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Guest ManKinnd

Light tubes and barbed wire?

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Guest ManKinnd

I'm not clear on the whole situation with barbed wire and lightbulbs not being used anymore. Are they really banned by the athletic board? What's going on?

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Guest Sandman9000

It started with XPW first show in Viking Hall. Supreme and Angel fought into the womens bathroom and bled on the daughter of someone important, I forget who, but I believe he's a judge of some sort, or has some kind of connection to the PA Athletic Commission. This obviously draws the PAAC's attention.


November, CZW's Night of Infamy show, Zandig and Wifebeater face off in an I Quit No Rope Barbed Wire Stripped Ring Barbed Wire Canvas Fans Bring The Weapons Deathmatch. Both men bled buckets, Zandig dove off a balcony through WB and two tables, Beater hit a Choke 'N' Stein off the stage through two lightbulb and barbed wire tables below. Finish came when WB zapped Zandig several times with the weedwhacker while Mac Smack poured salt onto Zandig back. Frank Talent, deputy PAAC commission, in a work, came into the match and demanded the match stopped. Instead of stopping the match, Zandig said I Quit. Easily the most violent match in Viking Hall history, and up there with the most violent CZW matches ever.


The next week, PAAC calls a meeting, bringing together the big dons of the Philly area. Zandig, Kleinrock for XPW, Feinstein, I think either Meanie or Jasmin, hell, even the Weeee sent someone. Commission said that because of what XPW and CZW were doing, deathmatches were banned, and the deathmatch elements (being lightbulbs and barbed wire) were banned. Also, bleeding in the crowd was forbidden as well. Any of those being broken would result in a promoter losing their license, and the bleeding in the crowd would result in the workers needing to get HIV tests.


I personally think that this was a knee-jerk reaction by the PAAC. I think that they saw that the bar of having the most violent matches kept on being raised by XPW and CZW, and wanted to put an end to it before someone either got seriously hurt or died. I have no problems with the no bleeding in the crowds rule; hell, I believe that is a smart idea. As for the barbed wire and glass, I think about halfway through the year, the commission will start letting barbed wire back in in small doses. Consider it a test to see if both promotions can behave. My personal feelings on that matter, of course.


If I missed anything, or if anyone wants to fill in some of the blanks, lemme know.

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

True, this is a somewhat smart rule. But no barbed wire? That only stops bleeding...and they never said anything about RAZOR wire...

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I always wondered about HIV anyway. I mean, even with a small WWE style blade job, there must be a chance of contracting the virus. Especially if both guys are blading.


I think I asked this before, but does anyone know if there are rules about this sort of thing? Do you have to take and HIV test before you can wrestle of what. I used to play rugby union at college, and if you play professionally, you have to be tested and have to leave the filed if you get busted open (to be stitched up - before you can return).


Surely a respectable company like the wwe (yeah right) muct have a process for this sort of thing, but that make sme wonder about steriods, surely they would show up on the tests aswell?


Personally, I cant think why anyone would take the risk of wrestling someone that could be HIV positive, but with frequents tripa around the world in the indy's surely the threat is always there.


When you think about it, its kind of supprising that wrestlers havent been affected by this a good deal more in the past.



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