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Best Music Vid Package?

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What I mean by music vid....it's the ones they play during PPVs, USUALLY before the main event. Rumble's was "Cocky", No Way Out was "Feel So Numb", and so on....


When I posted this topic at the LoP forums (of which I am now banned for the third time because of homophobic assholes) they thought I meant the song. Nope, what I'm asking for is what everyone's fave music VID is. Or top 3....or top 5.....whatever. :lol:


My top 3 would be:


1. Summerslam - HBK/HHH - "Fight"

2. Survivor Series - Elimination Chamber - "Always"

3. Judgement Day - Hogan/Undertaker - "Broken"

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Guest Slapnuts00
"My Way" for Austin/Rock at Wrestlemania X-Seven had me psyched up.

Indeed I hate Limp Dipshit but that video package was just so tremendous. Others that stand out are both the Cactus/HHH video package before the Royal Rumble and the intro video for NO WAY OUT 2001 where Cactus Jack is delivering his soliliqy (the final line: "some may say, 'this isn't a dream, this is a nightmare!' but it's my nightmare...and I decide when I wake up (echo and fade out)" still gives me freakin goosebumps). To go a little old school I loved the intro for Summerslam 97 the Life Isn't Fair voiceovers for Bret, Shawn and Taker were just awesome. The WWE production guys do a superb job. Honestly I can't even remember those 3 you mentioned. I wish they'd stop using the pop rock because it all sounds the same, they should go back to their old format of using their own instrumentals with voiceovers...

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Guest bob_barron

Austin v. Rock had me marking out like crazy when I saw it. I was like: This match must start now.

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Hmmmm....I shoulda been pacific. What I meant was what is everyone's fave music vid of this year. Still, I did enjoy reading what everyone posted. LOL, now I'll to go and rent Summerslam '97 and No Way Out '01

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Guest AlwaysPissedOff

WWF/Alliance set to "Control" by Puddle of Mudd.


I normally hate rock music, but I'll be damned if the video and the music didn't have me marking out.

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WWF/Alliance set to "Control" by Puddle of Mudd


Hmmmmm....is that the one on Invasion? Even if it wasn't, the Invasion intro just so totally REEKED of awesomeness! You had that president saying stuff about war, then all the wrestler voiceovers, combined with gunshots....man, that was awesome.


Perhaps I should start a thread for intros... :lol:

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Guest crandamaniac

I kind of liked "Mr. McMahon's Utopia". Tho hearing the line "I'm damn sick and tired" 20 million times gets a bit annoying

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Guest HollywoodSpikeJenkins

Jericho/Austin with Feel So Numb was good.


I can't remember many of them, but I love those little video packages.

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Guest ManKinnd

I know you didn't mean stuff like this, but the original Desire video is top 3 wrestling music videos ever, with My Way from WMX7 and one I'm probably forgetting.

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"My Way"


I was on a road trip to WMX7, and popped in the CD(Limp) and leaned back to fall asleep..and all i saw was Rock/Austin and it got me soo pumped up for the show and get this: I didn't even care about the match..but it was good no doubt..

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Guest Slapnuts00

Well since I'm kinda bored I grabbed my videos of No Way Out 2000 (I meant 2000, not 2001) and Summerslam '97 and decided to rewatch the intros and transcribe them. I'm so lame...heh


No Way Out 2000

(Cactus is Jack is sitting on some steps, he speaks in a voiceover while solumn piano music plays in the background)

"It will be soon...but not tonight, I'm not ready."

(Closeup of Cactus's face)

"though my nights are sleepless, I still dream. I've won and lost many things in my career...championships"

(shot of Cactus holding the WWE title)


(shot of HHH hitting Cactus with a chair)

"But I've never main evented a Wrestlemania..."

(Distant shot of a packed arena)

"This is my chance..."

(shot of Cactus walking to the ring, looking to the fans)

"...my last chance"

"But in my way, there is a man"

(Shot of Triple H looking EVIL)

"and that man has my gold"

(shot of Triple H holding the WWE title)

"He may be the game..."

(Shot of HHH with his arms in the air)

"He may be the champion..."

(shot of HHH holding belt)

"He may be the best in the industry today..."

