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Guest Polish_Rifle

Final Mattitude Commentary this year

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Guest Polish_Rifle

credit wwemattitude.com...




Greetings and salutations! (One of my favorite lines from Christian Slater in the movie "Heathers.") It's that time of the year again, the end, December, Christmas time. I hope everyone had a super Christmas, got lots of great gifts and some well-deserved time off. I can't tell you how much my sore body and I needed a nine-day break. I'd also like to wish everyone safe travels as many of us will be visiting family and friends that we only see at this time of the year.


It's time for my Internet wrestling community paragraph, with random comments and observations. The net really seems to enjoy the Matt Facts during my entrance. I have visited several sites and newsboards that have some creative Matt Facts they have suggested that I use. One message board I looked at had fifteen pages of possible Matt Facts-not bad. Here's something I chuckled at; one person listed this as a fact: Matt has not wrestled on a pay-per-view since April. Actually, my last wrestling appearance on a PPV was in May in Nashville, but I plan on changing that fact soon. Another post guessed at the six states that I haven't wrestled in. They guessed Alaska, Hawaii, Vermont, Wyoming, North and South Dakota. Close, but no cigar. Actually, I haven't wrestled in Oregon, but I have performed in North Dakota. I'll also be eliminating Alaska from this list as we will be doing Anchorage and Fairbanks in January. I enjoy reading people's opinions on the net and I'm also very appreciative because they've been very supportive of Matt Hardy, Version One.


People occasionally ask me about the names of my in-ring moves, so I thought I would list and describe them here for future reference.


1) Twist of Fate - My finishing move, which does damage to my opponent's neck and head. I start with my opponent in a front face lock, swing my right arm underneath his neck, hook the head in a vice and jump up. As we come down, I crush his head and throat against the mat.

2) Side Effect - I face my opponent, and trap his arm and head with my arms, and jump up. As we come down, I drive his head backward into the mat, and drive my right arm into the throat. Once again, the damage is to my competitor's head and neck areas.

3) The Downfall Legdrop - With my opposition lying prone on the mat, I jump off the second rope and land with my right hamstring and BUTT on his head and throat. Basically, I use my body weigh of 234 pounds to crush my challenger's head and esophagus.

4) The Ricochet - I begin by picking up my opponent in a back suplex position, and then pause when we reach the highest point. Suddenly, I twist my body 180 degrees and release, but also drop an elbow into the sternum from that same height. This particular move affects the head, neck, back, ribs and chest.

5) The Reality Check - This a fairly new move that I've only done a few times, but you should start seeing more of it. I take my left arm, wrap it around my victim's throat, and connect my hands, so we are in a perpendicular position. I then jerk his head down into the mat backward, in an almost concussion-like blow. You probably are seeing a pattern developing, as once again I work on my competition's head and neck.

6) Double Impact - This is what I call the combination of bumping my opponent with an elbow and then immediately dropping a fist or leg on their head.

These are my basic specialty moves, but I have some new stuff in mind that may have to be edited into this list in the future.


One of my favorite things to do whenever I enter the ring is check out all the creative signs in the crowd. As I have stated before, one of my favorites is the upside down World Wrestling Entertainment logo, which becomes the logo for Mattitude. I think that's an appropriate sign because Mattitude has turned WWE upside down (or would like to). I saw a sign in Hartford that was a huge five-piece banner that said MFer'S. Also in Hartford was a sign that said "I need Version Two, Version One crashed on Sunday" (referring to my Survivor Series debacle). There were two big banners in Atlanta; one just said "Mattitude" while the other one said "Time for a Mattitude Adjustment" with a clock on it. In Tampa, I saw my favorite sign of all time, "Jeff Hardy fears Mattitude." Whoever made and displayed that sign has to be the No. 2 MFer, and that's as high as you can get. The Original MFer, Shannon "All That and a Little" Moore, has the No. 1 spot locked down after those awesome bumps he took from Brock Lesnar on SmackDown!


Speaking of Shannon, I don't know what the future holds, but I liked our interaction last week. I think we could be a fun combination to watch if he would become a full-fledged believer of Mattitude.


Actually, I have a rule of Mattamatics that proves this theory: Matt Hardy + Unknown (Shannon, Brock, Brian Hebner, broomstick, blade of grass, etc.) = Entertainment. Here is how it looks as an equation (V1 + X = ENT). On SmackDown!, I noted that Matt Hardy minus one eye is still greater than Brock Lesnar (V1 - 1I > BL). Study and learn your Mattamatics, because they are very important and you will be tested later.

Random thought time - If Chuck Palumbo decides to pursue a different occupation other than sports entertainment, I think he should give boxing a shot. Chuck throws a devastating right and really opened my eyes (or at least one of them) to the fact he throws a heavy punch.


Just as a quick reminder, the biography of the Hardy Boyz, "Exist 2 Inspire," is all but finished now. I think it does an excellent job of following Jeff and I up to this point in our careers and has tons of great stories in it. It will be in bookstores everywhere in March 2003.


I'm looking forward to 2003, as I always view a New Year as a new beginning. I have a lot of goals to accomplish this year, in and out of the ring. Now that I've got my feet wet with this singles competition stuff, it's time to start moving up. I want to repeat the success I had as a tag team in a singles capacity. It's going to be tough, but God-willing that I don't get injured, I will. I've always said this: "To achieve you have to believe." Maybe I'm just as delusional as my character, but it's got me this far, so I'm not changing anytime soon. Have a great New Year, and make 2003 your year just like I'm going to make it mine. Be well, and until then...


