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Guest CoreyLazarus416


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Guest CoreyLazarus416

Anybody have a personal all-time record for the most time they've puked (not due to alcohol) in one day?


Mine's 5, and my buddy Jason has 9.

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Guest IDrinkRatsMilk

16 times, no lie, including one where I puked two liters of 7-Up down four flights of stairs.

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Guest saturnmark4life

with alcohol it's probably three, but my friends have managed jackass-esque amounts of puke when i was filming them drink about 8 pints of milk each. The economy cola challenge was successful too.


'Those disclaimers just made me wanna hurt myself more'

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Guest KanadianKrusty
NONE of you have barfed...WHILE HAVING DIARRHEA. You can shut the hell up now...it sucked. REALLY BADLY. My legs cramped up and stuff...

Am I the only one who died laughing reading that?

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Guest The Electrifyer

On the first day of Christmas break, I puked 3 or 4 times from a disease or something.

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Guest Incandenza

Three times within one hour, due to a mass consumption of beer and vodka on an empty stomach. The third time was merely a dry heave, if that counts against the scoring. About four hours later, I barfed again (it was a bowl of cereal I ate in order to offset the earlier puking), followed by another session of dry heaving about 15 minutes after that.

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

Oh yeah, DANDY?


How about habing diarhea, puking, leg cramps, a fever, a bursting headache, AND barely being able to walk to the bathroom in time? That's how life was for me YESTERDAY.

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Guest kingkamala

I'd say only about 7, once was in a filled McDonalds. I knew I shouldn't have eaten fast food after vomitting several times, but dammit I wanted chicken nuggets. To say the manager was unhappy would be an understatement.

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Guest The Metal Maniac

Well, though I had been drinking the night before, this one cannot be blamed on the booze. When I woke up, I felt as good as I was gonna feel after a night of drinking that ended up with me passed out in a bathtub, covered in my own vomit.


But I make it through the day all right - get to class and such, and then it's time for work.


Oh, the fun I had.


I hadn't had anything to eat all day, so I bought a can of Sprite. I don't normally drink Sprite, but I woulda killed to have some on this day, so whatever.


Shortly thereafter, I threw it up.


I washed the taste out with a few drinks of water. I threw that up too.


Now, I'm actually starting to feel WORSE. Like I said, the hangover wasn't bad, but I've NEVER in all my life known a hangover to get WORSE for no reason at all. As near as I can tell, I caught a spot of the flu.


But, I gotta do my job. I go out and start to push carts. I feel sick. I come in the store and dry-heave in the bathroom. Keep in mind, I haven't TOLD anyone how shitty I feel right now, because there's no one working with me, so I figure I gotta stick it out as long as possible.


Go back out to do carts. Back in to dry-heave.


I go back out again, and I don't make it back into the store to dry-heave. Just right out in the parking lot. Literally, I had the carts lined up, all ready to go, but I had to just lean on them for 2 minutes, then I dry-heaved.


By this point I'm feeling so bad I can barely stand up. Almost time for my lunch break anyway, so I called a manager. While talking to them on the phone, I had to literally sit on the floor by the cash register, because I didn't have it in me to stand. I told them I felt like ass, and was going to my uncle's across the street to sleep it off. If I made it back, fine, if not, fine.


I dry-heaved on the way to my uncle's place. Needless to say, I didn't make it back to work.


I was really tempted to eat some stuff, just so next time I wouldn't be dry-heaving (Stomach acid is NOT nice, and I assume that's what ended up coming out) but I just walked in, said I felt like ass, and went to bed.


It was odd...when I was lying down, I didn't feel sick at all, but when I was on my feet...good God...


Anyway, my folks showed up to drive me home, and while walking to the car, I dry-heaved again. I made it back home and into bed safely after that.


By about 4 AM, I felt fine. I kept waking up, because I honestly wasn't tired - I had been in bed since 7 PM, fer chrissake's - and eventually I just stayed awake for a few hours, had a sandwich and some coke, then went back to sleep when I was good and ready.


So, there's my way-too-in-depth story of the day I threw up/dry-heaved 8 times.

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Guest jimmy no nose

Just this Thursday(my birthday) I puked 5 times in the first 5 hours after I woke up. I only finished the day with 6 though. Not a good birthday.

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Guest Ace309

Does surgery count?


Anaesthesia and Tom just don't go well together. Every time I have surgery, I'm sick for days afterward. Case in point, I broke my arm really, really badly and had to have it set with plates and screws in surgery. They gave me the stuff that's not supposed to make you sick, along with extra drugs that are supposed to lessen the nausea.


Needless to say, as soon as I started coming around, I got the dry heaves. I also have a penchant for finding SOMETHING to vomit when I'm sick, and so I started puking bile. Nice, eh?


Anyways, every time they gave me water, I puked. Then they started giving me ice cubes. Ten minutes later, I vomited an ice cube worth of runoff water. I believe I was up to around nine, and then a few the next day.

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Guest meanmaisch

My streak of eight years without vomiting recently ended. Truly the end of an era.

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Guest dreamer420

I rarely ever get sick when there is not alcohol involved. I've probably only barfed twice in day when booze isn't around.


When there is booze in my system I have probably puked at least 25-30 times in one day.

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Guest treble charged

I've thrown up 6 times so far today, in 3 different places. 3 times in the bathroom at Arby's, twice in the parking lot at my school, and once in the garbage can in my room. This was all in the space of no more than 3 hours, too. Shitty day.

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Guest AM The Kid

Ewww TC.


My 5 year record was broken last month by a one day flu. Damn!

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Guest converge241

ive only vomited a few times in my life..even when i was a kid i refused to let myself if possible..i hate the feeling

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Guest Matt Young

I had a day last year where I literally felt like I was dying. I'm usually pretty tolerant of discomfort... but damn, this was terrible. No one was home with me, and at various points in time I was seconds away from calling for an ambulance. It was THAT BAD. I constantly had acute stomach pains and would have to go to the bathroom or vomit. Whenever I'd head to the bathroom, I'd vomit in my bucket 2-3 times on the way there. I'd get up after my diarrheaiffic explosions, and before I could even wipe my ass, I'd puke. The total that day had to be in the upper 30's.

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Guest Mattdotcom

My streak of four years ended last March. If we're counting dry heaves, I got up to five or six. If it has to be vomit, then four I think. That's really the only high ranking event I remember. The previous time was fifth grade, when we were doing a HASP thing on crabs and I just puked all of a sudden. My friend Jason was really paranoid about me and animals after that.

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Guest Johnson1620
NONE of you have barfed...WHILE HAVING DIARRHEA. You can shut the hell up now...it sucked. REALLY BADLY. My legs cramped up and stuff...


Am I the only one who died laughing reading that?

This fucker stole my banner! But mine looks a whole lot better!


But I don't know my record, but I once made this chick puke from my fart! :P

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Guest Retro Rob

My 8 year record came to a halting stop Tuesday night. It was a sad day indeed.

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Guest Choken One

Well, I went 6 years without vomit...then lost that two days before my Wedding. Meanwhile, I've haven't puked since...So One Puke moment in about 8 years.

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