killed all the positivity for me in this thread.



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Guest Banky

No one follows me? Sniffle. This place would far more cool if people did. I wouldn't want to associate this boards suckiness with me.

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Guest Crucifixio Jones

Well, when it comes to pr0n, I ONLY follow PORNFAQ, even if he does choose to make his home elsewhere nowadays.


Other than him, I follow the old Smarks EZ Board "Inner Circle" and a few others:


Loss4Words, MYSELF, El Cubano, Cerebus The Aardvark, Dr. Tom, Teke184, AlwaysPissedOff, BlackLushus, BRUISERCHONG, IamHungryJack, B-X, Impaler, The Man In Blak, Metal Ed, EvenflowDDT, QScott, TrebleCharged, Tha Cunnysmythe and Wrath of GOOD GAWD.


I GO OUT OF MY WAY to AVOID DAMES, especially in the Love, Sex & Dating folder. Damn, that boy is pathetic.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered
Kotz, CWM, DrTom, Rant


Those stick out the most. And the OAOAST'ers, I generally check out what they have to say if I catch it, too. There are alot of people that I associate with good posts.

Spider Poet owns you

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Guest Kinetic

I'm shocked that more of you aren't following me around like hungry puppies. I'm dispensing this wit and wisdom for no one.

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Guest Kinetic

That must be it. There's no other explanation for why posters like Kotzenjunge, Mr Rant, an Metal Ed are being mentioned more than I am. I won poster of the year, damnit!

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Guest evenflowDDT

Oh hey, I just realized I never even gave a serious reply. As opposed to "following", I always check out what my board/OAOAST/site budz, and since that's quite a bit of people, there really isn't much need to elaborate. However, I don't follow them like some sort of baa baa black sheep have you any wool sort of way (uhh...), I follow them because I know they're good writers (e.g. even though there are many topics, particularly in C.E., that I disagree with DrTom on, he always presents a well-thought argument) and I share some interests with them. That's really all there is to it. However, if it's an interesting topic I'll check it out regardless, and if it's a stupid topic, unless it's from someone I know will just tear into it, I won't bother.

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