(Shots of Triple H pedigreeing Cactus through a table, then backdropping him onto thumbtacks)

"...but he's no Cactus Jack"

(Shot of Cactus doing the 'bang bang' sign)

"...And he never will be"

(Shot of Cactus looking up from where he's sitting)

"For 15 years I've been chasing this dream"

(Shot of Cactus in Japan bleeding and crawling around barbed wire)

*Now along with Cactus' calm serious voice, there is a second Cactus voiceover yelling angrily)

"Dozens of fractures"

(Shot of Mankind falling off the Cell)

"Countless stitches"

(Shot off HHH hitting Cactus with barbedwire)

*Now both Cactus voiceovers sound angry*

"Countless night I've bled"

(Rapid shots of Cactus bleeding)

"Some may say...this is no dream, it's a nightmare!"

(Shots of the hell in the cell)

"But it's MY nightmare..."

(Shot of Cactus sitting on the steps again)

"...and I decide when I wake up" (echo effect)


You better believe I was pumped to see the match after that.


Summerslam '97

(Tremendously emotional and somewhat downbeat music plays in the background. A generic announcer voiceovers)

"In a perfect world, there'd be no villains"

(shot of the Undertaker walking to the ring)

"No conspicuous manifestations of hate"

(Shot of Bret Hart hugging a fan)

"Atheletic excellence would be applauded"

(Shawn Michaels doing a moonsault)

"Sportmanship would be the rule"

(Austin shaking hands with Dude Love)

"Heroes...would remain heroes...forever"

(Shot of Bret Hart holding up the WWF title)

"If life were fair, this legend would be lauded in his pursuit of an historic fifth world wrestling federation chamiponship"

(shot of Bret Hart walking into a ring and doing his arms out taunt)

"Instead, he's a falled idol. America's public enemy #1"

(Shot of Bret looking distressed in the corner, shot of fan signs that say "Crybaby" and "Bret, Canada's Thatway!")

"The respect, abandoned. The legend spat upon by a society that he feels condones defiance and perpetuates hate"

(shot of Bret walking to the ring while fans throw things at him, shot of Hart Foundation in the ring glaring at the fans)

"If life were fair, this mighty champion..."

(Shot of Undertaker)

"This survivor of deception and conqueor of all Earthly Hell..."

(Shot of Paul Bearer hitting Taker with the urn, shot of Buried Alive tombstone with Taker's arm coming from the ground)

"would surely revel in the championship spotlight"

(shot of Taker raising his arms to turn on the lights)

"not illuminating a horrifying secret from a dark distant past..."

(Shot of Taker walking in the darkness)

"And if life were fair, this man might still be champion..."

(Shot of Shawn Michael's in his pose with the WWF title)


(shot of Shawn dancing)


(shot of Shawn diving onto Vader)

"Showcasing his extrardonary talents to his legions of fans"

(Shot of Shawn celebrating in the audience)

"He wouldn't be an athelete betrayed by an unwilling knee"

(Shot of Shawn in pain)

"A man surrendering a boyhood dream, searching for the lost smile of youth"

(show of Shawn huggin Gorilla Monsoon and abandoning the WWF title)

"Is it fair that tonight even in victory this champion will be haunted by personal demons whose voices cry out from the dark?"

(shot of Taker walking, looking serious)

"Is it fair that tonight this man may rewrite history yet still incure the wrath of an unappreciative and hostile nation?"

(Shot of Bret with HartFoundation looking at American flags)

"and Is it fair that tonights special referee..."

(shot of Shawn posing to fireworks)

"is the despised enemy of the challenger"

(shot of Shawn and Bret BEATING THE HELL out of each other at ringside)

"will vengeance flow ruinous from his biased heart?"

(shot of Shawn Superkicking Bret into his wheelchair)

"ensuring that tonight will be the last night that Bret Hart wrestles in this country again?"

(shot of Shawn laughing)

"Life isn't fair...but who ever saif it would be?"

(Rapid shot of all 3 men)


That's how you build for a main event!



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Guest HartFan86

Summerslam 97's opening package fucking ROCKED dude. They used a great choice of video clips, too.


Hmm...tough choice....but the WWF made me simply LOVE "My Way" because of Austin/Rock, so that gets my vote.

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Guest Slapnuts00

I'd say the Royal Rumble Kid Rock video with Austin saying "What?" everytime Kid Rock would say it was pretty brilliant...

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Guest LatinoHeat

I cant remember the ppv but the beginning goes something like:


What does it mean to be the world wrestling federation champion?

for one man it means pride, courage, honor..

to another it means..


