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Guest Kotzenjunge

Oh yeah, I didn't notice that. Sorry!


Still, I'd love to see how other people write it.

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I have the four episodes they played last night (3 replays, 1 new) on tape, and I'm almost done with my first recap. Once I'm done, I'll send a copy to both of you, Dr. Tom and Kotz.

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Guest SP-1

I can't help but put my two cents in on something here. Your sig, Yuna . . .


Hrm....Matt...Jeff...Shanny...all in the same hotel room....

Shanny and Jeffy shirtless....

Jeffys pants are hanging awfully low.....

Shanny looks soooooo tired.....

dis only means one thing....


. . . that they were all drunk and tired.

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Guest Kotzenjunge

Don't send it to me, I want to be surprised. Besides, Tom's the content manager, not me.

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Guest Gimmick Poster.com

Let's say I was Matt Hardy and my brother was Shannon Moore, would it be okay if I blew a load in your mouth and he practiced the ancient of art of bukkake (however the hell it's spelled)? I mean, supposedly only certain girls are allowed to participate in this ancient ritual, and I think you may be that lucky girl!

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Guest Kinetic

Given that this is an area of expertise for me, I'd say that Yuna is definitely bukkake material. She's underage, for one thing. She also has an Asian name and what appears to be a robust preoccupation with sexual deviance. If she's ever in the area during one of my local Bukkake chapter's meetings, I'd give her a go.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen

Yuna, if you think making yourself out to be a victim with this unnecessary and irritating thread is winning anyone over, you are sorely mistaken. How about making intellegent posts with a coherent purpose. Or better yet... JUST SHUT UP AND LISTEN. You admit you don't know what the hell you're talking about, so just learn. If you have little knowledge you'll just embarrass yourself no matter how much enthusiasm you have.


Oh, and you post WAY too much, and have never added a goddamn thing to a topic EVER. Then you bash US for poking fun at HHH and Hoss-hating, but when we bash slash, we're homophobes? FUCK YOU, you stupid cunt. Slash is for 16 year old geekish pervert girls who've never had a real relationship so they get off on imagining realtionships for their favorite male clebs. It sucks. At least porn stories have the decency to call themselves porn. Not some fucking shit "artform".

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
Someone actually considers Slash an artform . . . ?

Well, if she considers it anything more than Porn for women, then she's delusional.



Oh and I've never ever heard of an X-Rated Slash story, so I assume it's because the 16 year old girls who are the only ones who care won't be able to get in. I read one of the stories posted on her homepage. Jesus, what a crock of shit. It's not even all that racy or anything. Just call it Watered down Porno.

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Just call it Watered down Porno.


Which story did you read, might I ask? If you read Cole/Sean, then yes, that was watered-down, seeing as how it was my FIRST, and so far, ONLY X-rated story.


Slash is for 16 year old geekish pervert girls who've never had a real relationship so they get off on imagining realtionships for their favorite male clebs. It sucks. At least porn stories have the decency to call themselves porn. Not some fucking shit "artform".


I never called slash an artform. For only 16 year olds? No, sorry, you're wrong. Many people write it, not just teens.


and he practiced the ancient of art of bukkake


What the hell are you talking about? And if Shanny and Matty were brothers? Ohhhh dear, that would seriously mess up my friend's stories.


She also has an Asian name and what appears to be a robust preoccupation with sexual deviance.


The name is Asian? Huh....I honestly didn't know. No, seriously, I didn't. My sister used "mystic firerose" so I just stole the "Firerose" and added "Yuna", which is my fave character from Final Fantasy X.


If she's ever in the area during one of my local Bukkake chapter's meetings, I'd give her a go.


Sorry, but I'll pass.


Well, if she considers it anything more than Porn for women


Gee, and here I thought stories about gay men would appeal to the gay community who likes to read that stuff. Silly me...whatever was I thinking?

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Guest DawnBTVS
Someone want to clue me in on what this Slash stuff is?

Yuna's "slash" is homophobic stories between male wrestlers.


Hey Yuna, are there ever any lesbian stories or is the slash just male related? Just inquiring...

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Guest Jobber of the Week

That does it.. This thread is so stupid, I have to resort to my forum version of the Hot Pokers. This reply is going to be made in the form of a Chris Jericho promo, circa 2000:


"Welcome to... SMARKS.. ARE... JERICHO! *rock music blares*


Now, what happened here? Why, this is more repungant than Kirk Angel and Mr. Roboto in a Snoozerhold match! It looks like someone posted a stiiiiiiiinky, smeeeeeeeelllly, and just downright STUPID thread in NHB! She's begging for flames, people! Cmon! I mean, I've heard of askin' for it, but she is LITERALLY ASKING FOR IT!


Although, that may not be the height of the stupidity. Check out this reply!

Yuna's "slash" is homophobic stories between male wrestlers.


Hello, "Dawn!" That's homoEROTIC stories! A homophobic story between male wrestlers would be the tale where Bradshaw enters the locker room and everyone desperately hides the Baby Powder and Ass Cream.


And MrSass, or whatever your name is, most the slash fans are idiot girls, but you'd be suprised! They're usually around age 20, not 16. At 16 they still have hope at getting a date, but at 19 or so they give up and start imagining men on men, without their skanky trashbag two dollar slut selves involved!


Overall, I can't express my disgust in mere words. The only person who redeemed this thread is Kinetic, and he trolled so hard he nearly had a coronary!


...Maybe eventually we can return to a normal, mature board. One where Tuna Firehose, and all the rest of these teenage assclowns, will never...Eeeeeeeeehhhhver, be posting, agayne!"

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Guest Gimmick Poster.com

I'm-uh going-uh to-uh post-uh a-uh mockery-uh of-uh HHH-uh because-uh you-uh mentioned-uh Chris-uh Jericho-uh. I'm-uh going-uh to-uh hold-uh you-uh down-uh.


*Poses Spits Water*


*Repeat Ad Nauseum*

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Guest AM The Kid

I just saw The Ring, I'm all freaked out now.



Yuma...I flipped through some of your stories and that ugh...picture site of yours and I must say, you are one strange duck. Capturing pictures of wrestler's crotches is just wrong.

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Yuma...I flipped through some of your stories and that ugh...picture site of yours and I must say, you are one strange duck. Capturing pictures of wrestler's crotches is just wrong.


I don't capture pics of wrestler's crotches. But, yup, I am a strange duck! Fear my craziness! My site is mainly used for all the banners I make, and the banners that my gal pal makes. Compare some of my banners to hers, and you'll see why she is named "The Banner Goddess".


Hey Yuna, are there ever any lesbian stories or is the slash just male related? Just inquiring...


SLASH is same-sex fics. So, yes, there are lesbian stories written. Gay stories are m/m, and lesbian are f/f.


She's begging for flames, people!


Begging? Jobber, I don't beg for anything. I saw that my name was mentioned quite a few times in the "Least Faveorite Poster" thread. Being my usual teeny-bopperish self, I was veering too much off-topic, so I made this thread.


I just saw The Ring, I'm all freaked out now.


What does The Ring have to do with this thread or slash? I'm just curious...

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Guest Jobber of the Week

That's pretty much my excuse, too. I had just watched a bunch of Jericho promos and I thought "Tuna Firehose" was pretty funny.


Perhaps I'm drunk? :huh:

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Guest Kinetic
Overall, I can't express my disgust in mere words. The only person who redeemed this thread is Kinetic, and he trolled so hard he nearly had a coronary!

Thank you, thank you. Although I resent the trolling comment. The difference between this and my normal posting habits is negligible at best.

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Guest SP-1

As someone that works with graphics somewhat often, I feel I must point out that if your friend made some of your banners, they were okay . . . but certainly not "goddess" material. Nothing against either of you, just saying.

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Guest EL BRUJ0
I type all that shit up and no one responds but the gimmick poster?  I give to you of my soul and Yuna fucking Firerose gets more of a reaction than I do?  A DAY OF RECKONING WILL SURELY COME, SMART MARKS!

Now, Kinetic you shouldn't take it out on the marks if they're not popping for your offence. Maybe you should re-evaluate your move set.


However, you should be pissed that Yuna no-sold your post. Who does that green rookie think she is? I say you stiff post her a good one and if she no-sells that, then open her up the hardway. These young punks have to learn smartmark style.


This ain't ballet, folks!

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Guest SP-1
I type all that shit up and no one responds but the gimmick poster?  I give to you of my soul and Yuna fucking Firerose gets more of a reaction than I do?  A DAY OF RECKONING WILL SURELY COME, SMART MARKS!

Now, Kinetic you shouldn't take it out on the marks if they're not popping for your offence. Maybe you should re-evaluate your move set.


However, you should be pissed that Yuna no-sold your post. Who does that green rookie think she is? I say you stiff post her a good one and if she no-sells that, then open her up the hardway. These young punks have to learn smartmark style.


This ain't ballet, folks!

While I am saddened by the abandonment of the, "This Post is Ghey" push . . .


. . . that was great. :lol: :lol:

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Guest EL BRUJ0

Says the man with the Nash obsession.


So how far did Big Kev bump you on the restraining order? 500 ft?

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