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Guest Mole

My mom passed away, PLEASE read to see...

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Guest Mole

My mom passed away this past Tuesday. She lost her battle to cancer, and died at the hospital, with my at her side. She was 58 years old, way too young to die.


I waited to post this, just till the funeral was over and stuff. It was great to see a lot of people come to her stuff, especially my friends. People I know from college and this camp I work at during the summer come. Some people came from 2 hours away to support me. Some people I didn't think who would show up, came to be there for me. You find out who your true friends; ones who show up for these things.


One thing that REALLY bothered me is some fella from this board. His e-mail addy is [email protected]. I don't remember his posting name, so I couldn't tell you. Basically, I wanna show how much of a prick he is and if anyone knows it can tell me. I have talked about him before at one point.


He always bothers me, but he has like 500 screen names, so he always finds a new one to bother me with. Well, he IMed me when my away messege was, on another sn of his. He saw that my away messege said that my mom passed away, so he started to ask me questions about it. Well, you read the convo, and you make your decision about it:


wizardman909: hey

ImTheMole: hi

wizardman909: how did your mom die?

wizardman909: From seeing the 10th anniversary special?

wizardman909: that was the 14th

ImTheMole: fuck you buddy

ImTheMole: nice way to ask the question

wizardman909: ?

wizardman909: how did she die

wizardman909: just curious

ImTheMole: thats my fuckin mom

wizardman909: since she was in her 50s

ImTheMole: u should ask a lot nicer

wizardman909: that was nice

ImTheMole: cancer

wizardman909: oh

wizardman909: Well

wizardman909: did she see the 10th anniversary special

wizardman909: before she died

wizardman909: or did she not make it to it?

wizardman909: so she didn't have to live through it

wizardman909: ?

ImTheMole: why does that matter

wizardman909: just curious

ImTheMole: dude, ur a cold bastard, you know that?

wizardman909: how so?

ImTheMole: thats my fuckin mom, my best friend, and ur beina prick about

ImTheMole: "did she make it before the x special, arrararar"

wizardman909: well a piece of crap like you deserves losing their mom and roommate

wizardman909: your roommate was kicked out

wizardman909: i heard

wizardman909: oh well

wizardman909: tough luck kid


ImTheMole: WOW MAN

ImTheMole: u are defiently a fucker

wizardman909: so were you up to it

wizardman909: to watch the Raw X special?

wizardman909: on Tuesday

wizardman909: or you "just couldn't"

wizardman909: because your mommy died

wizardman909: ?

ImTheMole: yes i watched it

wizardman909: did you watch it with your mommy

wizardman909: her final minutes in her life

wizardman909: before she died

wizardman909: she could have died at 11 pm

ImTheMole: no, she died before it, she doesnt watch wrestling anyway

wizardman909: oh

wizardman909: well she could have watched Raw

wizardman909: the previous day

ImTheMole: wow man, ur a fuckin cold ass prick fuckin motherfucker

ImTheMole: no, i went to raw that night

wizardman909: ?

wizardman909: was your mom feeling well when you got home?

ImTheMole: this is Lkdg32?

ImTheMole: she has been sick with cancer for a long time, the toughest time of my life

ImTheMole: she was in the hospital and everything

ImTheMole: is this Lkdg32?

ImTheMole: is it?

wizardman909: yep

wizardman909: did she suck your cock?

wizardman909: is that why you were so close to her?

ImTheMole: whas ur postin name, again, i dont see u post a lot

wizardman909: right

wizardman909: i don't post a lot

wizardman909: why?

ImTheMole: cuz, u dont post a lot, and i miss your funny comments

ImTheMole: and i wanna know who u are so i can see it when u post

wizardman909: i don't post anymore

wizardman909: or won't for awhile

wizardman909: nothing to post

wizardman909: other than when people turn 33

wizardman909: and that doesn't happen often

wizardman909: Jericho turns 33 on November 9

wizardman909: RVD turns 33 on December 10

ImTheMole: wow, bye


Then, he IMed me on his other name, and had this to say:


nick21NH: hi

ImTheMole: whoses this

nick21NH: another one of my random screennames

nick21NH: Lkdg32

nick21NH: if you are entertained by me so much

nick21NH: as you said

nick21NH: why do you block me

ImTheMole: cuz ur a fuck

nick21NH: you said "i am funny" or something

nick21NH: lol

nick21NH: i guess i pissed you off or something

ImTheMole: really?