Matt Hardy V1

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On SmackDown!, I noted that Matt Hardy minus one eye is still greater than Brock Lesnar (V1 - 1I > BL).


Ya know, I'm a failure at Math...why can't Mathamatics be more like Mattamatics? The world would be a better place...


Just as a quick reminder, the biography of the Hardy Boyz, "Exist 2 Inspire," is all but finished now. I think it does an excellent job of following Jeff and I up to this point in our careers and has tons of great stories in it. It will be in bookstores everywhere in March 2003.


Another biography to read! Yay for me! Let's see...I'v read Mick's first book, just won the second on eBay (for 2.99 + shipping...amazingly), I've read Chyna's book (and waiting for X-Pac's), I just finished Hogan's yesterday, and I also won DDP's book on eBay (7.50 +shipping).


Lance Storm mentioned he's working on his book, and I have no doubt that 'Taker and HBK will come out with a book sometime in the near future.

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Guest Jobber of the Week
3) The Downfall Legdrop - With my opposition lying prone on the mat, I jump off the second rope and land with my right hamstring and BUTT on his head and throat. Basically, I use my body weigh of 234 pounds to crush my challenger's head and esophagus.


This is a really, really long-winded way of saying:

"Hey, it worked for Hogan."

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Guest AndrewTS
1) Twist of Fate - My finishing move, which does damage to my opponent's neck and head. I start with my opponent in a front face lock, swing my right arm underneath his neck, hook the head in a vice and jump up. As we come down, I crush his head and throat against the mat.

2) Side Effect - I face my opponent, and trap his arm and head with my arms, and jump up. As we come down, I drive his head backward into the mat, and drive my right arm into the throat. Once again, the damage is to my competitor's head and neck areas.

3) The Downfall Legdrop - With my opposition lying prone on the mat, I jump off the second rope and land with my right hamstring and BUTT on his head and throat. Basically, I use my body weigh of 234 pounds to crush my challenger's head and esophagus.

4) The Ricochet - I begin by picking up my opponent in a back suplex position, and then pause when we reach the highest point. Suddenly, I twist my body 180 degrees and release, but also drop an elbow into the sternum from that same height. This particular move affects the head, neck, back, ribs and chest.

5) The Reality Check - This a fairly new move that I've only done a few times, but you should start seeing more of it. I take my left arm, wrap it around my victim's throat, and connect my hands, so we are in a perpendicular position. I then jerk his head down into the mat backward, in an almost concussion-like blow. You probably are seeing a pattern developing, as once again I work on my competition's head and neck.

6) Double Impact - This is what I call the combination of bumping my opponent with an elbow and then immediately dropping a fist or leg on their head.

These are my basic specialty moves, but I have some new stuff in mind that may have to be edited into this list in the future.


1 and 2 Cole/Tazz will call.


The rest will be ignored to blather on about some angle or be called "great move there" or "sickening thud" or the like.

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Guest razazteca
3) The Downfall Legdrop - With my opposition lying prone on the mat, I jump off the second rope and land with my right hamstring and BUTT on his head and throat. Basically, I use my body weigh of 234 pounds to crush my challenger's head and esophagus.


This is a really, really long-winded way of saying:

"Hey, it worked for Hogan."

its more like I 1/2 ass the Bobby Eaton finisher

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Guest Kotzenjunge

Good lord.




(marks the FUCK out)


Now if only we could get RNN and Mattitude in the same show like at the Survivor Series more often, I'd be in heaven.

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Guest Mole
Another biography to read! Yay for me! Let's see...I'v read Mick's first book, just won the second on eBay (for 2.99 + shipping...amazingly), I've read Chyna's book (and waiting for X-Pac's), I just finished Hogan's yesterday, and I also won DDP's book on eBay (7.50 +shipping).


Lance Storm mentioned he's working on his book, and I have no doubt that 'Taker and HBK will come out with a book sometime in the near future.

If you want a good read, then get Sex, Lies and Headlocks. It is a bio on Vince, and the WWE. It is a really good read, I learned some stuff I never knew before.

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Guest The Mighty Damaramu

Yes I am currently reading Sex Lies and Headlocks. It is very good. I have noticed some inconsistincies though. Like saying that the Yokozuna bodyslam challenge happened on July 4 1995 and that Luger was gone by September. It happened on July 4 1993 and they failed with Luger over the next 2 years. But hey it's still a really great read.

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Oh, I forgot about Sex, Lies, and Headlocks! I'll have to check and see if my local library has it. If not, then I'll buy it off eBay when I got more money....


Edit on last post: I also read Kurt Angle's book....twice! My mom bought The Rock's book, but I'm not interested enough to read it.

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Guest Ram

Rock's wasn't too great. I didn't like Kurt's either, though. Kurt should've waited a few years to do his.


Piper's kicked ass though, as did Heenan's.

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Guest FeArHaVoC

HBK's Book would be so full of shit.


and I hope Lawler's Book is better then his RF Shoot. That thing put me to sleep.

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Guest Breetai
Matt Hardy + Unknown (Shannon, Brock, Brian Hebner, broomstick, blade of grass, etc.)


Hehe..... he's a smark! :D

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Guest art_vandelay

Whoa, Mattitude is great, but his signature moves SUCK, and the names he's given them are even SUCKIER. I don't blame Tazz and Cole for not calling them, in fact, I'd prefer not hearing "The Downfall Legdrop~! The Ricochet~! The _____~!"

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Guest SP-1

I think the old HBK would have put out a book full of crap, but I think Shawn would be pretty honest now. I would hope so, anyway.


And Mattitude is beyond awesome.

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