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Guest Youth N Asia

Who do recient horror movies suck so bad

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Guest Youth N Asia

Alright, first off I know there are exceptions, but I'm talking the teen slasher shit....you know, the stuff that use to be great but sucks now.


I couldn't sleep so I watched the 2nd Urban Legends movie last night...and it was just as bad as the first one.


Typical shit...everyone dies and she's the only one who knows about it, and no one believes her, been done a million times. These are just the same movies done over again with different annoying characters.


The killer in these movies...it's always one of two people

1) one of the main charcters who you can expect right off the bat, cause they don't play him off as a killer...and you always get the double/triple swerve in movies like this. Very predictable.

2) or the killer is such a minor ass character. Picked soley cause the audiance wouldn't guess it's them cause they're so minor.


And with these movies the person plays such a normal roll at the begining then plays a psycho out of nowhere...I could have killed Rebecca Gayhart at the end of part 1 for being such an unconvincing pyscho acrtess as it is...she was really bad at that.


Scream...first one was an alright movie...2nd sucks...and the 3rd I was so pissed at myself for watching.


By the time the 3rd one rolls around you want the characters to die. The Scream chick comes off as such a bitch in the 3rd one you want her dead. You can't make yourself care if she lives.


That's my main peoblem with these kinds of movies...the characters don't give you a reason for you to want them to live. Scream, Urban Legends, I know what you did 11 summers ago, Disturbing Behavior...I think Scream 3 and IKWYDLS 2 are my least favs (it's even too long of a title when you abbreviate)...and maybe Halloween H20...everyone I didn't care about died, and everyone I really wanted dead didn't die.


Jason and Freddy movies...I go for the bad guys, no one sees the movie hoping they get offed by the predictable female at the end...why not suprise up. But at lease these ones were fun.


And why when they get rappers or other musicians in the movies they never die, always gott play the hero...isn't it too predictable? The did it in the last two Halloweens...


And a Destiny's Child chick is going to be in the Jason vs Freddy movie...so you know even before going in she isn't going to do.


And no matter what these unlikeable movies ALWAYS do the hint for a sequel at the end.

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Guest Lethargic

Because Hollywood is too PC today to do anything like those old school slashers. Even in the 80's Paramount was completely embarassed by the success of the Friday movies. And the big Hollywood horror directors think movies like those are beneath them. Even when they DO make one, it's let put Jason in space. Nobody wants to just make a simple movie about a guy with a machete in the woods anymore. They want to try to make the movies "good". If you want old school horror you gotta quit watching Hollywood crap and get the low-budget, underground stuff. I just watched a movie called Maniacal and it was the most entertaining slasher movie I've seen in a while and had some great kill scenes.

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Guest Mole

Urban Legends 2 was the worse movie ever. I really don't remember it that much, I just remember it sucking balls, with the killer being like, "Huh, that guy? He was in the movie?"

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Guest IDrinkRatsMilk

I wish they would just drop the whole "guess who the killer is" motif. Like, in Scream 3, they hinted that it was the girl's mother, back from the grave. If it actually was her undead mother, that would have been good. But no.

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Guest cabbageboy

I suggest finding some REAL old school stuff from Universal or even some old Val Lewton stuff. It's as far as you can get from the shit slasher movies.


It's not like it's just the NEW slasher movies that suck. They've always sucked.

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Guest Kotzenjunge

But, being the VERY easily scared person that I am, I LOVE the fact that horror movies aren't what they used to be. Allows me to watch them with people and not sound like a pussy when I express reservations, as I used to back in the day.

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Guest C.H.U.D.

My favourites are the 80's backwood slashers like the early F13 films, Just Before Dawn and The Burning. I doubt movies like that will ever get made again, but at least I can always go back and watch the 80's stuff.

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Guest Downhome

The Ring is about the best "horror" movie I've seen in many years, and I don't know if you can really even call that a horror movie.


There is not enough of original screenwriters out there right now, that is the problem right there.

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Guest Downhome
Urban Legends 2 was the worse movie ever. I really don't remember it that much, I just remember it sucking balls, with the killer being like, "Huh, that guy? He was in the movie?"

