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Guest FeArHaVoC

Bob Holly Interview

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Listen, if holly actually DID something, like put Matt out of action for a few weeks, or broke a bone, or you know SERIOUSLY INJURED HIM then this 'uproar' as HTM called it would be warranted - but he didn't. This is w-r-e-s-t-l-i-n-g not home d-e-c-o-r-a-t-i-n-g. Everyone here crying 'assault' better check the name of the game.

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Guest The Mighty Damaramu

I don't feel sorry for Matt at all. He got roughed up. It happens.


Anyways to answer a question that Yuna asked waaaaaay earlier. The Sparky/Kid team lasted with the belts for like one show. They beat some crappy jobber teams in a tourney then beat Bam-Bam and some other corporation member. Then the next night they lost the titles to The Smoking Gunns.

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Guest bob_barron

They defeated Well Dunn, Heavenly Bodies and Bam Bam and Tatanka.


Bob shouldn't have violated Matt's trust in the ring is my opinion

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Guest Downhome
Thanks for the info, Damaramu and bob_barron. Except one thing....don't put a / with Sparky and my Seanny. That's just.........eww.

Oh my God, I don't even like Chyna that much, but your sig makes ME even want her.

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Guest The Mighty Damaramu

Calm dude..calm. Once you see the gigantic penis(it was airbrushed in playboy) you'll get away. I always knew that greasy little shit was a fag.

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I have no clue where I found the pic...oh yeah, my gal pal gave it to me. My question is, how the hell can she wear a shirt like that?!?! What does she do, tape the shirt to her nipples or something?


*thinks a moment* I would say that would hurt, but the lucky gal has Seanny there... damn her!


I always knew that greasy little shit was a fag.


And just what is wrong with THAT, might I ask?

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Guest The Mighty Damaramu

There's nothing wrong with being gay. I'm just saying I KNEW IT! AHA!

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Guest The Mighty Damaramu

Or did you mean what's wrong with being gay or being a greasy little shitball? Because there's nothing wrong with being gay, my problem however comes from the greasy shitballness.

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Guest godthedog

no doubt this piece of news will inspire countless slash stories of holly involving bad puns.


"so i heard you like to work stiff."


"stiffer than most."


"i like to work stiff too."


"good. i can take it as hard as i give it, and when i'm with a guy that works so solid it makes me work more solid too."


"sounds like i'd like it."


"i like to rough up the new guys, give them a little taste of what they're in for here."


"good. i like it rough."

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Guest The Mighty Damaramu

Yuna are you obsessed with wrestlers being homosexuals? Well maybe those 3 but for the most part I don't think they're gay.

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Yuna are you obsessed with wrestlers being homosexuals? Well maybe those 3 but for the most part I don't think they're gay.


No, I'm not obsesed. It's just my gimmick, I suppose. *shrug* Some wrestlers, yeah, I highly doubt they're gay in real life. Most of the writers just write about the characters (ie, Stevie Richards, not Michael Manna), and the real life people.

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Guest The Mighty Damaramu

Gimmick? God I hate MB gimmicks. Never in my life will I understand them.

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Guest Rob Edwards
Thanks for the info, Damaramu and bob_barron. Except one thing....don't put a / with Sparky and my Seanny. That's just.........eww.

Oh my God, I don't even like Chyna that much, but your sig makes ME even want her.

No point in that DH, she'll have changed it by tomorrow anyway!

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

Before this post, the total number of relies was 138.


We arrrrrrrre 138...


So yeah...fuck Sparky.

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Guest AndrewisyourHero

Do you think we're robot clean?

Does this face look almost mean?

It is time to be an android, not a man...

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Guest The Mighty Damaramu

Looks like Dave and Bryan on WOL are going off on him. Bryan agrees with most sentiments here. He said Bob's a bad worker so he needs to act tough to look good.

I dunno. I still think that he wasn't justified but the kid has to expect this stuff in the business. Bob said he was doing it to teach him a lesson.

