Guest realitycheck Report post Posted January 20, 2003 Okay, first, a couple of notes... - The boards can kindly go fist themselves. Now, on to the show. - Looks solid, match wise. I haven't read in-depth, besides the matches I marked. I was a little unimpressed by two things however: The lack of promos, and the amount of no-shows. The lack of promos is understandable, because a lot of people would like to save up for the PPV, but still. One or two besides the after ME one would've been nice. - Some of the no-shows were excusable, in the case of the guantlet match (WC and Johnny), but of course, they never sit right with me. - On the same topic...WC, I pity you very much. Johnny, grrr. ::shakes fist:: - And finally... Spike Jenkins. What can I say? Spike is GOD right now. He is, without question, THE MAN. Six promos last show--and get this--9600 words tonight. That's awesome, in every sense of the word. And honestly, I think that might be the longest regular show match in the HISTORY of the SWF. Just spectacular. Spike, you deserve a cold one and several thousand slaps on the back. Everyone else, it may be long, but DO read this match. Now, commentskis, the rest of you. -Z Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Mr. Slim Citrus Report post Posted January 20, 2003 Well, like I said in the chat, what goes around, comes around, I guess. I reckon I had it coming for stiffing Johnny in a tag match a couple of months back... Not to take anything away from the M7, though. You guys wrote a good match. I'll try to give you a better review after I give it a full read. Spike = teh roq. I don't know what I can say that would do that match justice. PS, thanks for putting the WR 2003 over! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Powerplay Report post Posted January 20, 2003 Well, first off: People, bow down to your new JL God, Spike Jenkins. He wrote a FANTASTIC match, and generally allowed everyone to in the JL to beat his ass at LEAST once. Not only that, but he nailed many characters and made it a match that you could really get into. If you DON'T READ THIS MATCH, I will most likely ban you from chat. Don't ask me how I'll know, but I will. So READ THE GOD DAMN MATCH. And the ending made me want to cry. I HATE YOU SO MUCH YET YOU ROCK SO MUCH AT THE SAME TIME. DAMN YOU. Onto the show. Arian's was a real short match, though not too bad for what it was. Hopefully we'll see something bigger Crowe's match was of course another display of what the fucking bird could have been doing for the whole time he's been lurking. Another solid win, and where he starts to bleed (With Natasha there and all and the table and the clawing and the hurting and stuff) is certainly an interesting moment. I guess drugs can make you write better sometimes. Ejiro and Fugue: I was seriously worried that there wouldn't BE a match for the Main Event, but you guys pulled it off wonderfully. Hopefully both of you will be getting up to the WF soon. IL: I haven't read you match (Hey, it's 3:13 A.M for me), but a quote from CIA: "Zed, from now on, just book IL in Hardcore matches. He will be bumped in a month. He just has a thing for brutality." And I don't know how many times I can say Spike rocks. Damn it, man, you'd better get a World Title Reign before you're bumped, man. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Secret Agent 0 Report post Posted January 20, 2003 This like totally sucks, I had planned on finishing it when i got home from work tonight then sending it in. But no, the shows posted already. It's my fault, and i am really sorry Wildchild. This wasn't any kind of retribution or anything, i just fucked up. I need to stop assuming i know the due dates and take a look. I thought it was a little odd, that WC was so persistant about the match today. Damn... I apologize man. BTW, WC wrote a kick ass first half for the match, it rocked the house. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest HollywoodSpikeJenkins Report post Posted January 20, 2003 *sniff sniff* I love this thread. Edit: But anyway. After rereading my match, I wonder what the hell you guys are talking about. I thought it wasn't that good. Made alot of Spelling errors (mostly towards the end) and a lot of grammar mistakes. And god, the matches seemed like a hundred words apiece as they were so short. Damn you Grammar God~! Oh yeah, Line of the Night. ""And now on The Spike Jenkins Show, we have Spike Jenkins doing some very spike things like spiking a football and going to spike the punch. Because all this Spike is making me Spike a SPIKE, SPIKE, SPIKE!" "King! Snap out of it!" yells Axis as he starts to shake The Suicide King loose from his Spike Jenkins induced haze. "The bad man is gone King! The bad man is gone!" "I...I...I'm sorry Axis," stammers the Suicide King. "There was just too much Jenkins for even ME to assimilate. I apologize, but he's haunting my dreams and I just keep seeing his face wherever I go!" The Suicide King shakes his head and shivers. "That's okay, King," says Axis, "I know all of the exposure to Jenkins can be hazardous to your health." He looks gravely into the camera. "All you children at home remember, always eat at least an hour before spending any time watching Spike Jenkins." " Ejiro/Fugue = teh true roq Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Crowe Report post Posted January 20, 2003 Arian's match needed more wordage, why was it so short anyway? IL's match kicked ass, nice brutality in that one. Fuckin ouch @ a car trunk being slammed into the back. What can I say about Spike's match? That was a great read, I found the second fall to be especially clever. Well done, mate. Oh that Magnificent Seven, evil bastards with superb writing abilities. *shakes fist* Keep up the good work. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest X briar rose X Report post Posted January 20, 2003 I'm sorry for the short match. It was thrown together via lack of motivation. The PPV, however, will have my full attention, I assure you. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Freakish_Twist_Of_Fate Report post Posted January 20, 2003 I don't know... This "Spike" character seems a bit... Over-hyped. (snicker) Just kidding. A hella stellar effort thrown together. Yet he seemed so panicked in chat about getting one match or the other written... Curtain-jerker match was definitely short... But things happen. The PPV 'curtain-jerker' will definitely not be short! Interesting concept with the Ford plant match... Awesomely written match to take full advantage of it, too. Mmmmm... Big-time punishment and fun... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Longdogger_Pete Report post Posted January 21, 2003 When certain selected SJL members get bumped at the Clusterfuck, you can bet we're going to be looking out for new faces to take their places in the JL main events. What this means is that every single man (or woman) on the roster has a chance to show the JLCC how much they want to be there. What am I getting at? On the last two consecutive shows, Spike Jenkins has proven, in my mind, that he wants to be at the top. Kudos, Spike. Keep up the good work. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Goodear Report post Posted January 21, 2003 This is me pretending to be Danny Williams giving a review. For those of you who don't know, Danny basically does some of the best match reviews there is, basically about psychology and the like (while Frost, the other great reveiwer does more about story and character related stuff). But, anyway, this is me doing the Danny style... poorly. Arianwyn Rivenstone vs. Leon Sharpe Yeah lack of motivation = a very short match. But at least the direction of the match made a little sense as Rivenstone starts out with some quick striking to the legs before getting caught. Obviously, the match ends way too quickly with a disqualification and actually serves to make the DoD look pretty much like a joke since they cannot seem to hang with Leon one-on-one for more than a minute. Quite frankly, if you want to get up the ladder, you're going to have to at least put yourself over in the 30 second match you're going to write against a no show. Crow vs. Mike Van Siclen Crow really has to get away from doing Raven-esque stuff. Regardless of who made what famous, as long as he's doing the gothic stuff and crusifix poses the stigma is going to be there. Anyway, MVS goes right for the striking and Crow immediately bails out of the ring to stop the beating. Which I guess makes sense considering that Crow is bleeding litterally seconds into the match from his previous cuts. But I always think that making someone bleed should matter a little more than Crow seems to be using it here. Like bleeding should be a major event in a wrestling match that signals that there is some real animosity between the guys. Here, it appears to be more of a 'Crow always bleeds... so he's bleeding' sort of deal. The brawl goes back and forth for a bit without either guy getting an advantage, although one would think Crow would have a much better brawling style than Mike. But Mike is evidentally brawling just as much as Crow and actually digs his fingernails into his face and biting him. Which really does not strike me as something Mike would actually do. MVS has always been more of a 'I have to win' type than a 'I have to make you suffer' guy in my book. On the other hand, you do go back to the start of the match with the lighter in the pocket that the referee never got a chance to search for which is prefectly good storytellling. Although I think you and Card might be going to Natasha a bit too much as far as leading to your wins. It has a real RAW match quality to it where you know the match isn't going to end until Natasha gets involved somehow. It's like, she's the most over of the three of you... and that shouldn't be the case. Dace Night vs. IL in a car factory Weird ass deathmatch stipulation, which I'm really not a fan of but these guys didn't book the thing. The match starts up with some strait up brawling but I feel as though Luchadore reversed the roles of the guys for the first exchange. If anything, Rickmen is the one going to be dodging blows while Dace stands up and takes them. Anyway, Dace goes right to a trunk full of weapons which makes sense since this is a match in a car factory but makes less sense these guys have no issue. You would think that you would want them to start out normally and have some sort of anger develop between the two before they went to the props. The workers coming in for the night shift seemed sort of out of place in this encounter, although Dace's response to them was classic with weedcaliber. The next sequence seems a bit odd though as IL punches at Dace for a bit before Dace just throws him away and starts to chase him around. Why is IL running now after leaping at Weed Wacker Weilding Dace just a moment ago? The guys battle over some light tubes for a while before Dace picks on a worker and The Luchadore goes to work with a chair. See, this