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Guest BoboBrazil

Vince McMahon On Raw

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Guest BoboBrazil

There are two options I see happening.


1. He is just coming back to be on the actual 10th anniversary Raw, which is Monday Night.


2. He comes back and starts feuding with Bischoff, saying how he has ruined Raw, etc.

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Guest Downhome

Oh my God, I was just about to make this very topic, weird. Here is something I read from over at the WCMB that someone posted, it seems to make sense to me...


yeah see vince can't name himself GM of RAW because he also oversees Smackdown, so he names Shane GM. Meaning the McMahon family controls both shows again.


But Bischoff conspires to fight the McMahons, and after a feud, challenges Vince to a match at Wrestlemania. Where Bischoff puts up his career and his hair vs. if he wins, he gets ownership of half the company and complete control of RAW. He dares Vince to accept and ultimately, Vince does.


Bischoff then wins his match with Vince at WM, using heel tactics and outside interference of course. He gains ownership of RAW. He fires Shane the next night and renames RAW to NITRO. New set and everything. This signifies Eric Bischoff taking complete control of creative-- as is rumored-- behind the scenes. From that point, the McMahons are all on one show and Bischoff on another.


At least until KOTR or Summerslam, or whenever Bischoff has to return the favor and job clean to Vince in their rematch


...it makes sense, to me anyhow. Whatever it is, I pray to God it will give RAW a storyline for us to care about, to lead to something for Wrestlemania. Smackdown has that type of angle going, and it's time for RAW to give us something like it also...


...and with Vince returning, he might just be able to start something with Eric that will lead to WM.

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Guest Just call me Dan

I think Vince will come out do an interview where he lets our some lame "shoot comments that aren't supposed to be shoot comments" to the fans and promises a big change (Austin Taker and Rock) which will end up going nowhere but might count for a .15 increase in the ratings.

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Guest Downhome
I think Vince will come out do an interview where he lets our some lame "shoot comments that aren't supposed to be shoot comments" to the fans and promises a big change (Austin Taker and Rock) which will end up going nowhere but might count for a .15 increase in the ratings.

Yeah, that's more and likely what will happen. In the past three years, how many f'n angles in both WWE and WCW have taken place that was built around being the "start of a big change" and ended up meaning donkey shit?

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Guest deadbeater

No I don't care for Bischoff in control of anything. He was there when AWA folded; he was there when WCW folded. I don't want him to go for the hat trick.

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Guest jester

I'm wondering if this means an end to brand split, or a significant change in it.

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Guest Just call me Dan

I would be incredibly happy if he axed the whole split, but it won't happen, at least not until after Wrestlemaina when it will have been given a year.

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Guest Downhome

It's going to be so weird when the splint ends in my opinion, very very weird.

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Guest Mole

It will defiently start a feud with Eric and Vince, that we all know.


They won't rename Raw Nirto, never ever. Raw is Vince's baby boy and he won't change the name to it. Besides, Nitro is a dead name, it was shit when it went away, and it will be shit if it comes back.

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Guest Downhome
It will defiently start a feud with Eric and Vince, that we all know.


They won't rename Raw Nirto, never ever. Raw is Vince's baby boy and he won't change the name to it. Besides, Nitro is a dead name, it was shit when it went away, and it will be shit if it comes back.

"WWF" was Vince's baby also, but we all know what happened there. He renamed the fed before he paid off the WWF, so don't tell me never ever. It's true, that anything can happen in that fed, nothing will really "shock" at what they do.

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I'm wondering if this means an end to brand split, or a significant change in it.

Possible "Shock" revelations for next week:


1. Vince, in total shock moment, announce the end of the God-Awful roster split live on the air without telling anyone else backstage about it beforehand.


2. That he's buried the hatchet with Bret Hart and that Bret will be on the Raw 10th Anniversery special


3. Comes out and bitches only to be attacked by Stone Cold Steve Austin, who makes his return to Raw


4. Announcing that he's renegotiated Rock's contract so that he'll be on both Raw and SD instead of being exclusive to SD only


5. Announce that he's signed Golberg to appear exclusively on Raw starting up a big build-up to his debut


6. Angle is recognized as the real World Champion, HHH's belt is turned back into the IC Belt, and Angle starts appearing on Raw along with Brock Lesner, who keeps making unnannounced appearances on Raw to get his hands on Kurt

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Guest Mole

Yeah, but he had NO choice when it came to changing the name of WWF.


He has a choice with Raw.

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Guest Downhome
6. Angle is recognized as the real World Champion, HHH's belt is turned back into the IC Belt, and Angle starts appearing on Raw along with Brock Lesner, who keeps making unnannounced appearances on Raw to get his hands on Kurt

You know better than to think HHH would allow that now. If Bret is going to be on that show, it would be wise to let it be known to boost the rating, as I'm sure more than a few would tune in for that.

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Guest Downhome
Yeah, but he had NO choice when it came to changing the name of WWF.


He has a choice with Raw.

I disagree. We all know that the reason the WWF mess started in the first place was to make some extra money for their cause, and they went for it. They wanted a buyout from Vince to keep the name, and Vince decided not to give in and to just change the name of his "baby".

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Guest geniusMoment

Prime Time Wrestling was vinces baby before raw.

Hulk Hogan was Vince's money making machine, before he let him walk to WCW.

What do both of those things have in common? They both stopped being useful and something fresh was needed. Raw is now stale and a change of pace is needed.

I am not saying Nitro is coming back, but don't tell me there is no chance that Vince will bring it back.