ImTheMole: when u said my mom deserves to die cuz im a fuck or whatever u said

nick21NH: i was kidding

nick21NH: i did that to get you pissed off

nick21NH: that is funny

ImTheMole: dude, that isnt somethin to kid about

ImTheMole: u have major problems man

ImTheMole: seriously, major

nick21NH: why isn't it something to kid about?

nick21NH: she is dead

nick21NH: i don't care about your mom

nick21NH: i can make jokes about it

nick21NH: you may not find it funny

nick21NH: but i do

nick21NH: What about your dad?

nick21NH: Is he dead too?

nick21NH: Or is he in prison or something?

nick21NH: I mean you have a fucked up life

nick21NH: A roommate getting kicked out?

nick21NH: That never happens

nick21NH: at least never in my university

nick21NH: or ANYWHERE


nick21NH: yep

nick21NH: if you never asked to move away from your roommate

nick21NH: you must be fucked up like your roommate

nick21NH: a piece of crap

nick21NH: like him

nick21NH: who got kicked out

nick21NH: really pathetic

nick21NH: nothing to say?

ImTheMole: yup, my life is fucked up, so is everyones

nick21NH: everyones?

nick21NH: lol, how so?

ImTheMole: life is fucked up

nick21NH: how so?

nick21NH: people die of diseases

nick21NH: are your saying it's fucked up because your mom died?

nick21NH: stupid

ImTheMole: ahh, ya

ImTheMole: my mom was 58 yrs old, she didnt deserve to die

nick21NH: she was past her prime

nick21NH: she could only get worse

nick21NH: and she was going to retire

nick21NH: and do nothing likely

nick21NH: at least that is what most old people do

nick21NH: nothing

ImTheMole: wow, ur crazy

ImTheMole: and need a life

nick21NH: i have a life

ImTheMole: nope

nick21NH: not crazy at all

nick21NH: yep

nick21NH: I am entertained

nick21NH: I don't have the time for even a job now

ImTheMole: bye now


Then, he IMed me on 3 other names, trying to talk to me, they are: Aftr32, primepotential, nomoreprime.


This guy has problems, and it makes me sick.


What do you fellas think? Thanks

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Guest Matt Young

That guy is a total asshole. He's probably one of those stupid 14 year olds with no life who takes out his aggression and personal frustration on people on the internet (Note to all 14 year olds, such as Flyboy- I'm not saying all people your age are like that... just a select few I've encountered). Molestomp, I feel badly for you, man... You seem like a good guy and I'm sorry you've had to go through such rough times lately, first with your friend passing away, and now your own mother. It's truly a terrible event, and it's tragic that she died at that age. My condolences go out to you and your family. I know it will take a long time for the pain to heal, and it'll likely never go away fully, but I will honestly be praying for you and your family.

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Guest The Old Me

I think whoever that was is about 14, tops. Sorry to hear about your loss. I cannot imagine what pain like that feels like, as I've never had someone that close to me die.

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Guest Downhome

First off, man, I am so fucking sorry for what's been going on in your life here lately. You have my deepest sympathy's, just remember that there are guys out there who care, and I do care.


As for that guy, he is the one that posted here for a while, and he was (and still is) hung up about wrestlers in their prime, and saying how no one is anygood past the age of 33, it's all he fucking talks about.


He's been IM'ing me lately, and I've been sending him wrestling matches over ICQ. I had no idea he was such a bastard, and I just want you to know that after reading all of that shit above, my connections have now ceased to exist, I want nothing to do with such a looser.


Once again, I'm so sorry what's happened to you, and your entire family, just don't let guys like him get you down, they aren't worth your time.

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Guest Downhome

Here is the conversation I just had with the bastard. Read, enjoy, laugh your ass off, or whatever the hell you want to do...


Lkdg32: reply when you get back

Lkdg32: you like to no sell between 10-1 for some reason

Downhome00: Do you have any other screen names?