It's in the top five worst on my list, but it is not number one, that would go to the horrid Left Behind. I rented UL2, watched it, and didn't even watch the end, I had to read on the net at who the killer was. It was one of the worst movies ever before I even knew the end, that's how much I disliked this piece of trash.

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I like gore......that's why I like the 80's stuff more than new stuff.


The more bloody the kill the better. I hate it when someone get's offed by snapping the neck or some weak means.


That's why I liked the Nightmare on Elm Street series because the deaths were so over the top and gory.

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Guest Lethargic

The thing is is that I REALLY liked the first Urban Legends. I thought it was a decent little movie with a neat original gimmick. The second movie was like you said, top five worst.

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Guest Anglesault

Oh Christ, UL2. I watched that and Valentine (You all know how I feel about THAT movie) witin a couple of weeks of each other. Utter, complete shit.


I Still Know, however, is the worst horror move I've ever seen. The first one was really good, with the ten minute SMG chase seen. The second one saw Brandi go through 15 windows.


Oh, and the revolver that has eight bullets. Can't forget that one.

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

Apparently, none of you have seen Hell Of The Living Dead, AKA Night Of The Zombies. That is, officially, THE worst horror movie to date. Stock footage, bad acting (even for Italian horror standards), and pretty bad FX. Not Redneck Zombies bad, but still pretty bad.


As for good recent horror movies, I have 3 main recommendations:

Ginger Snaps, The Convent, and $la$her$.


$la$her$ is a good satire on what Japanese extreme game shows will probably come to one day. The Convent is a great cheesy zombie/demon flick in the same vein as Evil Dead II (only I think a lot of the lines are better than ones used in Evil Dead II, personally). And Ginger Snaps is just all-around greatness for a modern horror movie.

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I Still Know, however, is the worst horror move I've ever seen. The first one was really good, with the ten minute SMG chase seen. The second one saw Brandi go through 15 windows.

I'm not going to deny it. Horrible, horrible movie....but I bought it. I'm sure you can guess the reason why.



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Guest AM The Kid

I just saw The Ring tonight...what a fucked up movie. I was on the edge while watching it, but it wasn't soo bad. But now that I'm home it's kinda like "wtf did I just watch?"

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Guest Lethargic
Apparently, none of you have seen Hell Of The Living Dead, AKA Night Of The Zombies. That is, officially, THE worst horror movie to date. Stock footage, bad acting (even for Italian horror standards), and pretty bad FX. Not Redneck Zombies bad, but still pretty bad.

Watched that two weeks ago and he's right. But I thought we were just discussing modern stuff. The same guy did Rats A Night of Terror and it sucked just as bad.

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Guest Harry Hood

Personally I think that if Romero ever gets his fourth dead script some budget and deosn't get it pulled out from under him then that could be majorly awesome. I did like scream, it was a good movie as a standalone, but trilogy? not so much. FOr the 90's the best horror movie I think by far is Brain Dead but it's not scary at all, just ball-bustingly entertaining. There's some movies too that in context I will never watch cos it would fuck me up to badly, like Final Destination 1&2, but I know the movies woudl suck. Just the plot would mess with me. I'm realy trying to get my hands on Battle Royale, a horror movie from JApan, that's supposed to be excellent. KInda like Lord of the Flies.


Oh and call me crazy, but I really really liked Jason X.

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Guest El Satanico

I liked Final Destination. It was a semi original idea and it had some creative deaths/near deaths. Oh yeah and it also has the great Tony Todd in it.


I'm sure it won't be as good as the original but I'm sure I'll catch the sequel at some point. I hear Tony Todd will have a larger role in it so i have some hope that it won't be that bad.

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Guest Human Fly

I have high hopes for the Rob Zombie horror film that's coming out later this year. If it's as messed up as they say it is it should be really good.

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Guest El Satanico

Oh yeah I forgot all about Zombie's movie.


However I won't believe that it's getting a theatre release until i see it's name on the marqees.

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Guest Lethargic
Personally I think that if Romero ever gets his fourth dead script some budget and deosn't get it pulled out from under him then that could be majorly awesome.

