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Download XPW TV Online

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Hey, XPW TV is now available online for download. Please check it out. From the show there is Shark Boy vs Chris Hamrick, Tracy Smothers vs Angel, and Jonny Storm vs Zebra Kid vs Joey Matthews vs Jerry Lynn.


Its in 3 parts and you will need a high speed connection. Also I reccomend using a download program like Download Accelerator, to make it work better. www.downloadaccelerator.com







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Sweet! XPW are giving stuff away for free? Whats up with that :huh: or did it air on tv for free in the forst place.


I wanted to check out that 4 way, because of the FWA connection, and now I can :) Damn my slow connection though.



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EMAX owns.



Does anyone know which of the 3 files has the four way match? I would like to see it all, but its gonna take ages to d/l on 56k dial up.


If someone could tell me which of the files has the four way in it, i could just d/l that file.





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just tell me what u think, the 2nd file has shark boy vs harmick, which is good as well

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Guest razazteca

its a lost cause for me as the download is longer than 4 hours, for the 1st file.


I hate my ISP and phone line.

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I know what its like. British Telecom won't upgrade my telephone exchange, so i can not get broadband internet access.


Try and download Dowload Accelerator, and leave the internet on when you go out to work or something. Thats what I often do.



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Guest ChaosTheory

I downloaded the first one and watched about the first 5 to 10 minutes of it. This is definitely not for me. The crowd was totally trashing the Zebra guy, they were way more interested in trashing him then watching/cheering for the match. Lynn, Storm, & Matthews were putting forth some pretty good effort but these fans have no respect for the wrestlers.

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i was at the show, most fans were stupid there and made fun of zebra kid. I was trying to watch the match but the people around me kept distracting me,still it was a great match, and once zebra kid was eliminated the fans paid more attention. also on the shark boy vs harmick the fans were VERY respectful, it was only at zebra kid when they were not.

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46% downloaded so far. " and a bit hours to go :)


Was Zebra kid made fun of in a heel sort of way? How did he get over so quickly? He's over at FWA shows, but that was his first trip to XPW. I don't get it.



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it was his first time in xpw.

he was wearing a striped singlet, and the fans basically just cept calling him zebra fucker and chanting you fuck zebras

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it was his first time in xpw.

he was wearing a striped singlet, and the fans basically just cept calling him zebra fucker and chanting you fuck zebras

Sounds like an educated crowd. :D


I meant to say though: Did he get over as being a heel, or was he just sort of boo'd off in a bad sort of way, kind of like Konnan at ROH?



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Guest ChaosTheory

It was kind of fuc! you heat. Being a traditional fan it kind of made me ill to see Jerry Lynn/Joey Matthews/Jonny Storm wrestling in such an environment.

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he was booed as soon as he came out

Why on earth was that? Was it because he is from the UK, or just because the XPW fans are that way inclined. Im not saying anything about XPW fans, it just sounds like wierd behaviour to me.



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well, his ring attire looke a little odd, and it started out small, with people chanting things about him making love to zebra, and he kept feeding of the crowd, and turned and screamed "shut up you twats!" and at that point he was a major heel.

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well, his ring attire looke a little odd, and it started out small, with people chanting things about him making love to zebra, and he kept feeding of the crowd, and turned and screamed "shut up you twats!" and at that point he was a major heel.

Oh well, at least it was some sort of heel heat then. He plays the hell pretty well over here in the UK.


Does anyone know if hes working for XPW again?



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I downloading the 4-Way match right now, it's downloading at a pretty fast pace, but it'll still be a while before it's done. I'll reply with my thoughts on the match as soon as it finishes downloading.

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Ive still got about 40% to go, because i havent ben able to access the interenet for long periods of time. Ill try and get some of it done tonight though.


Out of interest, how long does it go on for.

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Just finished watching it.


I thought it was a quite good match. But it kind of lagged in places, and the finish let it down.


I dont get why the crowd were so against Zebra Kid. Right from the start, they were at him, and for no real reason. The crowd were actually pretty wierd throughout the macth. It seemed like they couldnt really give a crap about what was going on in the ring, and were more interested at shouting abuse at Zebra.


Sweet moonsault off the stage area (or whatever it was lol :lol:) Jonny was taking a leaf out of Jodys book there. But what was the commentator doing. He kind of let out a huge shriek when it happened.


I also noticed how the outside area seemed huge, and the fans were positioned a long way away from the ring. Any reason for that?


Also, the replyas were good in the way that they were slowed down. But it was annoying they way that you couldnt see what was happeing 'live' while the replays were being shown.


It wasnt bad, and if it wasnt for my slow internet conection I would take a look at the other two parts.



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