Downhome00: wizardman909

Downhome00: nick21NH

Lkdg32: why?

Downhome00: Aftr32

Downhome00: primepotential

Lkdg32: yes, how did you know?

Downhome00: nomoreprime

Downhome00: You really fucked up big time ya bastard, you really did.

Lkdg32: ?

Lkdg32: how so?

Lkdg32: oh i was messing around with him

Lkdg32: like i always do

Lkdg32: the mole

Lkdg32: he pisses me off

Downhome00: Trust me, you fucked up.

Lkdg32: i don't mean the things i say, but it only pisses him off for the short-term

Lkdg32: you are talking about the mole right?

Downhome00: What goes around comes around, being an asshole is not the way to be, it'll always kick you in the ass.

Downhome00: Yes.

Lkdg32: i know, i'm sorry BUT, he was an asshole to me

Lkdg32: saying things to upset me

Lkdg32: so i upset him

Downhome00: Like what?

Lkdg32: BUT i don't really mean it

Lkdg32: calling me a loser

Downhome00: What did he possibly say to get you to insult a fucking DEATH?

Lkdg32: saying i have no life

Downhome00: There is no excuse for that.

Lkdg32: stuff like that

Downhome00: Well, if you are IM'ing people with shit like that then guess what, just guess.

Downhome00: You DON'T have a fucking life, and you ARE a looser.

Lkdg32: I'm not, only him

Lkdg32: he really pissed me off

Downhome00: How old are you, 14, 13?

Lkdg32: i'm 19

Downhome00: You are 19, and fucking said shit like that?

Lkdg32: i'm sorry about what i did, but he did the same to me

Downhome00: Not only are you a looser and have no life, but you are a mentally retarded immature bitch also.

Downhome00: no one fucks with my friends.

Lkdg32: yes, but i didn't mean it, and it only affects him for the short-term, and short-term doesn't matter

Lkdg32: he fucked with me

Lkdg32: but i told him i didn't mean it

Downhome00: It's doesn't MATTER what you fucking meant, you said it, you fucked up, and that's that.

Downhome00: Here's how it's going to work...

Lkdg32: i'm sorry, i had no idea it would piss his friend off so much

Lkdg32: i told you the way i think before

Lkdg32: at least i think i did

Lkdg32: i have to figure things out, i don't have any brothers and sisters

Downhome00: 1) You are a moron, and have no right to say anything anymore, so shut the hell up.

Lkdg32: i'm getting better, i used to be more clueless a few years ago

Downhome00: I'm serious, shut up and don't say anything untill I'm done.

Lkdg32: i'm not good with people's emotions

Downhome00: Are you going to be quiet?

Lkdg32: ok

Downhome00: I'm in controll right now, so do what the fuck I say.

Downhome00: Now, don't say anything untill I'm done.

Lkdg32: ok

Downhome00: 1) You are a fucking moron with no respect for anything.

Downhome00: 2) You are an immature mothter fucker who supprises me with his ability to even use the internet.

Downhome00: 3) You are lying about your age, unless you take the short bus to school, no way you are a normal 19 year old. You obviously are not normal though.

Downhome00: 4) You see, when you act like a moron like this, and don't think about what you are doing, it WILL bite you in the ass.

Downhome00: 5) If you want to download anymore shit from me, then think again. Don't the fuck even THINK about asking me, if I ever want you to I'll let you the fuck know.6

Downhome00: 6) Your MOTHER FUCKING PRIME argument, it doesn't hold a drop of PISS, PERIOD. It's the stupidest bastard like argument I've ever heard in my life, and I've heard some STUPID mother fuckers before.

Downhome00: Now, agree all of that is true.

Downhome00: Then it'll all be over.

Downhome00: Just agree.

Downhome00: You may speak now.

Lkdg32: what will be over?

Downhome00: Agree that it's all true, and you'll know.

Lkdg32: will you forgive me?

Downhome00: I'll give you to the count of 5.

Downhome00: 1

Downhome00: 2

Downhome00: 3

Downhome00: 4

Lkdg32: agreed

Lkdg32: ?