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Guest The Mighty Damaramu

Let's just get rid of Steph, let Vince control SD! and finish what was started in 1995. Vince McMahon vs. Eric Bischoff.

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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20

Was it just me or was the Crowd DEAD when they announced McMahon's return....?

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Guest Downhome
Was it just me or was the Crowd DEAD when they announced McMahon's return....?

Not just you, I didn't hear anything at all in return for saying his name.

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Guest geniusMoment

This idea may be stupid but its late so kill me.

What if Vince really does want to recreate the competitive atmosphere that launched the Monday Night Wars, he feels its good for business. So he gives Bisch total control of Raw or Nitro, whatever they call it, and McMahon takes smackdown. McMahon gives Bisch control over talent signings, with a budget. They have a real draft where each owner actually picks the talent they feel will draw and give that talent a contract. The only way talent switches sides is when their contract is up and a bidding war insues, now you must remember both owners must stay within their budget, that way Vince doesn't lose anymore money. They then have a real competition to see who can deliver higher ratings and buyrates, they are each given 6 ppvs a year on alternate months until it gets off the ground and they then increase the number of ppvs. The brands would truely look different. If you guys don't like Bisch you can substitute anyone is his place its not him personally I'm wondering about its wether or not you feel this would work.

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Guest Downhome
Let's just get rid of Steph, let Vince control SD! and finish what was started in 1995. Vince McMahon vs. Eric Bischoff.

I agree 100%, but we all know they'll never do that. They should have just signed Bishoff, Steiner, Flair, Goldberg, nWo, etc... when they first picked up WCW so we could have seen the angle as it should have been, having Nitro still come on, etc...

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Guest Human Fly

May the crowd didn't have a mic on it, because right before you could still here them chanting RVD and stuff like that. RVD, HBK, and Kane were probably still in the ring, and they didn't want the crowd noise from that to be in the other segment.


I think Vince will do some hype, plant the seeds for a future feud with Bisch but ultimately nothing important will happen.

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Guest The Metal Maniac

Judging from the way things have been going on RAW lately...


I think Vince is just gonna hand HHH another World Title and talk about how great HHH is for 20 minutes. Then Vince will rub oil on HHH's muscles, because IT WASN'T QUITE HOMO-EROTIC ENOUGH.

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Guest Mole

Downhome, you really think Vince will change Raw to Nitro? I just can't grasp that idea what so ever.

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Guest SP-1

Vince will do whatever he thinks will be big news. Renaming RAW to Nitro might generate that level of interest, if only temporarily. He'd do it, in my opinion.


I'm hoping it will bring some resolution to the Brand Split. I'd rather have Smackdown be the WWE show and let Uncle Eric bring back a real WCW.


Though a friend revealed to me something interesting that involved a new network and shows being moved . . . *keeps mouth shut beyond that*. I'm not saying it will happen, but considering m friend is in the business I'll at least treat with a little credibility and put it out as another viable option.

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Guest Downhome
Downhome, you really think Vince will change Raw to Nitro? I just can't grasp that idea what so ever.

I didn't say he was going to do it, I said that it was possible. I wont be suprised if he did it, that's all. I would personally love it if it happened, but that's just me. It isn't like RAW has much, if anything, going for it right now. It's name means nothing right now, so don't give me that. Besides, the name of the show isn't what makes it, the substance does. If they feel that by having that substance be more of a WCW type feel will help things, then yes it's quite possible they'll do it.

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Guest AndrewTS

I've seen too many "never say never" moments in WWE/F in the last two years to think Vince would refuse to make Raw Nitro.


And Bisch's already made various WCWish changes, and the Big Gold Belt came back.


The only question is--HOW will they screw this up?

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Guest Downhome
I've seen too many "never say never" moments in WWE/F in the last two years to think Vince would refuse to make Raw Nitro.


And Bisch's already made various WCWish changes, and the Big Gold Belt came back.


The only question is--HOW will they screw this up?

They'll let the wrong people go over, turn the wrong people face/heel, and they'll end it before one side or the other even has a chance to get things going. Not to mention that somewhere in the middle of all of this, they'll decide to "shock" us with something that we'll all want to vomit at the sight of.


It's how they end up screwing everything else up, haven't you learned by now?

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Guest AndrewTS

Also, a lot of WCW's one-time biggest stars and other ex-WCW guys are on Raw now. Scott Steiner, Jericho, Booker T, Ric Flair, William Regal, Lance Storm, Stacy Kiebler, Helms, Molly, Nash (when he heals), Raven--hell, even RVD was there briefly. Test, the possible one time WCW champ, is also there. :P


On SD? Big Show, Kidman, Los Guerreros, Benoit, Shannon Moore, Noble, Rey, Demott, Dawn Marie.


Maybe just coincidence, but it seems more ex-WCW guys, and of those, most of them are more noted for being part of WCW. Raw needs ratings anyway, so I wouldn't be shocked if Goldberg came to Raw, and I think Rock will stay on SD, since it doesn't seem right to not have the Rock on the Rock's show. :P It could built up as an "interpromotional" match.

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Guest subliminal_animal
May the crowd didn't have a mic on it, because right before you could still here them chanting RVD and stuff like that. RVD, HBK, and Kane were probably still in the ring, and they didn't want the crowd noise from that to be in the other segment.

I heard one guy make a noise, though. Maybe he's loud?


I hope MacMahon on Raw is not the end of the split. A lot of people won't get exposure, and the top feuds being the focus of two shows a week waters them down, and that's the last thing they need.

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