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Guest NoCalMike

In heaven/afterlife.....

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Guest The Hamburglar

Regardless of where I end up, I plan to take the form of a giant anthropomorphic penis, with arms, legs and a smiley face. I will then return to earth and become a mascot for a new giant fast food corporation. It'll be such fun.

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Guest Dopey
Once we die and our soul goes to heaven, and then the "new earth" is made, are we still just gonna be a bunch of souls floating around, or are we going to get human bodies again??  I mean naturally as a soul/spirit isn't there going to be a lot less things to do. Will we still have feelings and such?


.......if Dopey or Poet reads this...I am sure they can elaborate, oh and everyone else feel free as well....




Jesus was the first to be raised from the dead to a glorified existence no longer subject to death as the punshment for sin (Acts 26:23). When He returns to this world He will raise His servants to a resurrection life like His own (1 Cor. 15:20-23; 2 Cor. 5:1-5; Phil. 3:20-21). He will, indeed, raise the whole human race from the dead; but those who are not His will be raised for condemnation (John 5:29) and subject to the "second death" for their sins (Rev. 2:11; 21:8).


Our new bodies will be immortal. Our present bodies, like Adam's, are natural and earthly, subject to weakness and death. The resurrection body, like Christ's, will be spiritual, created and sustained by the Holy Spirit, and will belong to the eternal, imperishable, heavenly order (1 Corinthians 15:45-54).


After His resurrection, Jesus' disciples could recognize Him despite the differences in His new body. In the same way, Christians will recognize one another, and there will be joyful reunions when the separations caused by death are ended. This is apparent from 1 Thess. 4:13-18. In this passage Paul assured those who were grieving that they would see their Christian loved ones again.





Glorification is the work of transformation that removes all sin from us and makes us fit to be with God in perfect communion (1 Cor. 13:12), The saints will worship and serve God with a nature made whole and a heart set free. Our desire to be with God and enjoy His love will be fulfilled in the presence of the triune God (Job 19:26; Matt. 5:8; Rev. 22:3-4).

Paul's description in Rom. 8:30 of the process whereby God saves His elect concludes with a striking past tense: "He also glorified" those who were saved. Literally, glorification is still in the future for everone other that Jesus Himself. Paul's thought apparently is that our glorification has already been decided by God as part of His sovereign plan and can be spoken of as absolutely certain.


I hope this sheds some light on the situation.

I think it did.

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Guest The Old Me

I said it earlier, and I'm back again. JUst let me sleep when I die. I don't want to have to do ANY work in the afterlife.

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