Lkdg32: ok i'm sorry

Downhome00: I said it would be over, and it is. FUCK YOU, THIS CONVERSATION IS THE FUCK...

Downhome00: ...OVER!


...I love doing this type of shit to morons, I really the fuck do.


(This has been Downhome with an attitude, paid for by that basterd is a whore enterprises.)

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Guest Ravenbomb


First of all, sorry to hear about your mom, that really really sucks. That guy is a total dick, he IM'ed me a bunch demanding my Hotline server be open 24/7. Not saying what he said to you is the same, it's way worse, just saying...that guy sucks...

the following names are him



Shock Ownz 02

I think lileclipsearcher might be, I forget




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Guest Youth N Asia

After reading the first couple lines on that IM convo I didn't want to read anymore...people can be real pieces of shit.


There's really nothing I can say but to give my sympathies. I'm very very sorry to hear about that. I know how it can be. I lost my mom on Dec 30, 1999. Something I'll never get over.


Take care, bro

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Guest Anglesault

Jesus Christ. What a sick, cold motherfucker. Nothing disgusts me more than someone who is cold to someone who has lost a loved one. I'm very sorry for your loss, Molestomp.

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Guest Texas Small Arms 09

Mole, I'm very sorry for your loss. And I agree with the rest of the guys when they say he is probably some 14 year old with no life and shit.

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Guest evenflowDDT

What the FUCK is wrong with that guy? I mean seriously. Death, particularly of someone close, is nothing to joke about. How can someone be so bitter towards someone they only know from a message board?

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Guest Mole

Thanks Downhome, you showed him who was boss.


And this is what he said on ANOTHER screen name about my friend who just died:


Kabal29: Hi

Kabal29: This is Justin

Kabal29: Your roommate

Kabal29: Justin Ramos

Kabal29: You there?

Kabal29: I have to leave soon

Kabal29: My laptop isn't working

Kabal29: I got a new computer

ImTheMole: WOW



Kabal29: lol

Kabal29: just kidding, this isn't him, but justin definitely is a loser


Kabal29: really?

Kabal29: i thought he got kicked out

Kabal29: how did he die?




It's called Karma man, everything comes back to you.


Thanks fellas, she was an amazing person. At the service, there is a time when people can say stuff about my mother.


My dad, my mom's best friend, then my sister all went before me. I went last, and I just said everything that came to my mind, straight from the heart. All I knew were the quotes I was going to say, and a few stories. I basically winged it, and I was told I touched a lot of people.


The first quote I used was from Phish, Down with Disease. It goes: "Waiting for the time, when I can finally say; this has all been wonderful and now I'm on my way. When I think its time, to leave it all behind; I try to find a way to, but there is nothing I can say to make is stop"


The second quote is from Queen, Best Friend: "You're the best friend, that I've ever had. Been with you such a long time, you're my sunshine and I want you to know that my feelings are true, I really love you, ohhh you're my best friend." - Queen


If this sounds like I am bragging, I am sorry, I just want to get this stuff off my chest and to share how the funeral went. I know I probably won't meet any of you in my life, so I thought you could be at the funeral, in this way.


Thanks fellas.

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Guest Johnson1620

I just fucked with him myself, nothing extreme, just some mind games.


But man I'm sorry for your loss. My dad passed away about a year ago. He was 60. Heart attack.

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Guest Texas Small Arms 09

Mole you have nothing to be sorry about. If this in some way helps you, I don't think any of us have a problem with it. And if they do, they deserve an ass kickin'. You know people are here to listen.

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Sorry about your loss, Mole. I doubt that guy would have the balls to say those things to your face if he met you in real life. Its easy to talk shit when you hide behind a computer.

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Guest Ace309

Mole, I'm sorry about your loss. Please accept my deepest sympathies, and I hope the shithead quits bothering you.

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Guest SP-1

Mole, I'm truly sorry to hear about your mother and your friend. I lost a good friend of mine, and my father was killed in an accident when I was five.


It gets better. But it takes time. The tricky part is not letting it make you into a cold person. I'll pray for you.

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Guest AlwaysPissedOff

Lkdg is just a spineless , prime-obsessed ratfuck who isn't worthy to lick your jock, Mole. Sorry for your loss and that you had to suffer through horseshit from that sorry waste of goat semen.

