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Guest godthedog

real world/road rules: battle of the sexes

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Guest godthedog

i caught it on mtv last night, thinking it was just going to be a dumb, uneventful rock-and-jock type thing, but holy shit was i ever wrong. i barely recognized anybody (cause i only watched the first 3 seasons of 'real world' and never watched 'road rules'), but the 2 most memorable people from my watching days were on it: DAVID (from season 2) and PUCK (from season 3). i grew up watching the respective antics of these 2 assholes, and seeing them together was like a dream come true for me. it was like 2 television giants coming across generations to collide. like the reality tv equivalent of lou thesz and steve austin facing off in their primes.


i was worried at first, apprehensive that they might have matured and would want to get along with everyone else. thankfully that did not happen: this very first episode they got in a fight, and it was GLORIOUS. puck spat in david's face, and the next 15 minutes of the show was devoted to david yelling his ass off trying to get puck off the show. i was 13 years old again.


i know there are other people out there who watched those early 'real world' seasons. did any of you have the same kind of beautiful moment i had?

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Guest El Satanico

When i saw Puck it was almost enough to get me to watch the show. But in the end i went back to not caring and forgot about the show.


Still it was great seeing Puck who i still believe was the best Real World cast member. Puck stood out amongst a sea of pussies and whiners and told them all to fuck off.


It's what i'd like to do to every Real World cast except Seattle. Seattle was a cast full of drunks who'd rather have fun drink and get into fights over bitching or whining.

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Guest subliminal_animal

Topic post was hilarious.


I wanted to catch it, but I don't know when it's on.


Are most of the challenges physical or non-physical? If it's guys versus girls, the former is a squash, since I don't think Real World girls are very tough cookies.

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Guest kkktookmybabyaway

I was flipping channels, saw it and moved on.


Don't worry those of you who missed it, I'm sure there will be about 100 encore presentations next week...

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Guest hardyz1

I watched it and liked it. Puck indeed rules. The best thing, though, is that after all this time of everyone hating him, the cast members actually refused to go on if Puck was kicked off. Great stuff.


Now if only my favorite Road Rules cast members, (Car)Los and Timmy, were on, it would rock.

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Guest NoCalMike

I caught the last 5 minutes of it, so I will have to see the rerun on the weekend.

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Guest Harry Hood

Los was on one of these before wasn't he? I remember seeing him on MTV after his season...

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Guest subliminal_animal

I didn't watch that show, but I remember Los beating Tek in the wrestling challenge and the latter struggling like a little bitch.

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Guest the pinjockey

All I have to say is that the show had the most retarded opening ever. That whole beach party theme is stupid beyond belief.

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Guest Phoenix Fury Legdrop

I saw it. It only had two redeeming qualities: Puck (the closest to holiness that MTV will ever get to) and Amaya's gimongous boobies.

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Guest hardyz1

Remember on the 2000 challenge when Amaya threw a fit over having to bob for pigs' feet because she's Jewish? Then she talks about how she ate sausage for breakfast. And at the end the producers or whoever ask her about it, and she thinks that sausage is made from beef.



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Guest blah22

I guess Puck is well liked now, everyone said he has changed....but as the show went on he started showing parts of his old personality, which will make for some darn good TV!

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Guest Mole

I've never seen Real World before season 5. I have heard about Puck, but is he really that bad? What stuff has he done?



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Guest subliminal_animal

He got kicked out of the house for his season after antagonizing the gay guy. He basically got on everyone's nerves by saying whatever was on his mind. He's funny, too.

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Guest nl5xsk1

Am I the only one that still hates Puck?


With Puck and that annoying muscle-head from New Orleans on this season, I'm tempted not to watch ... and then I think of all those talented girls, and realize that I'll still watch the 5 hours of repeats that are destined to be on every weekend until next season.

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Guest LJSexay

Road Rules 7: Latin America owns everything else ever.


hahaha... and Real World 8: Hawaii.

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Guest Spaceman Spiff
Am I the only one that still hates Puck?

Nope, I have always and still do hate Puck.


Road Rules 7: Latin America owns everything else ever

Road Rules 1 > every other RR season. I had a huge crush on the blonde in that cast (nursing student?)

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Guest nl5xsk1

I'm tempted to start one of those "who's the hottest girl" threads, but figure I'm already right at the line of being a total meathead, and figure it might be enough to push me over that line.


(BTW, my three favorites that are on this season:)

1. Christina (RR6)

2. Rachel (RR 11)

3. Tonya (RW Chicago)


(( ... nl5xsk1 leaves to hang his head in shame for typing that))

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I HATE Tonya from RW:Chicago. The only RW cast member I dislike more is probably the entire cast of RW: Las Vegas minus Frank.



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Guest nikowwf
In order to place me in the "duh" category....


Until I read this post, I too thought that Sausage was made out of beef.



Yeah, but the difference between you and Amaya would be that you now know that Sausage is made of Pork, while Amaya is probably still struggling with the spelling of "pork".


She does have great boobs though. Wonder if Collin will try to get them for old times sake...



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Guest Black Lushus
Topic post was hilarious.


I wanted to catch it, but I don't know when it's on.


Are most of the challenges physical or non-physical? If it's guys versus girls, the former is a squash, since I don't think Real World girls are very tough cookies.

Well, so far, the challenges have been somewhat physical and the girls have been owning the guys...

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Guest hardyz1
Road Rules 1 > every other RR season. I had a huge crush on the blonde in that cast (nursing student?)

That would be Allison. She got on my nerves.


Los > everybody


"You are so spoiled! My God!"

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Guest Spaceman Spiff
Road Rules 1 > every other RR season.  I had a huge crush on the blonde in that cast (nursing student?)

That would be Allison. She got on my nerves.

Them's fightin' words. :lol:

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Guest NoCalMike

Seems the last two seasons of the Real World, they stock the house full of attractive looking people, and all they do is talk about dating each other, hooking up, and getting jealous when others are hooking up with other people. I don't think there has been an intelligent conversation on a Real World season since Real World Seattle......The show is turning kind of lame....but I am hooked, what can I say..?

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Guest franchise632
that annoying muscle-head from New Orleans

but without David from NO you might miss out on another sweet musical number on the piano. "dweedle dwee de dabba doo" maybe he can take his Fred Flintstone humming to a new level.





Thats right I hate him very much as well!!

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Guest Youth N Asia

I caught a few minutes of it.


Some guy was yelling a bunch of shit at another and got spit on for it. The things he said would have gotten him beaten to shit by most people...then he's going to cry about it.


I dunno...I think these shows are worked. I could never get into them.


And why are these shitheads in the 30s such crybabies?

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Guest Just call me Dan

David is probably looking back at this now in shame, he came off as a real puss and I cannot stand having to watch his bickering replayed over and over. Cool show, imo.

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