I'm 99% sure Bret Hart was the champion when that ppv happened. I'm guessing 1996/97??

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Guest Slapnuts00
Yeah....that's about the ONLY time SC did anything interesting.

Well with the exception of of 1997-1999 where he revolutionized wrestling and made it a mainstream sensation in an endless series of entertaining matches and compelling storylines and 2001 where he returned from neck surgery and carried everyone on the roster to **** matches while changing his character to a paranoid but loveable heel for a series of hilarious segments, and of before it became tiresome actually made yelling "WHAT?" a popular catchphrase when he turned back face. Of course, I'll assume you're being facesious. :huh:

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I only started watching WWE starting at this year's Rumble, so I barely know any of the SC history.....'cept for what I read on the net and what I see on other PPVs. And this year just REEKED of suckitude for SC. The nWo should've gone on seperate feuds, instead of focusing all on SC, Rock, and Hogan.


Go back to watching Waltman? Fine. At least he can put on an entertaining match. Of course, I'm probably in the minority when I like to see actual talent in the ring, ie, martial arts, high-flying/high-risk moves, instead of the usual BORING brawling style of SC, ie, chops, punches, kicks, stunner....

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Guest Slapnuts00
I only started watching WWE starting at this year's Rumble, so I barely know any of the SC history.....

You, poor deprived child...

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I'm 16, and thus, not a child.


Considering what I saw of him THIS year, well, I'm actually glad I missed all that. My un-markness for SC only continued when I watched BEST OF RAW vol. 1&2 DVD..... ALMOST EVERY segment featured SC in some way or another. It was Bah Gawd annoying!!


I watched the "Love Shack" segment, figuring it couldn't feature SC. Noooope, I was wrong. He came out at the end just to be like, "I'm on TV...I'm in every segment!" Which is why I also hate HHH.

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Go back to watching Waltman? Fine. At least he can put on an entertaining match. Of course, I'm probably in the minority when I like to see actual talent in the ring, ie, martial arts, high-flying/high-risk moves,

Um...what you see of Waltman today is about a THIRD of what he used to do.


That's why there's so much Waltman hatred. He was good when he was the 1-2-3 Kid or Syxx in WCW...but ever since the neck injury he suffered in his last few days of WCW, he seems to have lost something that made me like him.

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Guest Slapnuts00
I'm 16, and thus, not a child.


Considering what I saw of him THIS year, well, I'm actually glad I missed all that. My un-markness for SC only continued when I watched BEST OF RAW vol. 1&2 DVD..... ALMOST EVERY segment featured SC in some way or another. It was Bah Gawd annoying!!


I watched the "Love Shack" segment, figuring it couldn't feature SC. Noooope, I was wrong. He came out at the end just to be like, "I'm on TV...I'm in every segment!" Which is why I also hate HHH.

Hate to break it to you, but until you're 18 you're a child. Don't feel so bad about it, I'm just a month away from 18 myself!

Anway, how did you get into WWE this year? You truly have missed out on a lot. You just have to trust me that even though he wasn't so good this year (leading to his walkout in frustration) Austin is a GOD.

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The hell?


Oh yeah, Let's have a best of RAW 1 & 2 without that many Austin segments.


Newsflash: Austin = ratings, sales, therefore..he gets on DVDs, unlike Waltman.


Let's remember the time Waltman sold out MSG!


*hears crickets*



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Um...what you see of Waltman today is about a THIRD of what he used to do.


That's why there's so much Waltman hatred. He was good when he was the 1-2-3 Kid or Syxx in WCW...but ever since the neck injury he suffered in his last few days of WCW, he seems to have lost something that made me like him.


Still, what I see of him now (or used to see...) is good enough for me to like him.


I honest-to-goodness swear the WWE were just TRYING to harm Scott Hall or Sean Waltman. Notice how much beer Scott was around during his feud with SC....plus I read that the beer bath he got made him feel sick because of the medicine he was taking. As for Waltman? I don't think being thrown around by Big Show or getting stunned halfway across the ring by SC helped his neck any.


By the way, did anyone see No Mercy 2000? During his cage match with Y2J, there was this one odd moment..... 'Pac was posing on top of the cage when Y2J yanked his leg, so 'Pac landed in a very uncomftorable looking position. When Y2J climbed the cage to do the Walls of Jericho, I SWEAR I hear 'Pac going "What the fuck are you doing?!" ....Anyone else hear that, or am I just hearing things?

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