Romero just signed with 20th Century Fox this week to make the 4th one, Dead Reckoning. The movie is gonna be filmed as an NC-17 rated gorefest, trimmed to an R rating for theaters and then released uncut on DVD.


Of course the script is stupid as hell so I don't know if a budget OR a uncut version can help it.

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Guest red_file
I'm realy trying to get my hands on Battle Royale, a horror movie from JApan, that's supposed to be excellent. KInda like Lord of the Flies.

Does Battle Royale count as a horror movie? I mean, it had gore and death, but I didn't think it was meant to be scary. Maybe it was just me.


I think horror is suffering because it's somehow linked to the success of teen movies. In the late 70s/early 80s there was a boom of R-rated, mature teen movies, which paved the way for R-rated horror movies. Now that it's rarely profitable to release an R-rated movie of any kind, interesting teen movies are not being developed with any frequency, likewise interesting horror movies are not being made. Eventually (I hope) it will become profitable again to make R-rated movies, and when that happens more, better horror movies will be made.


Or maybe horror as a film genre has outlived its usefulness, as Noir did. The horror of the last few decades seemed to be focused on repressed sexuality, and our current culture seems to be doing all it can to bring sexuality more into the open. Without the familiar subtext, perhaps horror doesn't hold the same appeal. Or maybe I'm talking out of my ass.

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Guest NoCalMike

The biggest problem with modern day SLASHER films is that the studios won't do them, unless big teen drama queens are casted. When A Nightmare on Elm Street came out, no one new who Heather Lankencamp(sp?) or Johnny Depp were, however when IKWYDLS and all the others came, it was just a bunch of drama queens packed into a movie where the plots were more about them than the killer. Another thing missing from them is nudity, now I know nudity is not ALWAYS important, but with these uppity teeny bopper stars of today it will never happen. Also, movie studios don't want Rated R movies if they can help it, so when an actress like Jennifer Love Hewitt is casted, everything possible is done to get the rating to PG-13, which in return, screws up any potential. Most classic horror movies were not made in hollywood, they were done on tiny budgets and gained their rep through word-of-mouth and got even more popular when VHS/DVD started hitting it bigtime. I am sure there is quality horror films out there today, but we won't know for a few years when they arrive on DVD.

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Guest Ravenbomb

I assume we aren't counting Reisdent Evil? I'm not saying the movie was good, but I just figured we weren't counting it cause it wasn't a horror movie despite the zombies. Just wondering.

I think the problem with the slasher movies is that they're trying to emulate Scream, and Scream was a fluke. Scream 2 was fairly decent, Scream 3 wasn't good. However, I did buy the trilogy, mostly for completion. The only horror movie post-Scream to come out that I liked was The Ring, and I LOVE that movie.

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

Well, the good news is that the upcoming Darkness Falls looks to be pretty good. Has that little kid from The Ring, and that fucker is SPOOKY. Always looks pale, has those deep rings under his eyes, and talks like he's 22 (but he's only, like, 8).

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Guest AM The Kid

I know what your saying about that kid. I saw a comercial for Darkness Falls right after I saw The Ring and that kid freaked me out again. Ugh...creepy little fucker.

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Guest C.H.U.D.
Apparently, none of you have seen Hell Of The Living Dead, AKA Night Of The Zombies. That is, officially, THE worst horror movie to date. Stock footage, bad acting (even for Italian horror standards), and pretty bad FX. Not Redneck Zombies bad, but still pretty bad.

Watched that two weeks ago and he's right. But I thought we were just discussing modern stuff. The same guy did Rats A Night of Terror and it sucked just as bad.

Actually, I liked Rats in a "so bad it's good" kind of way. I watched it with a few friends, and were howling all the way through it. It has some of the best bad dialogue ever. Hell of the Living Dead on the other hand his just a dull zombie movie, with one funny scene where the girl says she will "communicate" with the tribe, then strips naked and walks around with paint on her body, pretending to interact with the stock footage.

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Guest Ravenbomb

*looks at CHUD's DVD collection*

Jeesus Christ! Killer Condom?! The Rubber that Rubs You Out?!

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Guest Jack Tunney

I've always liked The Exorcist III,no teenagers just weird shit.


But the teen slasher films are pretty much done for right?What was the last one to come out?

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