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Guest Celtic Jobber

I'm from Mobile, AL and I think Bob Holly sucks. I'm glad he's injured and wish nothing but bad things for that piece of shit!

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Guest Vern Gagne

Maybe Holly was trying to tell Matt there's asshole's like me in the business who don't give a crap about your own well being in the ring and you can't get so emotional about it.

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Guest Mad Dog

I think Holly was told to do that. If the trainers weren't in on it they probably would've stopped the match when Matt started bleeding.

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Guest NoSelfWorth

Plus they allowed it to air. If they were in any way aghast at Bob the Knob's actions, they would never have let it air.

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Guest Brian

It's a double-edged issue. On one hand, Bob pushed the envelope when he attacked the throat. Chops, strikes to the back, kicks to the rib are all part of an in-ring hazing. But Bob took it past that. But on the other hand, Tough Enough is a crash course where they don't really pick up on the business, politics and variations of working, and one of those things is that not everyone is go in there with you and be soft and communicate everything. Some will sandbag. Some will be stiff. And when the trainers aren't around, hazing will probably be more than abundant. Especially on house shows. I think the Bob thing, if he wins, will help him in the long run in the WWE. Maybe Bradshaw won't rape him in the shower because he has that much more respect for him; that he was professional.

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Guest nikowwf

If Bob chopped the shit out of him and hit him hard I'd have no problem with it as I see people do this all the time. However, I've not seen people deliberately kick someone in the face repeatedly. That was over the line. It was Bob being a bully to someone who couldn't possibly retaliate cause he would lose his place on the show. It was such a pussy move. If you smack a wrestler hard, you have to take the chance he smacks you back hard. Holly had no fear of retaliation.


I really thought it was such a terrible pussy move. It does teach Matt a lesson, but not the lesson they were trying to teach. It teaches him their are a lot of assholes in the locker room that he needs to watch out for.


You think Holly would have learned his lesson after Brock dropping him on his head, but I guess not.



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Guest notJames

I've seen the footage a couple of times already, and I've read everyone's opinions and feelings on the matter, and I'm still not sold on which side to take, which is okay by me. My overall feeling is that this show has gotten progressively worse over the past few weeks, emphasizing anything BUT wrestling. And I think they know it too. So now they deliberately inject some drama into this little show just to get people talking again. I have no doubts that Holly was "encouraged" to go stiff on Matt. Doesn't make it right, but I'm not going to pretend that these pampered "students" don't deserve a little discomfort during their joy ride. In fact, they've earned it.


The "reality" sheen is fading fast, and I'm really seeing just how fake this show really is. Example: DeMott breaks down over the news of Rocco Rock's death. When he announces it to the kids, why does he refer to him by his "stage" name as opposed to his real name? I know a lot of wrestlers refer to each other that way, but honestly, how many of these kids ever even saw Public Enemy, much less knew that one of the guys was named Rocco Rock? Wouldn't it have been more respectful to say, "My mentor Ted Petty died..." And why did DeMott go out of his way to explain that he was part of PE? For whose benefit was that... the kids or the viewers?


I don't doubt the sentiment was real, but it seems like the scene was a bit scripted and heavy-handed in order to convey a sense of melodrama. I would have bought if they hadn't cut a couple of scenes later to the next night, where the trainers assaulted the house again with their ghey pranks. And there was DeMott in the thick of it, laughing and cavorting as if nothing had happened. Does that look like someone who just mourned the passing of his mentor?


The concept of the show is wearing thin, to the point that I barely even pay attention if it's on, if I tune in at all. Having the students live like the kids from 90210 makes the "torture" and "suffering" the learn in the ring seem like a bunch of bullshit, to the point where I really don't feel sorry for any of them for what they're going through... not even Matt.


That said, I hope Holly never wrestles again. Not that I'm mad about what he did. I just think he's boring.

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Does that look like someone who just mourned the passing of his mentor?


Hell, even Kotz would have a hard time recapping that. Still, this is a week they're summing up in about a half hour, so it's all edited and cut together. So, I'm guessing the "prank" happened before DeMott got that phone call.

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