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Guest Angel_Grace_Blue

The greatest short story ever

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Guest Angel_Grace_Blue

Well, this comes from the local newspaper, a year ago-ish. Anywho, apparently some "gifted" kids learned about forensics and such, and wrote mystery stories after their learning experience. The top three were in the paper, and this is number three. I shudder to think what numbers 4 - whatever were. Without further ado, the greatest:


The Mystery of Mandy

By Andrea M. Maxwell


It was a sunny day and Mandy was coming home from work. Then she decided to go to the old movie theater, because she used to work there.


As soon as she got in, she stepped away from the door and it was slammed shut with a loud bang! Someone was there! Mandy reached for the light switch but she couldn’t find it. They must have taken it off when they cut off the power.


Then she headed to the door when suddenly, someone grabbed her and put their hand over her mouth so nobody would hear her scream. Sure enough, Mandy screamed, but the person’s hand wasn’t gripped hard enough so everybody a mile away could have heard her.


Then the person said, “Any last words?”


Mandy said, “Yes, I happened to have some last words. That I’m a Christian, that you will be found and put in jail, and HELP!!!”

Then the criminal said, “I don’t think so.”


The criminal found a knife laying on the floor from the last movie that was shown. He tried stabbing Mandy through the heart, but Mandy had it planned, she wasn’t going without a fight. So she pushed away the knife and reached in her purse for a sharp pin.


At the same time, she was holding back the knife. She found it! She stabbed him in the arm but that just made him harder to handle. Suddenly the door opened. It was Veronica, Mandy’s older sister. Mandy saw her. Then she screamed Veronica! Help I’m being…” At that moment Veronica had just seen the very last thing she ever wanted to see, her sister was murdered!


She ran to get help. That was good in the criminal’s point of view. Now he had time to stick Mandy in the hole in the wall and run away! This was not good. So that is what the criminal did. He shoved her in the hole and he ran away. Then, Veronica returned with the police and an investigator and the criminal was gone!


Veronica said, “Oh, Please help me find out who killed my baby sister!”


So the police and the investigator got to work. They looked around for Mandy, they couldn’t find her. So then they checked along to see if there were any holes in the wall. Sure enough there was poor little dead Mandy sitting in the first hole they found. Veronica got a casket for Mandy and the police and the investigator got to work on the case.


They questioned some people and they got a list of subjects. The list of subjects were: Jake (Mandy’s X-boyfriend), Jane, Mandy’s X-best-friend, Jim, Mandy’s always jealous bus driver. So now they have to find clues. They found the knife, the finger nail filer, and the criminals blood. So they got all of the evidence together and they eliminated Jim because he didn’t fit any of the clues.


Then they eliminated Jane because they found a lock of hair sure to be the criminal’s and it was boys hair and Jane had long hair. The only person left was Jake, Mandy’s x-boyfriend. He fit all the clues. Jake was arrested for a very long time and Veronica and the rest of Mandy’s family was very upset for a very long time. Mandy had her funeral a few days later. That is the solved mystery of Mandy.

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Guest realitycheck

Hey, that's like 10x better than what I wrote in grade four. And at least this kid can use grammar...







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Guest 5_moves_of_doom

I really should post something from the sixth grade that I wrote... just to, you know, show how much better a writer I was in the sixth grade than whoever the fuck wrote this.

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Guest Crowe

In Year 5 I wrote a horror story where the young boy kills his entire family in the sickest, most brutal ways my mind could imagine.


The one that sticks out in my mind is the chainsaw slowly cutting into the achilles tendon and calf muscles and then cutting off the penis and shoving it in the mouth.




I watched a lot of horror movies as a young man.

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