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Guest Mole
I just fucked with him myself, nothing extreme, just some mind games.


But man I'm sorry for your loss. My dad passed away about a year ago. He was 60. Heart attack.

This you Lkdg32? Wow, mind games eh? What you said was the cruelest thing anyone can say to another human being. If I offended you by calling you a loser, I am sorry for it. I remember the convo, and the stuff you said to me was crazy. But now, you are a loser. For some reason, if I ever see you in person, I will kick you ass so bad, you won't know what is coming. Even though I am only 5'6" & 145lbs, talking shit about my mother like that will bring out so much strength, it would be like you were fighting a man twice my size. I would never stop fighting you, even if you were kicking my ass. You would have to kill me before I stopped.


Sorry about your Dad though, it sucks losing someone.

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Guest Muzz



My deepest condolences Molestomp.


I wouldn't worry about this guy, he'll die a lonely death.

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Guest Mole

Johnson, sorry about what I said about you. Actually, I wasn't even talking about you, just the other crappy dude. I thought you were the guy, I miss read the post. My bad bro.

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Guest IDrinkRatsMilk

First off, Mole, you have my deepest sympathies. Hang in there, man.

I couldn't bring myself to read the entire convo, but what a prick that guy is. I knew he was incredibly stupid from when he posted here, but he's the worst kind of fucking bastard on top of that.

I like what you did, Downhome. It was satisfying for me to read that, and I've never even talked to the bitch.

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Guest Sassquatch

Mole, you have my deepest, deepest symathies man.


I can't even imagine my mom dying at this stage in her life so I hope you can get through this man.


Reading this thread caused me to phone my mom at her home and tell her "I love you" just because I do.


Again, I can't even fathom how you must be feeling right now Mole and I hope you get through this.


May she rest in peace.

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Guest kkktookmybabyaway

That's the problem with the underclass -- they get the same rights as you and I, and one of these rights is to use the Internet.


Sorry about your mom...

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Guest Insanityman

Molestomp, you have my deepest sympathy. I feel so sorry that you had to experience that little prick also, he's the guy who has to act badass over the internet because he doesn't have the balls to do it to anyone's face. I hope you can hang in there and make it through the tough, tough times.

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Guest RobJohnstone

sorry about your mom bro. My grandmother passed away from cancer and I saw it all happen, that is the worst. I hope you feel better man.



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Guest Dangerous A

My deepest sympathies to you Molestomp. That has to be the hardest thing ever. When I think of when one of my parents is gonna die I get knotted up in the throat and teary eyed. I really am sorry for your loss.



Now onto the fuckhead who could actually say that shit to you after what happened. I tell you, I don't know who he is and have never seen him, but I swear if I heard him say something like that to a friend of mine in my presence, big or not big, I'd do whatever was in my power to fuck him up. And not just kick his ass, I mean cripple the motherfucker. While the internet is a great tool, it sometimes can suck when immature little shitheads take advantage of the fact you can't see them or know where they are, so they get bold and talk all kinds of shit. Sad, sad, sad. I just ranted.



Again, my condolences to you and your family, Molestomp.

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Guest AM The Kid

Mole, I am so sorry for your loss. I've lost a few people close to me lately from cancer as well, and it is awful. To lose your mom though, I feel so very sorry for you losing her. I'm glad you were there for her when she was passing away.


That guy that IMed you is a total asshole and I'm sorry that you had to deal with that. You're bigger than him, remember that.


My condolences.

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Guest Big Poppa Popick

Too bad the world doesnt come with global moderators who can ban such people and make our lives easier...


Sorry bro, lost my grandfather x-mas time last year.


The kids a prick, and he'll get his. In the meantime, if he shows up here on this board, I'll personally demand and see to it that he's banned before his first post

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Mole, my condolenses as well. How you even have the strength to talk about it astounds me.


As some of you may know, he's annoyed me over IM as well and while before I considered him a very annoying troll, he's now one of the lowest beings on this planet.


I personally guarantee you that should he ever try and get back onto this board, he WILL be banned. I hate that asshole anyway.



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