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Guest TheGame2705

HHH Files..

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Guest TheGame2705

I'm sorry but it's not funny at all, it's very cliche, and it's just plain filler. I wasn't upset with the first one because I thought it was just a one time rib at all those who accuse HHH of all the world's evils but 2 and 3?

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Guest DrTom
I don't understand what it's supposed to be doing.

It's called "demonstrating absurdity by being absurd." At least that's my take on it. I've enjoyed them all.

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Geez guys. It's a satire on how HHH is blamed on everything lately...including things that have absolutely nothing to do with wrestling.



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Guest Agent of Oblivion

I for one am glad that there are people out there acting as watchdogs for this kind of behavior from people of celebrity status. Too long have people like HHH gone unchecked, allowed to run helter skelter all over America.


Now, I'm no conspiracy theorist, and I don't support fancifully jumping to conclusions, but I wouldn't be too surprised to learn that HHH was originally part of a communist plan to undermine the youth of our great nation with his low down attitude and big gold belt.


Kudos to YOU, Danny Gregory, for pointing out this fiend's misdeeds. Here's hoping that the mainstream media will take a hint and finally villify this man the way he deserves.


Be Ever Vigilant.

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Guest Gimmick Poster.com

Well, being an expert on satire for al least the first two days of my arrival, let me say this.....


The HHH files are not only a mockery of the IWC blaming HHH for everything under the sun that has a negative impact on the WWE, but also it's a satirization of the importance of those issues and the absurdity they are making news at all, mainly just because it's HHH and people need a reason ANY reason to bitch about him.


Kinetic has just taken that a little further and applied it to real life situations to amplify the ridiculous nature of the situation and accusations surrounding it, just because it's HHH.

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Guest Kinetic

I am the writer of these illustrious pieces and, yes, they're designed to satirize the "blame HHH for everything" attitude so prevelant in the IWC these days. I read this thread in the WWE folder the other day about how Triple H didn't like Tough Enough and thought "Big deal! I don't like Tough Enough, either. Why doesn't someone write an article about that." My destiny was clear. But about midway through my anti-Tough Enough article, I had a better idea. Thus "The HHH Files" were born. There's more to come, I assure you, so stay tuned.

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Guest Anglesault

I guess it would be funnier if he really WASN'T resposnible for most of the stuff we say.


I read this thread in the WWE folder the other day about how Triple H didn't like Tough Enough


Well, actually, it was that HHH was blaming TE for his own inability to get over.

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Guest TheGame2705

I think it's safe to say everyone can stop explaining what it is as everyone but Anglesault got it. All I said was that I thought it wasn't even satirically funny.

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Guest Kinetic

You're certainly entitled to your opinion, however wrong it might be. I can only judge by the information presented to me, but it definitely seems like we're diametrically opposed as far as tastes go anyway.


So I'm not going to kidnap you and force you to watch snuff films, if that's what you're thinking. I can handle criticism.



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Guest Anglesault
I think it's safe to say everyone can stop explaining what it is as everyone but Anglesault got it. All I said was that I thought it wasn't even satirically funny.

It probably would have made more sense if I read the first one. As is, I was trying to find the funny in HHH being an ass at Subway.

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