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Why is "The Truth" going to be...

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Guest Basswitch

I'm still hoping he shows up in NWA TNA Gear, with the TNA title (even if he isnt champ, i donno if he still is...) and gets the crowd to chant TNA! That would be so great.

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Guest oldschoolwrestling

Is it because maybe he's been trash-talking them because they fired him, but really he'd do anything to come back?

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Guest Slapnuts00

I'm wondering if Jeff Jarret will be there. It'd be cool if there was like a TNA table with all the guys there. It shows how much things have changed in the last couple years. Could you imagine if this thing was 2 years ago, there would not be WCW and ECW guys at a WWF event, it's pretty surreal...

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Guest nl5xsk1

Why The Truth will be there ... because its a good career move to be seen in/with the WWE again. Could help him come back if/when both parties want that to happen.


Why NWA-TNA is allowing him ... good publicity to have one of your stars appear on one of the most watched shows in the industry.


Why the WWE wants him there for the show ... ummm, thats the one that I can't answer.

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Guest Youth N Asia

It might not be a bad idea to show that there isn't any hard feelings...cause unless TNA picks up in a big way, Vince is still the only real game in town

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Guest Hogan Made Wrestling
By "better served in WWE," do you mean he'll GET ROWDY?!

No, but he'll get a decent paycheque and won't have to refer to anyone else as 'Uncle Tom' or get beaten up by a "klansman".

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Guest oldschoolwrestling
Yea, it would be good pub for NWA:TNA. He needs to wear an NWA shirt though, or people won't know where to find him in the future.

I'm sure that the WWE will not allow him to wear a NWA shirt or even mention the name NWA on the show. It wouldn't suprise me if they say something like, "He's in the indy's now."

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Guest dreamer420

I've read that 50 current and former WWF/WWE talents will be on hand so it will be interesting to see who gets chosen for the show.

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Guest Slapnuts00

I want Roddy Pipper to be there so he can rush the stage and ask Vince Mcmahon if he killed Owen Hart...it'd be awesome....or not.

Anyway, I'd think it'd be awesome if Bret Hart was there but who knows...

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Guest CoreyLazarus416
By "better served in WWE," do you mean he'll GET ROWDY?!

No, but he'll get a decent paycheque and won't have to refer to anyone else as 'Uncle Tom' or get beaten up by a "klansman".

And Killings has proven that he excelled in that angle, regardless of how controversial or "bad" (as some people might say; I think it was a really good angle that was made even better by Killings' role), it made people take notice of Killings. His ringwork has picked up in NWA, and he's OVER by doing his own thing.


Regardless of whether or not you personally enjoyed the angle, it still got Killins over better than ANYTHING the WWF did. If he were to return to McMahon land, he'd be back as K-Kwik, your token rapping black guy.

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Guest oldschoolwrestling
he'd be back as K-Kwik, your token rapping black guy.

And join John Cena and B2?

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Guest Eagan469
Anyway, I'd think it'd be awesome if Bret Hart was there but who knows...

Bret said recently he wants nothing to do with WWE ever again.

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Guest Youth N Asia

The guy is very athletic...but I don't think much of him as a wrestler. And his heel promos come off weird, it's hard to explain, but he comes off overly cheesey

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

"No, but he'll get a decent paycheque and won't have to refer to anyone else as 'Uncle Tom' or get beaten up by a "klansman". "


Cause God knows that Dlo Brown isn't in a racist angle on the same show that brought us necrophelia RIGHT NOW.



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Guest Joejigatame
"No, but he'll get a decent paycheque and won't have to refer to anyone else as 'Uncle Tom' or get beaten up by a "klansman". "


Cause God knows that Dlo Brown isn't in a racist angle on the same show that brought us necrophelia RIGHT NOW.



I thought the discussion was focused on the TNA handling of his gimmick, not any WWE angles? It's the TNA thread, after all. I realise you may have difficulty accepting any criticism about the product, but you should try to stick to the discussion. It was a reasonably intelligent argument until you arrived ;)

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Guest geniusMoment

The question isn't, "Why is the truth going?". The question is, "Will Vince Russo be there?".

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

Joe, leave. The discussion right there was that he'd be handled better by WWE, when WWE is currently handling someone in a worse way in an extremely similar angle.

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Guest dreamer420
The question isn't, "Why is the truth going?". The question is, "Will Vince Russo be there?".

Why would he? Russo never had a big on air role with WWF/E

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Guest Joejigatame
Joe, leave. The discussion right there was that he'd be handled better by WWE, when WWE is currently handling someone in a worse way in an extremely similar angle.

No, I was just attempting to show that pointing out weaknesses in other promotions when defending another promotion is childish and shows a lack of forethought. Who mentioned anything about necrophilia? Why bring it up?

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Maybe you didn't notice the picture in his sig with TNA people and the burning crosses...


Or maybe you didn't notive that this thread was about TNA people appearing in the WWE...thus including both promotions in the discussion...


Or maybe you didn't notice that the reply I made was in direct answer to a post that compared the two companies...



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Guest Joejigatame
Maybe you didn't notice the picture in his sig with TNA people and the burning crosses...


Or maybe you didn't notive that this thread was about TNA people appearing in the WWE...thus including both promotions in the discussion...


Or maybe you didn't notice that the reply I made was in direct answer to a post that compared the two companies...



Oh, I noticed the picture with the burning crosses. I saw that four months ago at tOA. I believe it refers to the use of racism etc in TNA...you know, guys in white hoods, SS appearances, Killings being the 'White Kryptonite' and everything.


I also knew this thread was about TNA...it's in the TNA forum, so it's quite appropriate. Yes, I also realised it was about Killings appearing in WWE...nothing about necrophilia or D'Lo though.


Oh, and you actually refered to a post about his persona in TNA, no one compared the two racist gimmicks. You made the comparison.



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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I'm sorry.


You must be right.


His post didn't say that the WWE would be this magical land where racist angles don't exist therefore showing their moral superiority to TNA.

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Guest Joejigatame
I'm sorry.


You must be right.


His post didn't say that the WWE would be this magical land where racist angles don't exist therefore showing their moral superiority to TNA.

Nope, his post didn't say that. The thing is, anyone with an ounce of intelligence realises that WWE is guilty of racist storylines. No one suggested that WWE has a moral superiority...but TNA are guilty of some offensive storylines and situations, and they've been around six months.


Both promotions are indefensible, but you seem to turn it into some interpromotional pissing contest when people call TNA on it. If you like the product, great, but you don't need to defend the promotion by refering to other instances. Just accept TNA makes as many mistakes as any other promotion, and Killings' persona is one of those mistakes.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

A: He hasn't used that persona in a long time. Only referencing it once since winning the title back in week 8.


B: I point out there shortcomings all the time. Half my preview is written about mistakes and stupid ideas and bashing Jorge Estrada.


C: LOOK AT HIS POST! He clearly states that if Killings were in the WWE he wouldn't have to do the offensize things he does in TNA. I pointed out that as being B.S. A fact.

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