is why I have an issue with hardcore matches... if one of these things were to make contact in a normal match, it would be over. But in a hardcore match, all this stuff happens with minutes of each other and the guys just wade on through it. And with that, I think I'll stop with this match since I don't think I'm judging it under the right criteria. Spike vs. The World The early commentary is a little off putting as King pushes Spike above all the world. But mostly because King has never said anything about Card or Janus sucking... I mean I could buy it if we're just talking about WC and Dangerous. Although you make up for that immediately as Spike essentially distracts himself with Natasha until Card hits you from behind, which is totally in character. You also are smart to keep the action with Chris pretty simple on both ends to start in order to save something for the rest of the matches. Natasha finally getting caught drew a bit of a mark out from me, until you TRUMPED that with a nut shot to Spike to draw the DQ. Good start as Spike goes over in the first fall in believable fashion without giving away too much early. Janus going right to the attack and going for the fall is exactly what he should be going for if you ask me. Although I think you should have sold less "Spike is tired" and more "Spike's nuts are in his throat". Anyway, Janus kicks seven shades of crap out of Spike and I'm all YES YES YES before the ref gets knocked out. I think it might have been better to have that actually be an accident though than have Spike pull him into the way of Janus since every time I've seen a wrestler do that its been a DQ. Anyway, Spike then cheats as much as humanly possible to get the pin in a perfectly acceptable manner. WildChild comes out and completely swarms over Spike with the quicks and the world rejoices. In short order, WildChild hits the 2003 Space Oddessy and Ejiro is out for the distraction. Boy, that Ejiro is a bastard. WildChild then gives chase to the champ and off they go for the count out. I don't know if WildChild would actually do that or not... but it seemed nessesary to get him eliminated without Spike resorting back to cheating like a bastard AGAIN and the ladder match is on. Both guys go to the kicks and Dangerous comes out on top, which makes perfect sense normally much less when Spike has already faced 3 guys. And they go for the PS2 at the same time before Johnny hits the cover up off the ladder in a contrived sequence which seems rather off to me. Like, wouldn't Spike have to be facing away from the center of the ladder for the move to make any sense? And why would Spike be the first one to get moving after the move? Ending with Dace seemed like a really good screw you moment, which normally I wouldn't endorse a face to do to a heel. But this is Spike we're talking about and bad things are supposed to happen to him. Match of the night. Ejiro and Fugue vs. Johnny and WildChild I wrote the first half and Fugue the second for those of you who care, I was really unhappy with how my section turned out as I was writing it, so lets see how it looks upon further inspection. I'm actually a little cold on my own gimmick at the moment, as I'm not really sure Hydra is getting across what I want him to. But that probably won't be an issue much longer. Actually I think the opening is working pretty well now that I look at it again with W&D getting out of the gates fast and keeping the mat workers off balance with strikes and high flying maneuvers. Then Fugue goes right to Johnny's jaw before Dangerous goes to the reverse DDT he used on Janus last show. WildChild eats an elbow though after missing the Chicklet buster that my spell checker just hates and the Mag 7 work him over in my boring fashion. I'm such the wear down with brawling guy anymore... I hope to get the Title match a little more back and forth and more exciting. And after Johnny breaks up the Cattle Mutilation is where Fugue takes the writing reigns... And immediately the match gets WAYYYYY better with The M7 using the exposed turnbuckle as a weapon like you wouldn't believe. That is until BLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD FRENZY! Johnny is in and gets buried with a tiger suplex before getting caught in the Harmony and making with the tap tap. See? Johnny doesn't always escape the move! Got to build that thing up for the Ultimate Fight and I think this match kind of did that. Post match beat down was to further Janus as evil guy and send the people home happy with Dace + Weed Wacker... And there it be. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Crowe Report post Posted January 22, 2003 Crow really has to get away from doing Raven-esque stuff. Regardless of who made what famous, as long as he's doing the gothic stuff and crusifix poses the stigma is going to be there. I disagree. Crow has maybe one or two similarities to Raven. The crucifix pose being one, and the bird related name. Crow has a gothic tinge, but is no way as poetic or profound as Raven is/was. Crow has no resemblence in look, wrestling style or whatever. MVS has always been more of a 'I have to win' type than a 'I have to make you suffer' guy in my book. MVS is a focused, AT ALL COSTS wrestler. he will doing anything and everything necessary to win the match. In my book, inflicting torture and making an opponent bleed is an at all costs type of thing. Your other comments, I'll keep in mind while writing my PPV match. Ta. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites