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Guest Sandman9000

IZ feedback

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Guest Sandman9000

Kinda short show.


Thanks to BPP, jailbait, Zack, SP, HSJ, and anyone I forgot.


That the show sucked is 1000000% my fault, due to a lack of preparation. Since it'll prob be my last IZ for a while, a horrible way to go out.


Best thing to do is say "I'm sorry," and make up for it with a kick-ass Rumble.

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Guest SP-1

I enjoyed it, actually. I thought it flowed really well and the action was a fun read.


I'll add more when I go back through it again.

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Guest Mystery Eskimo

I liked it too.


Although my mystery assailant had better not be Rikishi.

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Guest Big Poppa Popick

books it to be rikishi




ya know, i finally start winning matches


and i job



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Guest Tony149

The show looked rushed, but it didn't turn into a bomb or anything. Soild effort. Don't forget your posting AP on the last Sunday of the month, SM.


And will we ever find out the mystery to who deleted the preview? I saw the early part of the show last night and thought WTF happened.

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Guest Sandman9000

I think it's something with the board. Didn't Evenflow do the same thing?


Either way, all it was was me saying show was going to be later then usual.


And AP stands for Anglepalooza, correct?

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Guest HollywoodSpikeJenkins

God my promo sucked. I wrote it in a rush with no real backstory to it. Fucking A.

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Guest Tony149
And AP stands for Anglepalooza, correct?

No. I mean you're really going to post AP on the last Sunday of the month. :)


Just joking. Yeah, AP = AnglePalooza.

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Guest Sandman9000

Don't do that to me Tony. Cruel and unusual punishment mang, cruel and unusual.

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