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Guest Black Tiger

Final Destination

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Guest crandamaniac

Didn't the original have a


*Possible Spoliler*






A really long and drawn out death scene with the Teacher?

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Guest HollywoodSpikeJenkins
Didn't the original have a


*Possible Spoliler*






A really long and drawn out death scene with the Teacher?




****8824719252Q3905709A35935739 ~~SPOILERS~~~ 135932590237502375012870&u)&u)!(&~&u+@q+~#




















Her computer blew up (.....) and the glass from the screen stabbed her in the neck. She was drinking some alchohol (forgot what) and her mug "magically" started cracking, letting drops of it spill all over and into the computer. She ran away to get a towel for her neck, when the computer set on fire (......) and got the alchohol that dripped on the floor (and on the computer) and set the house on fire. She somehow fell over, reached for a towel, and when she pulled it, a whole thing of knifes fell, with one stabbing her in the stomach. Devon Sawa did the Sports Entertainment Finish (Holy Christ, I read Scott Keith?) and tried to save her, but when he went to pull the knife out of her, a little explosion happened behind them, distracting him, and a chair fell on top of the knife, pushing it deeper into the teacher, killing her. Devon made the run out of the house, and the house exploded....







Sounds like a HHH match to me.

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Really? So he does get his hand chopped up in the garbage disposal? I was confused since the first trailers had him sticking his hand dangerously close to the blades to get a stuck ring, but then in a later trailer I saw he just snagged the ring and that was that.


I was SWERVED~! Which, from their perspective, is a damn smart idea. I'm still not impressed enough to see the film though. Maybe I'll rent it. Or download it.
















No he doesn't his hand chopped off. The fire starts and he reaches for his ring grabbing it just as the fire explodes. He climbs out of the window and goes down on the ladder. When he lands he tries to walk back but slips on some spaghetti he threw out earlier and then the ladder falls but stops inches away from his face.


You want the rest of the scene?

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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20



I'll finish the Scene.



























The end of the ladder falls straight through his eye, killing him instantly. The sad thing is, he had just won the Lottery ($250,000)

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